ITT we talk about religon

So do you hold any kind of religion and if so which one?
If you are religous why do you hold that religon?

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Alright, why not then?

ur a jew

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I ain't religious but I do believe in a God. Cause idk to me it just makes sense.

my religion could beat your religion in a fist fight

Have you always held this belief or did you adopt it later in life?

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I used to think a lot about religion and god when I was at school and it fucked my whole childhood and teenage years. Came to conclusion that just being nice and kind is all that really matters.

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I'm actually Mormon.
If you do follow the tenants then you will live a happy righteous life. It's not really something that can be denied. Everything about the Mormon religion advocates family, success, piety and resisting things that are bad for you.
I'm not ready to repent for all the things I've done because some I'm still doing but one day I will and I'll live a happy life.

so you follow Mormonism because you like the moral, or you truly believe that religion?

Not a real term. The short term is LDS (the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints). LDS is just like being Christian only stricter.
I believe in the morals and the teachings (for the most part). We teach that there's no hell. Only outer darkness for those who completely denied God. Everyone else who even just said "hey I'm open to the idea of God being real" goes to one of the three kingdoms of heaven the terrestrial, the celestial and the telestial. People like my father who are devout will go to the celestial to be like God and create worlds. People like me will be in the lowest kingdom the terrestrial which is like earth only paradise.
I like the idea that nobody goes to hell for being human. We all make mistakes and the LDS faith is the only one that seems to portray God as understanding and forgiving of us being imperfect.

Is there any need for you to believe in a god in order to explain the way the universe works?

Why did you kill John Ferrier and force his adopted day to marry one of you?


where can I sign to become a Mormon?

I like to read Sherlock Holmes too user. At least you didn't ask about Mormon Hold Em.
You know those missionaries that knock on your door and walk about your third world shit hole? Yeah go talk to them. If they knock on the door let them in and they'd be more than happy to teach you in your own home. They're called visiting teachers.
Other than that go find a church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints, walk in on a Sunday and sit down. They'll come to you and welcome you into their family. If you're lucky you'll end up with one of the family's inviting you to court their qt virgin daughter and pop like 12 kids in her.
Mormons love making sexy daughters to become traditional wives. If you're a virgin NEET the LDS church is for you! They'll provide you a job, a house, a wife and all the social interactions and hobbies you could ever want.

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Armenia is considered second world. Jehovah's Witnesses are all I ever saw and I'll hardly sit down and listen them.
I liked the ideas that you wrote up there cause that's pretty much what I always thought a non-insane god would do, but I'm kinda confused this all looks like a sect

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Sherlock Holmes

Mostly christian when it comes to dealing with other people
Mostly taoist when it comes to dealing with myself
Weak agnostic when it comes to higher powers

And mostly retarded in general

Also yes

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Good luck with Africa, I hear it's going places

What are you confused on? I am a high priest so there's not anyone you're really going to get a better answer from. On here at least.

>acting like African opinions matter

I'm a muslim

idk, I guess it's all this missioner thing, and I'm pretty skeptic about religious institutes. Anyway you did succeed to interest me, I guess I'll dig on LDS now.

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