Put yourself in this situation
> be you
> have a gf
> no specific relationship problems
> gf gets pregnant
> aborts it against your will
WWYD r9k?
Put yourself in this situation
> be you
> have a gf
> no specific relationship problems
> gf gets pregnant
> aborts it against your will
WWYD r9k?
l'd break up with her. ln reality, it wouldn't be against my will though.
wouldnt be against my will
It wouldn't be against my will
It would be in accordance with my will.
Would never happen to me.
Okay either someone is samefagging or r9k is full of killers.
Her body her decision. I'm not a Christcuck and I'd probably be slightly relieved. I'd be more upset if she cheated on me.
I'd be pissed that she made such a big decision by herself. I'm not sure I would leave her tho. It really depends on her attitude in the situation. If she seems to be really sorry for what she's done, I'd stay. If she acts like a stuck up bitch about it, (MY BODY MY CHOICE, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DECIDE ANYWAY etc etc) I'd leave. I honestly don't want kids too much anyway, so it wouldn't distress me too much.
The state of white males. This is why our race will die out you pathetic betas
thank her
Never ever ever EVER make a random pregnancy the reason for a marriage. If you weren't planning on a deeper commitment before that,then you will buy nothing but trouble for yourself your future spouse,and your offspring will be the center of blame and resentment forever afterwards.
i dont have the strength to turn around the white race this late in the game
Ok that she did that, im assuming it's mine.
I care about white race dieoff about as much as I care about dieoff of people with any other random genetic trait.
The absolute state. Why don't you just call your balls off
If a man beats you, he loves you. He cares so much about you that he's willing to risk going to jail. Think about that next time he beats you up. You'll never get anything better than that.
Be happy
Deciding to raise a child is one of the most egotistical and selfish things a human can do
Conveniently, you say this when you've already been born and raised. Off yourself or your point is invalid.
I don't want children out of wedlock and nor do I want to marry before I'm ready. I'm not sorry about either of these things.
Why do you whores love killing babies so much
gotta harvest those delicious stem cells somehow.
I feel like you think you're making a good point, but really you have a tenuous, faint even, grasp on my point.
The DECISION to bring a new life into this world is INCONSIDERATE
>when you forget to drop your name for a different thread
>when you delete the post, thus piquing user's interest about what else you were posting, when it would normally go ignored
Are you birth control
>Implying I'm white
You're the sort of poster who assumes everyone else on the site is a carbon copy of yourself, huh?
i was larping as the man i would want to be with were i in that situation. some shit about supporting my beloved gf and supporting her decision.
nope. i'm a virgin though.
l know. It was kind of obvious.
i was helping this dude get some baby things from his wife's parents house the other day, and he referred to his wife's parents as "the people responsible for bringing us into this world just to suffer". If you have an attitude like that, it makes sense that you wouldn't want kids.
On the other hand, the dude with this attitude is also homeless and has 2 babymamas and is working very hard on his third babymama, who is a woman on her second marriage who admits that she is too mentally unstable to even try to work.
Butthurt chronicles: the post
Post hymen or gtfo femalamalon
It works most of the time.
>Her body her decision
AHAHAHA i wonder who's behind this post
i'd throw her into a well
call her the murderer of my child and never speak to her again
Make a tiny hole in our condoms till she gets the kid.
Checkm8 feminists
Call her a murderer and break up with her.
There will be nothing left on this planet for children of any race within like 20 years lol. Why bring a person into this world.
I abort her.
pick one
You know that you could just remove the other races to solve the problem instead of shitting out more of your own?
It's not my obligation to have children and the continuation of humanity isn't a morally positive aim in the first place.
Point is that you are alive because your parents made that choice for you. So, off yourself instead of advocating the death of other babies.
Fuck off, retard. She doesn't want a goddamn kid.