Okay I'm panicking the fuck out, I shower everyday and try to keep at least decent in my hygiene, but I have been getting acne shit on my dick for about a year and I don't know how to stop it. Help me robots, how the fuck do I fix this???
Help me please
Like on your actual dick?
Yes, and it fucking sucks
Do a barreI roIl.
Cut your dick off to get rid of the acne
Stop washing your dick, and properly clean the shit off your ass. I'm shouldn't need to tell you how.
Is it the Herp's? if not dry that bitch out as much as you can. No one likes a moist crotch
Stop beating your dick so fucking much. Heard it fucks up your hormone levels. Other than that maybe try to not eat like a dumpster.
Is this real? And yes I clean the shit off my ass I am not a mongoloid
I've never had sex in my life
I barely jack off, if ever, and I keep a routine diet so I don't get fat and retarded. Although I am still retarded.
Then keep that area as dry as possible.
any tips on how to keep it dry???
Idk that's the extent of my knowledge on this one
FUCKING WHYY DOEs this Happen TO mE FUCkkk
Are you sure it's acne? Do you have a lot of acne on your face?
Sometimes yeah, but it's appeared on the back of my neck and chest before.
Just did a little research. Apparently it's caused by sweating.
So I should try to cool it on running around like a retard and instead sit spread eagle with the cold wind on my dick?
Clean your dick everyday.
Also, go into uncharted territory. Apply retinol to your dick and report back what happens over the course of 3 months. Thank you, my discord is Makoroni#7777 if you could give me daily updates of changes
Get some baby powder and start using some of that
Ahh the mystical feet smell remover, I should have thought of that.
You sound very gay
If you get sweaty change your underwear
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I shower twice a day, normally go through a few pairs, or do you mean the underwear type?
Fuck I got nothing then. Sorry.
I think you were almost onto something. Maybe it has something to do with the fabric and the way I was them. Maybe it's me sweating in bed, maybe it's when I am at work? I'll try a few methods, thank you for helping.
Dont wear tight underwear. Air it out if you can. Wear light materials Keep it groomed
Groom every month or so, and I wear boxers. But I work in a really hot environment and I have to layer blankets or I will freeze. I will think of some ways to fix this.
As long as you are not like 400 pounds you should be able to deal with it. Try using specific acne scrubs on it. They make a ton for the face which work nicely for any weird flair ups.