I was sitting at the diner. and seeing that hispanics are moving into my neighborhood. there was a shooting at the IHOP yesterday. niggers. gang related. Trump might lose in 2020 and then it will be a jew or a ingress president. I'm a white cis male. i could buy a long gun and shoot up a school but that's been done already. I think suicide is the best way out.
White cis male sucide
Why not just move?
The further north you go, the less you'll dislike the place.
OR just become Goose Wayne
Did you ever question why America is like this? It's because idiots like you give up and have no aim in life. Stand for something, you pathetic little shrimp
Then again, no right winger would use the word "cis", this is probably a discord tranny.
lol "irl" i would wreck your shit i live in New York wheree am i going to go maine? im not alone. civilization is toast white males should kys. let the niggers fight over the scraps
That's how life is you sheltered white retard. People kill rob and steal. Life isn't a fucking fairy tail were you have biscuits and egg in the morning and go to your nice university then meat your future wife in a nice white picket fence. Well maybe it is for your kind, but that's not reality for us because you fucking dogs do this to us. Can't wait for "conservatives" aka racist faggots get whats coming to them.
stupidest thing i've ever read
fight or die fag
OP here. im white me and mhy family we just live and work and die. but niggers and spics do crime murder and deal drugs. im white. and niggers come into a store and i think "crime" and then i go home ad then i read the the paper and it says niggers robbed the store. am a racist? and then I try to date women and they say im racist.
>am I a racist
Yes you dumb fuck low IQ caveman. Don't you know what fucking racism is?
Good on ya mate, suicide it's guaranteed your best option, especially considering you're a poor broke ugly low IQ incel.
but isnt is reality? statistically balck people do crime.
Imj not a racist for belicing the facts.
if any of you were standing ina store and 3 niggers walked in wouldnt you leave?
To those who wish to live, let them fight. And to those who do not wish to fight in this eternal world of struggle, they do not deserve to live.
I don't live around black people but your assumption that those three black people who are walking in are gangbangers proves that you're a racist. What if these three black guys are dressed properly and aren't wearing hood type clothing. Would you still walk away out of fear of being shot? Also how fucking scared do you have to be of three dudes walking in to the store when you're not even the cashier. You think you're the target? How privileged are you lmao
no because then those black people would be acting white. but i live around niggers. that means black people in ther natural state. they are criminals. its not my fault. i feel bad because i know niggers will take over my town. i dont want to live to see that happen. thats why suicide
>acting white
Anyone who isn't a gangbanger is acting white? Holy fuck how delusional can you be? No blacks aren't naturally violent, no one is. It's out of necessity that they have to do these things because whites not too long ago made it really hard for blacks to make something out of themselves. Now I"m not defending blacks either because they have grown an ego out of their recent success due to incentives. Those people are absolute trash and are the epitome of Uncle Tom retards who secretly hate themselves. Just like you who has been sheltered all his life and thinks that he is a naturally docile because its in muh genes. No faggot, not too long ago your kind was running around the jungles burning everyone shit and raping women. Faggot
where do u live where u can can go into a store or a shop and and if a nigger walks in you are not alarmed? are you racist or ignorant. ive met people like you. you are the "nice" white person that say "not all niggers are criminals." you are fucking delusional
People with that sort of attitude don't actually live around large populations of blacks. They're either in high percentage white states, gated neighborhoods, or in the nice parts of large cities. They have no clue what it's like to be mugged by blacks, get assaulted, have your things stolen, etc. They're speaking from the proverbial ivory tower.
I'm currently in Houston and I've talked to a few black people already and they weren't criminals. So whatever echo chamber you're getting your information from is clearly wrong. I do know one thing tho, blacks and other minorities who live below the poverty line affect crime rates significantly. To just ignore that fact, and say it's genetics when there's no proof of this infamous gene that says blacks are all dangerous animals.
>it's because of their IQ
No faggot the correlation between IQ has nothing to do with race. The main difference between people is social class, and currently the average white person in America earns significantly more than the average black person or latino.
no is buying this nonsense
get out, don't kill yourself though. The guy above is proof that minorities prey on your weakness, you must overcome them.
ok but im talking about realf life reality. anywhere in the us montana or NYC if you are in a store and three niggers walk in you know shit is going down. i get that niggers aer oppressed look at africa their natureal state is animals. thats why they are living in huts. so im a white guy, im buying a soda and i see a wild animal. a nigger come into my 7/11 and i panic am i racist. no because i go home and read that the 7/11 was robbed by niggers
>no is buying this nonsense
Conservatives are hardwired to their stupidity I don't blame yah! So damn sheltered you think you're the chosen people. Sad
i mean niggers are animals am i alone on this?
You sound like you have down syndrome and english is my second language.
You would fight me for saying to hang in there but you just give up and let the niggers take it all... pathetic
>I can't get a house or a wife, all I can do is crime
>kill whitey for having these things
Why do you people vehemently oppose all civilization?
That's demonstrably false. The richest blacks are still more likely to be in prison than the poorest whites.
i dont care where u live or what language u speak its universal that niggers are criminals. you can be the "good white guy" but he's going to rob you . sad to see that you fuck ups are letting your blood line dry out thus suicide
That faggot OP said he'd beat me up IRL but wont put the slightest amount of effort into continuing the white race.
OP here fuck ups in this thread just confirmed my worst fears the white race is dead. there are white faggots defending niggers in this thread.
the white race is dead. suicide is the answer. i wont live to see niggers fuck my daughters
because it's a purograty where you people live as the masters and us the slaves. No more fuck boy. I'd rather die than be subservient to you shit heads. In retrospect I actually like it that you guys are getting absolutely destroyed in your own nation even tho you really aren't and it's just Republican propaganda to try and keep the status quo.
kys as soon as possible. Nothing personal kid but your racist boomer parents have indoctrinated you to their close mindedness. Also I want to see those powerpoints white people always do for their child as they sob in front of others. That's priceless.
Yeah do it pussy
t. nigger rapes his daughter
i dont know if i hate niggers or myself more.
what would happen if nigger ran the world'? look at AFRICA its niggers in huts with AIDs. fuck. they are vermin.
Why do you racist always have these cuck fantasies? I think it's funny how Jow Forums is turning into a bunch of sissies these days. You guys are unbelievably submissive and gross. The sooner you guys come to realize that your a bunch of faggots the better. White genocide when?
niggers are vermin. literally they are little more than monkeys. look at africa they are fucking animals.
Did your parents stay together?
Did they have you while married?
Did they plan to have you?
Were they financially ready to have you?
Did you really put your heart into learning in school or did you joke around?
Were you ever influenced negatively by ghetto culture?
Be honest, user. Chances are, it wasn't us.
He is accusing you of having cuck fantasies, not the other way around idiot
congrats op ive never seen a more ignorant fucking retard, the fact is that country is made out of little white snowflakes like you is laughable, no wonder other ethnicities and nationalities take your jobs when theres backwards ass people like you who cry and complain about statistics. grow some fucking balls you fucking retard
i didnt know niggers could type
you are either a nigger or a white person and a nigger is going to rob you.
Niggers and spics are shut out of the system, always have been, so the only thing they have left is gangs, violence, things like that. Now that the system is trash and falling apart, white people who always thought the system would take care of them are left in a lurch. They never had to learn to stick together, in fact they are very used to competing with and stepping over each other in many ways. Now they count the days, drink, do drugs, isolate themselves and wait for something to save them, like Trump or q or ancient aliens
Yes, just kill yourself.
You'll be better off (assuming so because you're on here whining and are obviously unhappy, plus you're already considering it) and so will we.
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