whats the best drug for a robot?
Whats the best drug for a robot?
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I'd probably say opioids.
can confirm this
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Mushrooms. Weed, MDMA and XANAX.
I like stims. Haven't tried opioids yet. Benzos are meh, but I still take 2-3mg a day. I hate weed with all my heart.
Just try some and see what works for you. Not all of our brains are the same, different people enjoy different things, and that goes for robots as well.
I don't know a single person who doesn't like MDMA, so definitely try that.
damn thats a lot of meth
I want to do a 3 bowl NN-DMT trip shit would make Terrace Mckenna look like a little bitch.
Opioids legit don't work on me which is gay. Stims are good though because they turn you into someone who is actually capable of socializing, especially MDMA which is pretty much a chad pill. Only done it once but would like to do it again someday.
Opioids (and dissociatives to an even greater degree) are a bit of an acquired taste.
Ketamine to clear up all that self loathing and depression.
Not really, opioids effects aren't really subjective it sounds like, but I get no euphoria for some reason
Dissociatives are definitely subjective and an acquired taste, I like them though
Former opioid addict here. One of the most aggravating aspects of opioid abuse is that it can have the paradoxical effect of just making you super fucking irritable all the time.
I always see this user who doesn't get euphoric on opioids and just gets tired and nauseous. I hope you have a good day man.
I wanna say coke, but I'm not sure how it would affect a robot. It makes me real talkative and outgoing, but I already am fairly talkative and outgoing while sober.
Sex with someone you love
Opioids are really weird. Sometimes they make you feel truly and deeply euphoric, and sometimes that make you fall asleep.
Yeah, I see him to. His genetics may have spared him from a potentially terrible addiction.
I've seen a couple anons saying the same thing as well, it's bizarre indeed
And I totally would probably fall to opiate addiction because that comfy euphoria that opiates are always described as is something I desperately need right now, everything else lost it's luster in life. So guess it is a good thing.
Coke in a social setting. Will make you a normal person
Shrooms can help with autism.
Mushrooms/LSD/DMT and psychedelic research chems.
Weed personally worsens my mental problems while psychedelics haven't at all yet.
Haven't tried dissos although I would want to try ketamine.
Also stay away from depressants and opiates completely if you care about your well being. Stims can be used responsibly but stims can be cardio and neurotoxic.
Also I rarely do psychedelics. I wouldn't want to take them frequently. Has only been one time in the past year or two and that was mushrooms.
must be nice, where can I get my hands on this stuff
>so lonely
grow them. It's not hard if you can make a cheap vent box and have lysol.
Dmt is a solid recommendation.
Don't know if this helps at all but Xanax for me personally would be a good option with some minor set backs.
For me personally Xanax was a good way to disassociate myself from other people.
Got rid of my anxiety thought less about how to go about social interactions etc.
I would take 2 before school 2 after and pop another 2 before I went to work
But down sides for me at least were I sometimes would loose large portions of time from my memory and not be able to remember what had happened ( Wasn't all that bad I actually kind of enjoyed not being able to remember much it is just a bit disorienting)
I would also get pretty bad anger issues towards the end of the day when they would start to wear off
but other than that they're pretty rad
benzos alcohol opioids and dissociatives
possibly cannabis for some
The psychedlics in general may make not give a fuck about getting a gf
Stimulants for those in need of a boost in productiveness and socialization
Benzos for those riddled with fear and anxiety
Psychedelics for those who seek personal development and a change in perspective
And Opioids for those who have given up
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Id probably second that motion
Killyourselffaggot thats not real robots in therr
Opioids are so fucking good that you should never try them. If you are generally unhappy then they are extremely dangerous to experiment with
I only do them to lift up my mood
>try them after surgery prescription
>they dont even do much (albeit they fixed my pain)
>for some reason after i ran out all i wanted was more
Its just like nothings better than being on them
one dose of a hallucinogen and weed, lots and lots of weed
I mean take a psych once, and then just smoke weed afterwards to help you understand what it meant