>Told him Im hungry
>He didnt offer to take me to lunch
Told him Im hungry
loL Get fucked you toasty bitch
excuse me femanon, hunger is just a conditioned response. You weren't really in need of food, your body is just used to eating at that time of the day.
The guy was looking out for your figure, you should thank him by going for a run.
Im skinny and good looking already so
Your hunger was a lie, and he's based and redpilled for seeing through the veil of falsehood that is feminine biology.
And he intends to keep you that way
Seems like he's based, marry him
Maybe you should ask him you dumb BPD bitch
>ask him
>he says no
historically, the recovery rate for this situation is very low.
What if I told you the exact same thing was true for men and you clearly do not have enough pretty princess points to get him to make the move first?
i'm not OP and i'm a boy so i don't have any PPP.
But also men need to keep a stiff upper lip and carry on through the suffering of rejection. Those men who can't take rejection deserve to wither and die.
Just be called unworthy as a man to your face and smile, bro! It's nothing!
cool blogpost ya faggot
who said you are entitled to food?
Do you need assistance with purchasing your lunch?
>ask him a lot of questions and show interest
>he never asks me anything
it's not nothing, but if any more than nothing is beyond the limit of what you can take, then you are unworthy as a man.
lmao dumb bitch
he's probably laughing his ass off right now with his bros
This. You could have slurped up a load of nutritious brotein, but instead you remained hungry.
>skinny and good looking
>r9k femanon