I'm willing to lose weight if you give me a bf RIGHT NOW
I'm willing to lose weight if you give me a bf RIGHT NOW
Ill be your bf, I'll encourage you on your weightloss journey
I'll be your feeder bf baby, just let me make you a whole lot bigger
>become boyfriend
>keep her gaining weight
>live in her fat flabs
Originally would take this oppportunity.
Tits or gtfo cow.
I'm willing to become your bf if you're A) not morbidly obese right now, B) love children and/or want a bunch of them and C) live in yuurop or at least not too far
And other lies you tell yourself to cope with the emptiness you have to live with the rest of your life
The only food you get for the next week is my cum.
tits or GTFO you landwhale
I'm willing to love you exactly as you are if you be my gf RIGHT NOW
this, post your bovine udders for my enjoyment
Fat people get attention in current year, what you have is an ugly personality
fat =/= ugly
it's all about that fat distribution bud
though i agree on this one, she hasn't posted tits even once
You should become healthy for yourself not a guy.
[/Spoiler]be my gf, btw im a girl
I just want your love and hugs user.
But if you get a bf now will you still lose weight?
i will be your bf and i don't care about your weight, just more of you to love
Isn't it sad?
In the [current year] we have dozens of thristy young guys throwing themselves even at confirmed landwhales, yet they get ignored by the landwhale, she just wanted attention.
Millions of lonely young guys worldwide wpuld give anything to have a gf, they just want to love and be loved, yet no one gives a fuck about them.
Yet the girls who claim they want the same reject and ignore many opportunities.
Ask yourselves this:
>How many replies would this thread get if it was a man saying it, requesting a gf?
>Would that man reply to offers (if he got them - realistically, he wouldn't)?
I know this thread can easily be larping bait, but the principles still stand.
Alexander Graham Bell IQ
The oddity isn't this phenomenon, it's the current-year expectation of something different. We've been bred with these radical visions of equality, when gender roles and differing expectations are an engrained aspect of humanity.
What a fucking sad pathetic joke you are, OP. Self improvement should always be done for yourself firls and foremost. Amd who the fuck do you think you are demanding a qt bf BEFORE you lose weight? You gotta first put in the work for it cunt.