>Be me.
>Meet this "proton" """"fembot"""" on a r9k server.
>Fall in love.
>Confess my feelings towards her.
>We start e-dating.
>Get emotionally invested.
>Tell tell her detailed, emberassng things about myself over VC.
>Now she blackmails me by threatening to leak VC records to people I knoew in real life.
>Wut do?
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
unless you confess to doodling kids with evidence, i suggest you don't give a shit
Just cut proton on your arm
the actual state
Tell her to fuck herself. If you start paying her or doing shit for her she'll have you under her thumb for who knows how long before she'll get bored. It'd be better to have that shit leak than to have it leak after she's sucked you dry user. It's a negotiation and those recordings are her leverage. Call her bluff.
How bad is the information she has on you?
What a shitty thing to do. Hiding behind the internet to bully someone. Back in my day, you had to cut your name into them with your own two hands.
OP, I will cut Proton into my arm and send her the pictures in exchange for that account.
this is why you don't share shit with strangers, especially those on r9k.
a pretty exorbitant amount of people here have the time and emotional distance to lead vulnerable people on and fuck their lives up
it could ruin my relationships with the only people i know irl, as well as with my family
Black mail her bro
This person will never leave you alone. You screwed up but now you can either be their slave or put an end to the situation now. I would just report them to the police for extortion.
How would it ruin those relationships? She'll probably dump it anyway once she's done getting her kicks out of you.
Everytime I've met one of the handful of actual "fembots" it's just been genuine women who eventually ghost me. Glad I've never encountered one of these sick characters who come here to fuck with us
i'm pretty sure extortion is illegal and this person will get their ass caved in in jail if you report them to the police
Don't cut proton on your arm. The more you do, the more she'll push.
Just block her and let it go. It's embarrassing, but most likely she won't. You can also potentially press charges for blackmail if you live in a first world country. If you were a girl, they'd take it way more serious but you can still have enough deterrent to stop her from sending these things on VC to people you know. Anyhow, giving in is the dumbest option.
they have the same pfp as my abusive ex must be a abuser red flag
before they can do anything, tell those people that you met some crazy tranny online that got obsessed with you and threatened to expose bullshit about you, then tell them something similar to the truth about those infos while downplaying it.
it's probably some dude from russia or something. wherever people have enough time to burn on this kind of scam for btc. authorities won't give a shit
give us the discord tag
give us the discord tag
give us the discord tag
The thing with blackmail is that, even after you do what they want, they can still keep blackmailing you.
The only control you have now is to accept the worst and let the info come out. Would you rather have that temporary embarassment or become someone's slave for ever? Even if the info is enough to ostracize you or get you fired, at least you will be free to start a new life instead of being trapped and living in fear.
Its a shitty situation to be in so learn from it and be smarter.
>implying i have anything back
when shes done with me she'll post them
i can try this but if it backfires and doesnt work out i could be fucked
Are all robots fucking stupid its clear proton is just trying to become efamous by spamming edrama about itself ignore these threads you dumb cunts
nice false flag proton. you're going to jail
just a dude who mutilated his dick and nasally speaks to sound like a female. eternal virgins like you haven't heard the sound of a real female for a long time.
seconding this
if you are going to go down, take them down burning with you
share the discord tag
Tell proton "Fuck YOU!!!!"
his tag is pic related
thanks user
looks like meat's back on the menu boys
> if it backfires
you can tell them the truth any way you want if you do it first, and so can this tranny. who would you prefer do it first? either way if you act like it's some random obsessed dude online you're golden I think. what kind of stuff you have as secret though, I'm curious.
Xcept no one here actually cares about some retarded tranny, and were just trying to give advice to user. it's not like it's gonna be another ... wait I forgot their name already.
I vote for just doing far far worse shit in front of everyone that is going to get this info... That way when the info that you went to a munging with friends get leaked its waaaay more tame than what you have already proven yourself capable of. Win win.
What is a proton? Asking for a friend.
a positively charged particle with a mass of 1 amu
the number of protons an atom has corresponds with its number on the periodic table and its element
how'd you get so smart?
pretty sure that's only going to further confirm peoples suspicious that you're a piece of shit. if you tell them you're a necrophile and they also discover that you have masturbated to illegal looking cartoons, they'll just hate you more.
either way if it's some random ass faggaylord, I can't help but think that they won't go through with the blackmail. but you could always talk with them until an opportunity for revenge appears.
You got what you deserved, sorry buddy but that's all there's to it.
Assume the consequences, learn the lesson and move on.
So did OP cut arm? Did OP's family findout he has a loli folder? What happened here?
Threaten to contact the cops and she'll fuck off
OP cut his arm like a bitch and Proton released his secret lust for his mom and sister to his family.
hope everyone exposes this fucker and gets him ostracized and chased off discord. we don't need any more blackmailing wannabe sociopath parasites on the internet, or even on the planet.
fuck you proton. no ones on your side you dumb piece of shit mentally ill tranny. go kill yourself.
Also there was mention of a poopsock
Peace on.
I googled that, Dafuq is wrong with you
I'm sorry for you, user. I would probably be in the same situation as you because I get deeply attached to people way too easily. I'm desperate for affection. Hell, I'd probably cut my arm when he asked even without blackmail.
