>"one thousand thanks, Yang"
Absolute madlad funding our NEET lifestyle
>all it costs is your individual freedom
thanks yazuka yang
>have to register every firearm
>can not buy a semi-automatic rifle unless you've been licensed to own a pistol for 1 YEAR
>ban suppressors
>Ban high-capacity mags
>Require submission of fingerprints & DNA to FBI
>Anyone with a history of violence, domestic abuse, or violent mental illness would be restricted from gun license
>wants "smart guns" locked to fingerprint (guaranteed to make gun less reliable)
>implement a federal buyback program (for all the guns he will BAN)
Cuck Nuke Authority
>The power to launch a nuclear attack shouldn't rest with a single individual (wants VP & Chief of Staff to have say too. wasting time in a 6 minute response window)
POLICE "Fake News" & "Hate Speech"
>Introduce penalties for speech
>Journalist bailout. Taxpayers forced to prop up dying newspapers and media with $1 billion in initial FCC funding
DIGITAL SOCIAL CREDITS modeled after Chinas system
>a REAL-LIFE Reddit-style karma/social rank that follows you all the way to the grave
>Sexual orientation & gender identity should be protected classes under the law, SAY MY PRONOUN OR JAIL!
>PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP for illegals. Anti wall.
>Fast-track Obama's DREAM Act and grant citizenship to millions of illegals
>this faggot actually believes the wage gap exists "fight for equal pay"
UBI (universal basic income)
>UBI of $1k/mo will be wiped out by INFLATION. NEETS will barely afford to live & turn to crime to survive. You'll be unemployed & too poor to do ANYTHING but exist
>Liberal judges to Expand right to kill children. Mandated free birth control (more gibs)
MORE GIBS for single parents
>further incentive the break down the of the nuclear family
PAID parental leave
thats a yikes from me
lol nobody cares drumpf loser
Abortion is based as fuck and UBI is based. You literally can not argue against it.
Do you think because he's Chinese he'll be biased towards trade deals that greatly favor China?
obviously, only a cuck would think otherwise
Every nigger is gonna buy a large screen tv every week and take more of your women.
Do you really wanna see that?
I really don't give a fuck about guns
I think I pre emotive strike should require more that just the president. If it retaliatory then the president should have the power
>hate speech
This is extremely vague, I would like to know what he has actually said
>journalism fund
Probably not a great idea
>social credit
Bad idea
This would simply put them under the same protection as any other protected class, meaning you can't discriminate against them if you run a business etc.
>dream act
Illegals won't leave by their own accord and a mass deportation of millions is un realistic. Might aswell give them a path to citizenship to the ones already here so that they can start paying taxes
The point isn't to live off ubi, it is to simply make life a whole lot easier for alot of people. Neets are a small percentage of the population, the rest of the population will be getting a bonus
>pro abortion
I am morally against abortion so I guess I agree there. Free birth control would be a net benifit to society. Less abortions, less single parents, less crime. It's kind of a no brainer to offer free birth control
Who is going to give it to us?
No, I'm just saying: he looks like his name is "Who"
how is it going to cost any more freedom than is already taken
>chink prez before the first nigress woman or latinx president
i dont think so tim. maybe in 30 years
hehehe woke
hahaha JOKE
>giving a heck about any of those at all
I have a TV already and have no problem with women.
>I am morally against abortion so I guess I agree there.
>Illegals won't leave by their own accord and a mass deportation of millions is un realistic.
Make them leave on their own by starving them out. make it illegal for any company or business operating in the US to hire non-citizens and anyone that does gets a massive potentially bankrupting tier fine and they literally won't be able to find work and will have to leave or live in even more extreme poverty than which they came. the taxes they give isn't worth the goverment services they eat up and you'll see a lot of illegal immigrants leave on their own if work is nearly impossible to find.
Why people still give a shit about who wins election, when last five/six presidents were all the same? Op why the fuck entire group of people from online chat spend their time on this nonsense, at least spam campaignings before that were hate fuel, this shit is just boring.
I really, REALLY need money. My father isn't going to live forever and my so called "liebling" doesn't seem to want to help at all. Yang is just so fucking perfect for what I need.
Are you able to work at least part time? i need money too and i'm probably even more hopeless than you are in finding work because i'm completely uneducated with zero experience but i still scan job listings every day.
I don't think there is a single us president who delivered on his promises.
Are you unable to get a job, because you are mentally disabled?
lol chill dude, Yang's not going to make it that far. It'll be between Harris, Booker, Warren and the Bern. Hollywood/establishment Dems will problem throw Bernie under the bus again.
fucking autocorrect
i'm pretty sure bernout threw himself under the bus though, nobody really pushed him.
i dont give a shit about those shitskins, im saying thats how it will play out: first we'll get a fem president, then a sheboon president, taco president, and then gook prez
If Bernie wins he'll destroy our economy. We can't afford to be socialists when China and other economies are going full capitalist mode.
Fuck off, Hillary. origig
i mean when he lost he didn't even protest or complain, he just took it as complacent little bitch, hilldawg is manly compared to this fag.
>Jow Forums of all places falling for a bugman slant.
I don't want to? Life is short and working is a waste. I did work once but I was fired for refusing to date my employer's daughter. Never a fucking gain will I work.
It's better than nothing. UBI MUST come here.
>i mean when he lost he didn't even protest or complain
>Lose primary
>Blame opponent
>Commit political suicide by dividing the vote even more
>Get accused for Trump winning
That would have been the most ideal outcome for Shillary so that she could run as a 2020 candidate and blame Bernie for losing against Trump. Now everyone knows most of the fault is on her. Good fucking riddance.
