>67 unique posters
>tfw I was the manipulative predator all along
67 unique posters
l love you, schizogirl.
>tfw no manipulative predator gf that would mindfuck me into becoming a good person and valuable member of society and providing for her through lavishing me with affection and bearing my children
god if only you weren't such an attention whore
How can you be certain you weren't manipulated into being an manipulative predator?
>tfw no insane Lithanian gf that forces me to post with a vpn because she periodically gets the whole area rangebanned for excessive shitposting
life could be better
Having someone force themselves on me and have me bear their children sounds pretty hot, but pregnancy itself is pretty scary. Seems amazing that hundreds of generations of women leading up to me went through it and I might be the one to break that chain.
Making a baby is the most intimate thing two people can do. It's literally taking a half of everything that makes a person and connecting it with another's half to make a unique individual. It's a wonderful thing and if a woman would willingly want to conceive my child, I'd be more than happy to oblige, it would be a privilege.
I am nothing but trouble, user. I am a narcissist. I make the most outlandish, manipulative posts to lure in desperate anons to my threads. I then guilt any doubters into feeling sorry for me. I give crumbles of hope, yet in the end I lead you on. Having a womb makes me so much more valuable than any man or woman (male) can ever hope to be. I am the shaper of history. That's why men are so frustrated. Deep down they know how expendable they are. So they lash out. They want to pin me down, pull my hair, control me. They believe that unloading deep inside me makes me theirs. When in fact I'm the one using them. It's honestly pathetic what men will do for that fleeting sense of dominance over a woman. And we're fine with that. We wouldn't have it any other way, because in the end, we're the ones in control of humanity's destiny.
Where do you even get the pics you post with anyway? Did you draw it yourself?
I don't care about any of that. Here, I wrote Schizogirl on a piece of paper and drew a heart next to it in red, so you know I am completely genuine.
im your impostor the only real manipulative predator
you sound like a petulant child
Well that just proves my point. You disregard my warning that I put in clear writing just because you're thirsty for some pussy. And when you inevitably get burned by my abrasive personality, you'll come back here to complain about all them crazy whores leading you on. It's kind of sad how predictable men are.
You don't understand. I only want your pussy, and only after you've fallen as madly in love with me as I have you.
How are you going to "burn" someone
with fire I'd assume
we humans of the female sex are incapable of falling in love, we just pretend to love men to manipulate them
Its simple. Pumping and dumping someone crazy is nice especially if they wont live long enough to chain you down with child support. Can do some extreme sexual fantasies with a girl like you. Thats the appeal
I appreciate your honesty schizo user, and as someone that got completely destroyed by a relationship with a mentally ill fembot, I agree that women are incapable of feeling love.
It's not on their instincts, they just need to lure in the most suitable males and that's it.
We've been sold a lie friends.
how'd she destroy you?
>women are incapable of feeling love.
>It's not on their instincts
Can you imagine how the world would look like if we were all taught this basic redpill from an early age? (((They))) know how powerful this lie is.
kek stay mad incel we females are the superior sex
t. needs a man and children to give meaning to its life
Lured me in with a nice friendly act, then neglected, ignored and acted condescending towards me. We had some really good first couple months. Then her """""anxiety""""" kicked in and she started to show her true broken self. She sabotaged our relationship by constantly trying to step on me and get a higher ground of every situation (for example we wanted to watch a movie but only she could choose, and when I chose she wouldn't watch it) and when I stopped allowing her bullshit and called her bullshit out she'd turn into this submissive mess to try and keep me happy and keep me from leaving.
And like a retard I stayed. Until I realized she had no fixing and would never change.
>don't feel love
>superior sex
>can't appreciate art
>superior sex
We would be exploring space by now user.
No drama bullshit, people wouldn't get hurt and just jump to the next walking hole/pole.
That literally makes them superior retard.
We are at their service like it or not, that's why our ancestors turned their bullshit around and came up with a system to oppress this witches, and little by little they are getting back to their real predatorial origins, getting more and more power.
Sounds bad but if it you literally got "completely destroyed" by it you were at fault too. You got lucky I guess, it's terrifying to see others experiences where the succubus shows her true colors after decades, takes all the mans wealth, ruins his social standing and so on.
why are people still being baited by this MAN
Speak for yourself faggot.
>hasn't taken the monkpill
>doesn't know about the 2d pill
>has no interests other than axe wounds
lmaoing @ your life, have fun chasing pussy
none believes his lies, watch how she reacts to trannies and incels, these are the words of a mentally ill man(male)
>Projecting your inability to love onto all women in front of a bunch of virgins who can't refute you
Nice try. But the world isn't quite as simple as you want it to be
my life already has meaning, men are just for recources and children are to trap the man
of course, I'm just here for the incessant drama
>>Projecting your inability to love onto all women in front of a bunch of virgins who can't refute you
oh yeeeeah, nawalt amirite?
>the no one will ever give you a pseudonym and write it with a heart
back when Jow Forums wasnt reddit people made cool oc with a cool green guy called anonymous, iirc there are many with hearts and stuff :3
Here you go user. Specially made for you