Why the fuck do normies love sushi so much
Why the fuck do normies love sushi so much
Because it's fucking good, although it's over priced as shit and normies will use it as a status symbol for their instagram
>tastes great
>eat with sticks
>expensive af, makes me feel good about my NEETbux, especially when I compare my diet to that of the working poor
One of the few meals you can eat and not be an immediate end to your day
I've never had it. How good is it?
Because it's unironically based and deliciose xDDDDDD more expensive than a triple cunted whore
>tfw sushi for dinner
Same. Went to an endless sushi place and had my fill. The guy making it started giving me a dirty look after I ordered my 6th roll so I didn't leave a tip.
cause it's gud.
crab legs/lobster is better tho.
I don't eat seafood but I love avocado sushi, all other jap food is trash though when put against miso soup, fuck I love that stuff.
Yours looks better than mine.
I don't exactly know. recently had it for the first time. I mean it's better than cooked fish at the very least. but that's mostly thanks to the rice. but hey eel is legitimately good.
Sushi represents high social status because sushi rice is less common than say for example basmati rice. When the normies are eating a sushi they clink the sushi rolls together and say cheers! cheers! here is to sushi cheers! cheers! cheers! cheers! oh we are so cool you guys cheers!!! cheers! wa wa waaaaa! cheers!
It's a special occasion to eat sushi because they do it with friends. It's essentially a F-you to us, we can't eat sushu becuase we have no friends.
What about this is appealing??
I bet you think this looks good
imagine believing that cold slimy raw fish muscles inside some nasty seaweed really tastes good
Imagine being so close-minded that any sort of unusual triggers your autistic defenses
>Imagine being so close-minded that any sort of unusual triggers your autistic defenses
ok redditor
because it's good fucking food man
>the rice is sweet
Ah ok, so if I disagree with your opinion and call you out on it I'm a redditor? That's some advanced logical thinking you possess. Keep going you'll get far with this kind of attitude.
i know you're being edgy but i agree, but also i'm not anglo or asian and the food of my culture actually has taste so i assumed it's just cause it's bland for someone like me who eats lots of cultural dishes. i'm always fascinated with western european and anglos obsession with asian food and then i remember their food is just as bland and that explains it really.
I like to show up during lunchtime and get some sort of sashimi special and a tall beer so I can be a cheapass. I'm an appetitelet so it's enough to fill me up.
How about this Japanese lunch?
I love RaperLunch steak so much!!! can't wait being raped by chads afternoon