Without memeing, why does having standards make me a non-fembot?
>inb4 only chads fit my standards
>inb4 fembots don't exist
Without memeing, why does having standards make me a non-fembot?
>inb4 only chads fit my standards
>inb4 fembots don't exist
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What are your standards? origionallo
If it's Chad, then op isn't a fembot. Plain and simple.
honestly,. even though i probably fit many fembot "standards" i still can't really even find ones to talk to here on r9k. if they even just gave me a chance i'm sure it could turn into something but now it just feels like they don't really even exist. i almost talked to a girl from here extensively but she was halfway around the world. feels bad man
Just us your feet.
Pls, :3 >
What the fuck makes you think you fit their standards? Are you Chad or something user?
depends what they are. if your only standards are job and appearance then that's very shallow. otherwise it's fine.
fuck it i'm not chad but here's my About Me cringe if you want:
>not autistic
>provides for myself
>takes care of my appearance and hygiene, gym 3-4 times a week
>no bullshit requirements for a gf
>not a virgin
>not short
>can play instruments and into art movies etc.
>can hold a conversation and know when to not sperg out
>don't get angry at rejection
>flexible and willing to meet in the middle over anything
>can pay for plane tickets if the relationship is an LDR
Like I'd be a perfect bf for someone?? I'm not like that one asshole that posts the same thread saying he won't date a girl if she had tattoos or ever looked at a boy or some shit
sorry i'm fucking wasted right now
>not autistic
>provides for myself
>takes care of my appearance and hygiene, gym 3-4 times a week
>no bullshit requirements for a gf
uuuuuh ok
>not a virgin
thats not really a pro
>not short
>can play instruments and into art movies etc
that doesnt mean anything
>can hold a conversation and know when to not sperg out
uh ok
>don't get angry at rejection
hows that a pro? "if i reject you you wont be angry? wow im so wet"
>flexible and willing to meet in the middle over anything
>can pay for plane tickets if the relationship is an LDR
Its not having standards, its having options. A girl claiming to be a robot is like a spoiled rich kid running away for no reason and trying to mingle with the homeless.
sounds like you're a normie and you got your shit together. that means you shouldn't be chasing these insane BPD bitches on this board. talk to girls IRL if you're so involved with the outside world fucking faggot
m not chasing any fucking BPD girls man, i just can't really relate to girls IRL or dating apps or anything. the same bullshit messages and generic questions and one word replies, normie culture is real and it's unbearable for me lmao
also 2 of my ex girlfriends were from here
I actually know this feel. Dating apps are either radio silence or one word replies. There's less than a 1% chance of making a real connection on there unless of course you're Chad/Stacy
So we should have other standards on top of those?
so she wants chad
please fuck off fembot
>so she wants chad
From where did you arrive to this conclusion
i don't even know how to interpret those "ok" replies kek. it's like she won't even be convinced unless someone posts a picture of their face and she's attracted to it
I don't understand your question. My answer is that there is no proper definition for "bot" which is a load of horse shit people make up on the spot. Completely indefinite and useless.
it takes an autist to interpret an autist
maybe we should be autists together then? ever think about that idiot?
how do people even meet on this board?
>im not like that asshole that says he wont date a girl if she has tattoos
why, that's a perfectly good reason to not want to be with a girl
99.5% of the time they're trashy or have some underlying red flag problem that couples with an unattractive permanent blemish.
>that's a perfectly good reason to not want to be with a girl
Explain why it's not okay to judge men by appearances then.
You have to meet all the requirements and look good. Women will sometimes allow a few negatives if your really really good looking, thorugh.
i never said it wasn't, dumb blind bitch
women do that all the time
>women do that all the time
And you're clearly unhappy about it lmao
Everyone has some level of standards. People on here talk as if they're Trevor from GTA and they'll fuck anything with a pulse but it's just a meme.
people have preferences, how is this news to literally anybody? do you have brain damage?
Because you clearly arent a robot and are capalb eof having suitors to pick from. Dumb bitch. Now fuck off. Women cannot be robots.
Speak for yourself. I have no standards other then a heart beat and a vagina and Ive been here for 11 years. You wana argue the contrary?
Having tattoos is a choice
Being ugly as a fuck isn't
Ok then tell me about the grossest obese std ridden whore you've fucked, that is if you're not a larping virgin.
>you like [physical feature] on men? Fuck you vapid roastie whore!
Yeah, never heard that line before.
It is when plastic surgery exists.
Plastic surgery costs money
A lot of money
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>getting this defensive over men on a malaysian basket weaving forum not being chad
Nice retort. Good to know I'm right.
Start saving up your NEETbux then,
i see a future cat lady
right about what? youve made no point or assertion other than "lol u mad bro"
>This is how women argue
>getting this defensive over ________
>youve made no point or assertion other than "lol u mad bro"
This is how YOU argue, more like. See
sorry dude but you sound like a nice guy who was brought up by a single mom to be "respectful" to girls and girls are only interested in guys who treat them like slaves at best
Nice try, sweaty, maybe next time you can catch someone pretending to be two people
i dont know how to be retarded, see and
You is also a plural.
only whores make posts like these
before you anons give her attention, ask yourself this; what would you think if any female in your life ventured to this part of the internet and begged approval from an audience as corrupt as us
I havent fucked any girls, Im a virgin you moron. Even fat girls wont fuck me. So again please convince me that girls can be robots.
>fat and has STDs
also thanks fir proving that even fat girls can get laid.
all women are trash who should be thrown in an incinerator so what do I care what they do
You sound insanely beta, you're going to get taken to the cleaners by all the women you get into a relationship with that provider save-a-hoe mentality.
why do you care what a bunch of incels say/think
>is a girl
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based fembot thot REEEEEEEEE
A man's primary value is utilitarian. We are seen as mules, wallets, or entertainers. This is in an ideal scenario; most of us have to work hard to even be seen as one of these objects, and thus valued.
Women's value is inherent. You can birth children, and you are given priority for protection. You are considered inherently valuable. Any additional value you bring is just the icing on top.
You will never understand what it means to be truly unwanted, to have nobody interested in you for any reason. As long as you have some basic value associated with simply existing, you will never understand robotdom.
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