Today is International Women's Day, say something nice about women!
Today is International Women's Day, say something nice about women!
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they're soft and weak, mostly. truly the lesser sex.
Anime girls, which are very loosely based on real women, are nice.
sure i serve the servers of servers .. with this ill say the words of thanks and please for this i am alive to say
My mom is nice, older women are really nice in general.
I washed the dishes and will take out the trash, hopefully will do some other housework too.
women smell nice
This reminds my of an old school game where everyone hast say one nice thing about a classmate. And the awkward or the loner always got
>"You are a nice person"
Always funny
Women are nice
They are polite sometimes and some are nice to look at. I've even met a funny woman before.
They're actually really nice when the Jew hasn't gotten to them.
Good women make life worth living.
I like their boobies, they are squishy and I like squishy things
>say something nice about women
No. I'm not stupid enough to make generalisations about an entire gender.
women what women there weak men in drag this sucks i still have shit abandoning teams but retorte your own kind and possibly betray your commanding officer untill the pit of the blade of your own intermediate family enter your souls have fun and enjoy the laughter of the enemy for it reminds you of your service against those you called family .. form my home to yours enjoy the fire spreds
I'd just like to congratulate women for being the minority in murder and rape statistics. You're also kind of cute sometimes. Well done!
I'll hate you all tomorrow again
women are only half as loud as a gunshot
I can't think of anything.
Non existent women are nice though.
some of you are somewhat empathetic and not complete monsters
>posts screenshots of cth1 on Jow Forums
unsurprising t. cth2
two chappo trannies fighting
nuke this website akready
I tried posting the linked PNG but it was rejected.
I'm a totally cis gay space communist
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They only get jobs based on quotas.
Theyre emotionally unstable
Theyre pussies stink
Theyre whores
Theyre weak
They bleed out their vaginas like holy shit.
>accusing others of emotional instability
I've met a few women in my life that weren't complete attention whores. That's all I can think of right now
I respect all women aroud the world
I don't see what the big deal is about rape. It's just a dick in your hole for a few minutes. It's nowhere near as bad as murder, cancer, or getting flirty eyes from a fat chick. And really, women can't be raped since the vagina is designed to accommodate cock. Only men can be raped. If a woman is penetrated anally against her will, she's just experiencing male rape, which is an excellent learning experience for her, to discover the struggles that men go through.
For women, rape isn't a big deal. It's just typical female exaggeration to get attention. They all fantasize about rape so they actually enjoy it. They just want to trade in their "victim" status for clothing and jewelry and don't want to give sex away for free. Really, the only punishment for rape should be to pay the equivalent of the going rate for whatever sex act was performed with a local prostitute of equivalent attractiveness. Since it's the same punishment, why would anyone rape a Feminist instead of a beautiful woman?
Those fat ugly feminists that scream the loudest that "no means NO," are actually hoping to limit the amount of sex the genetically gifted attractive women get. And, in so doing, hoping that some hapless male starving for sex will find himself scraping the very, very bottom of the barrel where the fat and ugly feminist will finally have the chance to scream, "YES, FUCK ME HARD."
Hey fat ugly feminists, it isn't going to work. You only really have one option. Lose the weight, learn how to use make up, and get an overhaul of your personality. In some cases you may need extensive plastic surgery to have any hope of getting my cock rammed into your ass. In some extreme cases, it is entirely hopeless and you should just give up. If you are this last case, try having sex with animals if you find you can approach them without scaring them away. lol
Yep thats right. Deal with it roastie.
I can't think of a single positive thing to say about any woman. Every single last one of them is a degenerate abominable inhuman monster and a crime against humanity. Better dead than alive.
Holy fuck my post is a copy pasta!!!
Is that your post?
I wouldn't know, I saw someone shitpost it on /v/ like once this year and then I saved it.
as someone who works with 90% women, today might as well be called national go fuck yourselves day
I like how it is common for them to be pear shaped and have thicc squishy thighs. They also smell very good, and I like how vaginas look.
i hate the fact i have to wish every woman i see around now ''happy woman's day'' because people on the street that might know me, or just family will stop me in my tracks and tell me to wish them that. i just had that today where i was just talking to my mother for a bit, didn't say anything, then dad pops out of nowhere and tells me to tell my mom happy women's day. goddamnit
Thu male rape isn't that bad for men because they have prostrates anyway.
They help continue the species and they're nice to cuddle with.
If you can get into their hearts, you can get them to do anyrhing. Anything.
They have fuckholes
That first thing is bad, and I prefer man cuddles.
They're smart and caring.
>A day based around a fucking gender
What the fuck is this day even celebrating? The existence of women? Seriously? Things like mother's day actually celebrate accomplishing something. Why is there no international humans day?
>What about international men's day hurr durr
Yeah, that's just as fucking stupid.
Imiss when older women would call me a good boy and pat my head.
I'm soft and weak and im a man
(not gay tho)
this is ok cause it's a public holiday here
Some are nice and in general they are nicer and have more empathy than men
>they are nicer and have more empathy than men
I think you misinterpret their actions user
Something nice about women.
Stop celebrating communist holidays, Ameribros
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