>I did work once but I was fired for refusing to date my employer's daughter
are you shitting me dude? a job and a girl? unless she looked like the trans woman from Super Jail why NOT date her? what are you gonna do if you never get UBI? kill yourself?
That social credit can easily turn America into a dystopia.
>You can call the police on someone who refuses to pay you for their service.
>It's called theft of services.
>How in the fuck do you enforce good deeds being paid?
>Who determines what kind of volunteer work is worth what? I fix my neighbors car. I get 5 social credits.
>Someone helps a drug addict go to rehab, how much do they get? 5 50? 500?
Dream act with fast track to make illegals into citizens does that give them UBI as well? How many more people will become US citizens? How can UBI sustain itself when there are an exponentially growing number of citizens in the US?
Why should anyone fund fake news?
Why give money to a dying medium?
I doubt he'll get into the primaries, As modern asian men are these days he will cuck out to make way for a women.
If he does beat Trump. Well, then God help us all.
The wage gap does exist. It's only like 7 cents, but it's there
Even if it does exist in that small small number.
Why would any male have a job?
Business's are all about cutting costs.
If you as a business owner needed employee's and could save a few cents on paying female employee's. (7 cents compounds into a considerable savings over years) Why the fuck would you ever hire a man?
I have $1,000 in the bank and there is literally no game I would pay for
sucks to be a neet during the dark age of gaming
so he almost allowed a felon to rule world's most powerful nation to cover himself from harm?
>people who believe the wage gap support yang
Why are you here instead of Jow Forums? If you really want votes just shill normies. They're stupid enough to fall for the free shit meme.
I'm voting for him, I don't even care about muh guns. We have so many niggers and spics that it doesn't even matter. Just give me my neetbux and I'll stay inside while playing vidya
>UBI is based. You literally can not argue against it.
Your declaration is useless you neet fuck.
>Yang is just so fucking perfect for what I need.
All that matters is what YOU need. Selfish unprincipled faggots like you shouldn't be allowed to vote.
>he actually thinks neet bux would pass congress.
Im 100% positive that a bill was made s
And passed you'd have to be a nigger or join some volunteer group to get it. But even then your dollar will be worthless. Video games will go from 60 dollars to 1060 dollars
Also i know you are just desperately pandering becuase anyone who actually plays games would know modern games aren't worth your time. You'd be better off buying old 12 dollar games from 2012.
>I really don't give a fuck about guns
Well you're retarded, then.
And anyone who does won't support the gungrabbing cocksucker.
>I think I pre emotive strike should require more that just the president. If it retaliatory then the president should have the power
Then you're retarded and a cuck. The last thing we need is more things preventing the threat of nuclear war to achieve our goals.
>This is extremely vague, I would like to know what he has actually said
If he said anything that could be interpreted as being against hate speech or fake news, he lost my vote. You're a cuck if you think otherwise.
>Probably not a great idea
Horrible idea. Journalists are trash and they need to be expunged from the earth for their transgressions.
>Bad idea
Horribly bad and yet another instant deal breaker.
>Illegals won't leave by their own accord and a mass deportation of millions is un realistic.
It's not unrealistic. It would just result in civil war and unimaginable carnage, something that I believe is justified as a white nationalist and easier to enforc with nuclear weapons.
>Neets are a small percentage of the population, the rest of the population will be getting a bonus
Fuck NEETs. I don't want them to get shit, even if it makes me $1000 poorer.
If it were chiefly given to people over a certain age that were employed previously for decades I would be more likely to support it.
>Free birth control would be a net benifit to society. Less abortions, less single parents, less crime.
How about enforced monogamy and eternal deportation/exile of criminals?
I'm going to build a massive retro collection with my $1000 a month
>How about enforced monogamy and eternal deportation/exile of criminals?
damn bitch, go back
fuck it I'm too lazy to keep going
i'm blowing it on my anime collection. videogames are for FAGS.
This wouldn't work without substantial limitations on immigration.
IT seems like something that could work in Japan though. they have their immigration locked the fuck down. i wonder why this guy isn't in Japan with his $1000 for everyone UBI idea.
Never gonna happen.
Get out and get a job you lazy piece of dogshit
1K would literally be 1,000 burgers from MacDonald's. You could live off it, if you are frugal.
It's not that I'm lazy. Employers literally aren't letting me work.
>just learn2code dude
>just pick up a trade bro
>just work at walmart lololol
or I could vote for Mr. Andrew Yang
what the hell did you do? commit a felony?
I can argue against it. It's no feasible to do.
Just because you have a favorable opinion of it doesnt mean it's a good thing.
You are a low life parasite and my opinion of you and the rest of the NEETS on this board couldn't get any lower.
You are scum
Just learn to contribute to society you parasite.
Just because you vote for him doesnt mean he'll win.
Us normies will see to that.
We still outnumber you 5 to 1
Maybe I could if mein treue freund Mr. Vege, could help me. :)
We can only hope he kills himself.
Fyi he probably got fired for sexual harassment of the bosses daughter but he revised the story to make himself the victim.
UBI will never come here..
No, no one calls me back when I apply for jobs. I have applied for everything under the sun. I had one interview almost a year ago at a Walmart distro center and was ghosted.
As someone who's just starting to look for a job himself you're making me lose hope.
Imagine believing the words of a chink. the absolute state of burgerland
If I had that money I would stop being a neet.
which will be worth less than toilet paper after a couple years of socialism, and you're buying them with your freedom, dignity, and this country's sovereignty
Mustaine will eliminate these dumb commie scum while performing this song:
I'm gonna buy premium locker accounts so I can build my 1080p JAV library
Stop degenerating society you fucking idiot.