New rapidly growing Jow Forums server, join if you can't fit in anywhere else:
I'll be your online bf. Feel better?
Ask her to prove that she has information recorded about you. If she does have proof, use it as evidence for blackmail
>recorded VC messages
HOLY SHIT this is like one of the biggest things I was always afraid of happening to me, how much further can this people degenerate into this kind of shit.
Back a few years ago they were just savings chat logs and sending them around AT BEST.
How the hell does he even know your real name
Go to the police & say your being blackmailed, it a crime! Also how fucking retarded are you doing this in the first place, I mean for fuck sake mate!
How much of a retard are you to share info about yourself to an online stranger?
just take the hit and move on if they leave you from this info then so be it you can still clean your name.
OP, you can not be serious. If the voice recordings are enough to ruin the relationships you have with people in real life you could sue (her0 for name slandering (besides the obvious blackmailing). If you cut her name in your arm and think its over you might aswell just kill yourself. weak ass beta faggot. just block her and dont reply anything, if she seeks contact with your family members u'll have her contact information lmao. thats the point where you contact the police with all the information you have on her. If ur really worried about what your friends and family might think you can tell them that you've did some dumb stuff online and that they're now trying to blackmail you by threatening to tell them.
New rapidly growing Jow Forums server, join if you can't fit in anywhere else:
You reap what you sow you desperate fuck.
your fault for trusting women
It's a discord tranny
quiet bitter incel
user. You are larping. Even if she said that you touch kids it's her word and against yours and why do you give a fuck about discord karma. Just make a new account. You giving a fuck just shows you are dumb
hahahaha i love the fact that im such a fucking liar that this would never happen to me
You wish you were a liar
This is why every detail I give when efriending is slightly different than the truth. Enough to open up and have a connection but you can't doxx me. Also don't give your real name and location, use your middle name and your mother's maiden name. Maybe a cousin's last name. Don't give your real fucking name and location is the #1 rule
OP is it possible for me to contact you outside of this thread. I might be able to help you with this situation. If you can provide a throwaway email or you can contact me on Discord @ Gordon Gecko#2788.
Send it to police lad.
As soon as you start doing stuff for this person, it won't stop.
Unless you've admitted to a crime worse or equal to being a nonce, then tell the police.
If you are a nonce, find the nearest building over 80 feet and jump head first.
Best of luck pal.
Dont negotiate with terrorists, user. Tell "her" to fuck off and eat lead.
>cut "X" on yourself
Sounds like one of these trannies, lmao
Literally just ghost, block, and change you account name
>Sounds like one of these trannies
Because it is
This man
Whatever the fuck she can do, it's not worth it
>You can also potentially press charges for blackmail if you live in a first world country
Tell her how dumb she is for saying that
Honestly man screenshot the convo. Is the someone who lives locally to you?
Call and contact a lawyer. She can legitimately go to prison, and it's pretty damn cut and dried that she's trying to blackmail you
>it could ruin my relationships with the only people i know irl, as well as with my family
pedo detected
imagine falling in love on discord
btw any cute transgirls here want an older bf father figure
too late but cuts heal without scars if you do it right. Just do it nigger don't be a pussy.
Op if you need someone to talk to my discord is Cerulean_Ether#8797
>We start e-dating.
>he fell for the discord tranny meme
Holy shit how retarded can you get
am 2 steps ahead. i never give any info about my self/ and when i use vc i use a voice changer
New rapidly growing Jow Forums server, join this if you fit in nowhere else:
>another victim of the discord tranny
>discord isn't an online loony bin brah, just join our server, it's fun xdddd
Not even once
What are the embarrassing things?
Not many rules and lots of fun. Lots of hentai and traps on this discord server
>What are the embarrassing things?
also wondering this, op. how bad are we talking?
Almost all of the people on this board will backstab or threaten you in some way once they understand they have something they can use as leverage. Let that be a lesson.
Anons, join this comfy small server, every is welcome
You literally got baited by a discord tranny. Leaking your info will only be so bad. Cutting your arm to prevent it and if they still do it only makes it 100x worse
>he fell in love online
you cuck! meanwhile I blackmail girls to cut my irl name on their hand with needles. Fun fun fun
based proteinboi
so did they cut for proton
proton got arrested
whenn? wtff
Post more chat screenshots.
Don't fall for this shit, retards. Catboy and Gunjy are the same person and he's gaslighting you all into getting proton to kill themselves. They literally did nothing wrong.
>post my discord for the first time on Jow Forums
>''catboy'' adds me
>tell him to fuck off since i think hes a tranny
>invites me to join his tranny server
>i block him
>he makes this thread about me
lmao heres the proof
>Fall in love.
i bet the only thing this person did was tell you it was female. your fault for falling ""in love"" over the internet lol
Being a discordfag should be a bannable offence
Tell your family that you're being blackmailed with embarrassing personal details, and that the blackmailer is trying to make you commit self harm. Your family might understand.
Or: write proton on your arm with a permanent marker. The bitch could be so stupid she wouldn't know the difference.
>lmao here's proof I'm a faggot
You're absolutely clear my dude. I watched the whole thing unfold from the sidelines. Don't sweat this fucking retard, dude can't manage the most basic of life tasks let alone any kind of sustained campaign against anyone. Just don't let him get close and you're golden.