will .454 casull rounds put down a charging nigger? I mean like the larger ones. like the big brody/old silverback/tyrone niggers. I had to move to a ghetto recently and i'm picking my gun of choice just encase a walk turns into a big boar nigger hunting safari.
the ooga booga people here like to carry 9mm and they can't shoot for shit. But goddamn some of them niggers are big. I'd like to bag myself one but only if they charge me(and they inevitably will). Can any of you big nosed booty liped black sun bitches tell me if it'll work? I got bigger guns too.
Self defense
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Have fun going to prison afterward and getting HIV from being raped by 10 Tyrones
If you put enough 9mm rounds in a nigger, they'll go down eventually. Just stick with the 9mm user.
A 22. will kill anyone on Earth in an instant if your aim isn't shit.
Honestly, anything above .38 special is useful. Just get a firearm you can handle effectively.
may as well stick to nerf rounds, faggot. You could shoot em 9 times and they'd still be able to run a whole block, still have enough time to draw theirs. I like the big guns because it only takes one shot.
Shot placement is king, user. 9mm is enough to penetrate even the bigger nogs
I mean, it depends on where you hit him. If you hit him in the knees, then there is no way he is gonna keep charging. But if you hit him in the chest and hit his lung, heart, etc, he will probably keep going for another 20 seconds or so because nigger rage. Also, if you shoot him in the head, there is a chance we will keep charging because misfiring neurons, but he wont go far. Even if he slams into you after, it wont do really much damage to you because you know he can't move his arms to beat you and stuff since you shot him in the head and all. Also, protip, the chest thing only applies if he is charging, so if you get him while you are being mugged and while he is standing still, then he is going down.
A 44. Mag revolver would fuck them up but only having six rounds would suck if there were a pack of nig nogs.
Just shotgun carry with these guys. Kel tech has the ksg-25 which holds 20+1 12 gauge shotgun shells. Fill them with pic related and you'll have yourself a good day of bagging pavement apes.
>implying i don't carry two ridiculously big guns
got a big ol' .500 15 incher right here. 12 is more than enough.
thanks, fren. I hear ape meat tastes like bear meat (which i used to eat when i hunted bears)
.600 NITRO
I wouldn't eat them were I you. Probably full of coke, weed, and "lean", none of which is good for anyone. You might be able to turn their hands into ash trays like they used to do with their cousins, though.
go to because they'll tolerate racism framed around gun questions better than r9k will, you wanna be.
nice. What about a 1911 with 45. ACP? Bigger bullet than 9mm and more rounds than a revolver
They usually run after the first shot. But, having a backup gun never hurts.
Fuck off, non-white. Go be brown somewhere else.
Any board will, r*ddit snowflake. Just look up the stories of a paramedic in chimp central Detroit. We all fucking hate niggers. They are bad. They should be hated. Fuck yourself and every unfortunate event that led to such a self-identity hating birth as yours.
what is it with people bashing on the revolvers ammo capacity? it doesen't take that long only fumbling scared faggots can't keep their cool when reloading.
>But goddamn some of them niggers are big. I'd like to bag myself one
Imagine writing this and having the audacity to call people niggers
Hey mods, I know you WORK FOR FREE, but do your job and ban posters whom break the rules, please
9mm should suffice. Being a good shot will do you better Justice in a self defense scenario. I moved from the ghetto to a small town where the wh*tebois are bred thiccer than your average hoodrat and I have no doubt I could put them down with good technique
i don't see the contradiction. Nigs gon nog
>if you don't want to murder people you must hate yourself
This whole post is projection. You have issues you need to sort through bub
So much micro-penis and k/autism in one thread jesus
>i don't see the contradiction between being a violent bloodthirsty subhuman yet calling people niggers
I'm not surprised
>His response
>Durr theyre niggers who are violent and gotta urge to kill now shut up cuck and lemme continue my fantasy about killing
This. Beta males were a mistake. Being white is automatically negated when you are an insecure inferior male with betarage. Most niggers are leagues above guys like these.
what rule is he braking? Everyone here is racist.
>if you don't encourage non civilized, violent, stupid people to demographically replace you in general and stomp your face in particular for no reason you are literally hitler
This whole post is jewishness. You have issues that you cannot sort through, pal.
>thinking that virtue signaling on Jow Forums will make people less aware of the problems of society, which are sadly not the racist white people trying not to be replaced, will make your r*ddit agenda more succesful
Sweetie, go back.
Press X to doubt.png
You cant even talk to a female what makes you think your cracker jack ass is gonna shoot right pussy.
Playing to much Red Dead eh?
Except i didn't say that lol
>ha i see this guy figured out i'm projecting
>lets project my thoughts on him some more, that i'll show
2000 IQ intellect
boah you better put that mandigo dick back in your pants boah rubbin your head all over the keyboard like it's a godamn white womin but it's not a white women, it's a white man right here right now in america godamnit
what makes me think i can shoot right? my time at the range, dummy. Some niggers can talk to white women and they can't shoot for shit. I cant se how shooting straight is corilated to talking to wimin.
Blacks aren't human so it's not like we're interacting with peers.
>if you ever think something is wrong you must be virtue signaling
Lack of ethics is a common nigger trait. You sure you are not 44% nigger or something?
