>tfw mommy AND daddy issues
goddamn I'm pathetic
I wish I was worthy of any affection.
Anything really.
A lover...
Or perhaps just a friend.
I'm just the aspie child that was and will always be ignored.
I don't deserve anything.
Not even parents ever loved me.
Tfw mommy AND daddy issues
Can't really do much for you but if there's anything you wanna talk about, I'll be here.
i wish I could show you affection but im too sociallt retarded for that
You sound like my gf. Even though her life is pretty good now, she didn't really seem to heal in that regard. Every time I leave the room she's in she thinks I'm abandoning her, every time I'm not smiling she thinks I'm thinking about dumping her, etc.
I was like you, but then I found a woman who actually loved me.
Turns out even when I get affection I can't truly feel it. There is a gulf between people like us and the rest of the world. I'm not sure it can actually be closed. The only good news I have is things become flattened and greyed as you approach boomer status. So even if it doesn't get better it gets less vibrantly unpleasant.
I'm just sadposting before bed
Lonely, sad broken user. No friends or anybody that cares about me.
I'm just gonna cry a bit, go to bed after.
Perhaps I will wake up, see this thread, hit update, and see a nice message that'll start tomorrow off with a nice feeling.
Or not
This is why couples should be screened before being allowed to have children.
>>tfw mommy AND daddy issues
Same, but stop being such a downer dude
>mommy AND daddy issues
What does this even mean tho? I know what daddy issues mean for girls (slut) but what does it translate to when applied to a male? Mommy issues means faggy child with attachment issues? Daddy issues means problem with authority?
That sounds utterly exhausting, for both of you actually. How do you make it work?
kys kys kys kys hahahaha kys
I have no clue. We've been living together for almost two years now. I love her but I'm not sure if we can keep this up for long.
I'm the same way user except for aspie. it helped me to just accept that I'll never be loved. not in a dramatic way. it's just not a thing. when you know for a fact that it's impossible you stop wanting it. i still want it sometimes but much less than before. also testosterone helps you cope with this stuff so try to make sure you have enough and no estrogen at all.
hang in there user.
>and no estrogen at all
Impossible, have you read food labels? theres onions in literally everything, aspartame and other dirty crap
Wanna chat on discord? If you're still awake that is
try to have as little estrogen as possible then
At least they bothered raising you.
Nailed it origni ally
You will never find love and happiness.
It's not too late to change yourself y'know. Maybe some things you can't fix but you can adapt around. Others can be fixed. You just gotta start believing you deserve better than what you have and ignite your inner fire, good luck OP. I recommend therapy either way.
>Tfw only mommy issues
I'm based af
hi friend how are you?
whats your favorite thing to do/ learn about?
mines space :)
now that we know each other we are friends
Become my boy wife user. I would be there for you forever
>post is full of retarded and gay shit
Every single time LMAO
whats wrong with anime?
it makes me happy im sure it makes others happy
Fck niggerd and ruck wite ppl
we need to do away with fallible organic parents and bring in infallibile robo-parents
for the sake of the children
dude, like dude xDDDD fucka nime amirite bro lololol hahahaaahahahahahhhaha