What did you dream about user?

what did you dream about user?

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all creatures grew because of radiation and fly's grew massively and killed people

I forgot about my exam until it was already in progress and I didn’t study for it

I don't remember

I joined a deathrace up in the snowy mountains with cars, huge robots and me on a motorcycle. I raced past the huge wrecks and explosions of the other racers finally making it out of the vally only having to stop not to crash. I look up to see purple mecha hitler, mustasch and all, standing in my way. I rave the engine and race inbetween his legs and he starts chasing me.
And then I woke up.

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Getting in trouble with people

same here

Was in an aircraft fight against a cute trap, then she invited me back to her ship to fug.

sounds badass shame it ended too soon
sounds hot

Never remember dreams unless it's nightmares

I haven't dreamed anything for weeks. I hope I can have one tonight, even a bizzare nightmare is acceptable

I'd recommend keeping a dream journal and write down the few dream you have the first thing when you wake up.

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I had to swim through these tubes full of water and I got stuck. Then I woke up

Fucking cutey femboys from Jow Forums

Gae stuff. Duh.

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that i was in a high school reunion, being awkward and ruining the atmosphere. then i started drinking a lot of vodka to become more social, which i did briefly, but then ended up becoming too drunk and doing retarded shit that got us kicked out. then i passed out, and when my consciousness came back, i saw my highschool crush making out with the carnivorous horse/camel that has been terrorizing all my dreams for 12 years now, and when it noticed me, it lunged for me as usual, but i woke up just before it sunk its fangs into me

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I had this weird dream where I was like 12 and me and my family and my aunt for some reason went on a road trip and we stayed in this old western adobe inn and then my uncle came in looking for his wife dressed as a cowboy because he thought she was cheating on him and he checked our room for her but she wasn’t there so I gave him a paper with all the guests and their rooms that looked like a menu and then he shot her width a cowboy revolver then I remember us going to a flea market and we bought a rocket launcher with rainbows on the box from a lady but she rode around in the car making fun and my family was laughing like it was apart of her selling the rocket launcher and I stepped on it and the lady started roasting me and everyone was laughing at me. That’s all I remember about it I’ve had this dream more than once

I had a weird ass dream where there was a little creature chasing me and trying to hug me. It looked like that one really weird fTm tranny, but really tiny, and it's legs were missing and instead it was "riding" on a wheel


>but i woke up just before it sunk its fangs into me
So does that always happen?

Reading Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and actually being able to understand his words

Sauce on the picture?

A succubus mom!

yes, thankfully. no doubt the day will come when the carnivorous horse/camel finally sinks his teeth into me, but so far i've managed to escape it. he's become more precocious now, i've started noticing him even when i'm awake, hiding slyly atop the fan or behind the bookshelf, but i'm confident he lacks the power to attack me while i'm awake. once, when i was 14 or so, after a couple of nights of back to back attack, i decided to stop sleeping altogether to outwit him, but eventually i succumbed, and the sleep deprivation made me almost lose to him. it shall not happen again

not sure where else to post this, but I just got an offer for an internship that I wanted really badly and I'm extremely happy now.
Had a dream a couple of nights ago where I met some girl and she asked me out on a date. Indicative of how lonely I am.

From a doujin called R.E.I.N.A. you can find it on nhentai, and I'd highly recommend it.

Congrats bro.
Not sure where else to post this but I'm off to take a shit

:( i don't either. used to take meds that made me get realistic dreams i thought actually happened when i woke. do not recommend those dreams lol
be careful not to pee yourself user

I was with my girlfriend watching an octopus eat frogfishes and puke out clamshells. That's about it.

Good stuff thank you.


It was a pretty big steamer
I'm a big boy

I had a dream i was walking down the street and this 9/10 called me a fag, so i told her to choke to death. She started to cry and i felt so bad. Then she ran up to me and sunk her head into my chest and we just sat there and snuggled while she cried.

Fuck me man im lonley.

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I just had a dream about



Actually I barely remember an of it, but I know there were space vampires in it and it was pretty cool.

back when I was a kid I saw dream couple of times where I was an engineer in ancient Egypt. I had built a palace for pharaoh and also made for him robot soldiers with Anubis head. I don't remember exactly why but that pharaoh tried to kill me when one of those robots standing behind us shot him with his weapon. I remember asking "why?" and he answered something that I still don't remember.
It's funny how this dream chased me for a long time. I don't see dreams these days

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