>kill black (bad) guy
>go to prison
You were implying Jow Forums is a place with morals and racism is an uncommon occurence rather than a widespread idea. I'd tell you to stop using normalfaggot memes and buzzwords as well, but I'd rather not making harder than it is to spot cuck r*dditors. Not that it is very already anyway.
Not if you dip the rounds in holy water
>ethics = anti racism = anti white
What is unethical about taking into account statistics regarding traits of a group and asking questions to defend oneself from them, albeit in a childish manner? Seems totally ethical to me.
"Kill" someone who has done nothing indirect to them but r9k is schizophrenic and violent
Call blacks violent for not doing anything to you
Do ethics apply when removing a parasite from a host?
I'm starting to think this is all OP and his cuck nerds. Make "racist" post and have I N T E L E C T U A L cuckolds call him out. Except he implied only self defense, not starting shit. Nice try.
No i were not. I can see why you thought that though. You assumed im . Which is interesting because you're calling me reddit, while you assume that everyone you talk to is the same person. This is very common for redditors because they are used to the username structure of reddit and get confused as to who is who when they are on Jow Forums.
So yet another projection from you. I have lost count at this point how many times you have done this. With these skills you should look for a job in a movie theater, at least you wont be worthless anymore then.
as a christian american i already pray over my bullets. I have an alter where i say this prayer "heavenly father bless these bullets with your power so that they may smite down all niggers and eskimos who try to threaten my american way of life"
>what is not ethical about having murder fantasies
I don't know, you tell me
Of course, user. Not only is it unethical to categorize something as parasitic, but thinking of prevention of related problems caused by it represents the pinnacle of unethicalness.
OP cant even spell what makes you think he can make logical decisions hes a retarted probably like his parent and maybe a one percent chance his buckteeth ugly offspring
I can see your IP, r*dditfag. Now stop replaying the same "projecting", "no u" and "lol u dumb" trying to get a genuine reaction out of me. You are pathetic and you should kill yourself and go.
>self defense
>murder fantasies
boah i told you godamn swamp teeth booty lip big mandingo dick chimpmanse oragnitan motherfuckers whats right. godamnit my bullets never miss. My blesses holy bullets shine in the dark and hit the glowies hding behind their CIA badges. I have the power of god.
this board isn't well suited for this kind of discussion because it simply mirrors what you will see in the redpill threads on Jow Forums or "muh self defense" threads on Jow Forums.
Most of you are never going to be in a situation where you need a gun or weapon to defend yourself or your property.
Most of you couldn't look a black person in the eye while saying your racist shit because you'd flinch at the first sign of movement from these "apes" that you claim you hate.
Where the fuck did you all learn to spew these memes, whose thoughts are you living? Your own?
Go watch american history x, fuckheads.. You might get it. Probably not, but it's your best chance.
Ok, I guess I'm unethical. Oh well.
humans aren't meant to survive the sig 1911 so you good senpai
boah i din' just looka blackard in the face. I pulled out my phone and showed him moonman. And he liked it.
>watch kike propaganda
I'd prefer a nice look at Evola's Ride the Tiger.
>"ayo crackas you best be listenin to OP, he's got dem fuggin uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh big azz guns, shieet took out my whole squad. shieet"
sigh. It's so easy to get a reaction from you poltards it's no longer even fun. You can practically tell what kind of reaction you're going to get too.
Simpletons. Nitwits. Buffoons.
That's all.
I don't bash it, just saying having more ammo is a plus.
>those insults
>that spacing
I agree, good sir. Say, have you tried the latest mario kart racer on the switch? I wanted too but the wife send me away while her lover was over. Gotta give her her privacy a few times a week, you know.
if english is your second language, you are forgiven, if not, leave this thread and don't come back.
OP here. I'm gonna have to use this.
No, it's my second. I came here from Mexico after hopping the border wall in '05. Damn autocorrect haha you feel me? My family is still stuck there and it's harder to cross the border now. See you at the next impeach drumpf rally? Cousin Lopez said that he wants to send a few mules to the US and if I don't help shut down the border he'll have my head on a platter. Haha, funny guy.
yikes, you activated your trap card, whatever shall I do.
honestly, you lose an argument by default and then resort to posting gore? Go to /b/, stay there a few more years. Edgy nothing.
sorry about your squad, tyrone
user, you're the one trying to convince me (and bnb others) to change our ways by telling me to watch a piece of fiction directed, acted, and produced by people I would presumably not trust (jews). It's the equivalent of me telling you to read Mein Kampf and expecting you to not be insulted. Seriously, if you're going to call others simpletons, don't act like one yourself.
thanks, cracka bitch. I'm trruamtized in sheit
I don't have anything further to say to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu (you).
blacks, whites, asians. It doesn't matter. Those who find themselves at the end of my blade all face the same fate.
i just wish i could change. Don't be like m guys.
What argument did I lose hombre? Dios mio. It's like el4channo is a safe spacio for your cuckoldry as if it il reddito. Non non non amigo. Now make some more placards, my bros need to make a mess with the wall and shit.
I guess you've never heard of hollow point rounds. Not even a giganigger could take several Black Talon rounds.
And just to illustrate my point:
Imagine being this retarded.