How do you compare robots?
>download image, fill out, post results
How do you compare robots?
>download image, fill out, post results
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Maybe I'm a normie after all.
terrible at drawing, cba to make it look nicer
Something like this. A few are difficult to guage because they're relative.
I'm a fucking original failure.
heres mine feelsbadman
also this, dont.
Born to shit, forced to wipe
Too tired to fill the bars properly.
here you go
fuck off
Have I won ?
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaend me ;
Why is "look white?" a thing?
That entire chart gives me a really weird vibe
Probably because white people are generally treated better than other ethnic groups.
So it's an advantageous quality to have, along with all the other checkboxes around it.
I love spending my Friday evenings doing these :)
to be fully honest drugs and alcohol would be a nice addition to my life but im a fucking pussy
I want to die in the most original way possible
>original way possible
>low creativity
>Heterosexual? not checked
If I was only a slight bit taller I feel like I would be a full on chad
I'm incredibly unlucky and I'm only 5'7
Fighting professionally for bad money.
also a faggot (at least I only like feminine men)
Here, enjoy it in the most original way possible.
I keep telling myself to start working out more, specifically running, but I got some bad ankle damage last summer and that's made intense exercising not as viable as I'd like.
Otherwise I do alright for myself and mines.
I hate being me originally
Not gonna self diagnose so no disorders
Some people say I look Asian or smth (like Turkish, Syrian, Armenian etc.) but imo I look, white and I am so
Also who actually gonna say they look good baka
Here you go
I suck
I tried to be as critical of myself as I could. But it's hard trying to fill in the sliders without knowing what the "average" is supposed to be. So it's more of a guessing game than an accurate self rate
at least i'm not american lmao
luck and karma? what is this bs
Are people on r-nein-khay really this smart???
>all these europoors inflating their stats
The luck and karma are kind of strange to fill
This took me too long too make
My family loves me but it's a very stressing environment and we have a lot of problems. I have close friends, I have a boyfriend but I don't talk to them see them or go out of the house from 5 months because I'm really depressed and I'm sure one of these I'll finally find the courage to kill myself. My life is just crying and hating myself
Felt better after doing this test and comparing myself, thanks
I can't browse Jow Forums and say I have no mental issues with a straight face
Lmao why take that much time and precious
why am I the only faggot that filled this with my phone like an autistic
Please fucking put me out
It's not bad but it ain't that good
Fuck this country. I wish I lived in america.
You have intelligence that's all a man needs
At least im Jow Forums right guys?
Its only because im at a highly ranked uni. I literally couldn't care less i still wanna off myself
Life sucks fag
this website is boring i just come here too jerk off
Get off my board normie reeeeeeeeee
xd i fuggin hate myself lmao very original too
Im having a huge personality crisis and forgot /dont care about social rules and slowly one friend after the other is weirded out by me
Rate me robots? pls btw im a cyborg
I'm not very hard to please
if you are a qt finn i;ll marry you and give u citizenshop
yep, I'm bumping this dead thread.
please r8
tits or GTFO, front hole
this originality rule is dumb
You're fucking full of yourself, I can tell.
Your pic is breddy gud at describing me already famalam.
yeah right.... you dont know me
Pls rate me robots
Feel free to prove me wrong, bitch, but I already know the answer.
You taught us everything we need to know about you, you deluded narcissist.
Icelandic boys are top tier cute
ok what did I do to you...?
Posted on my board, you roastie cunt. Literally anywhere else on the internet, you will be welcomed with open arms, why the fuck post here? Just leave
>bananas in my ass/10
Kill me please and Carlinhos
This is my chart that I have made.
Not as neat but who gives a shit origorig
Pretty fly for a phone guy
Textless posts aren't allowed
Nice, and also I can't make anything original.
Im watching Evangelion for the 100 time now
Im doin okay i guess
I'm doing pretty good, just need to fix up my health and i will probably be a chad.
>all the fucking bait posts
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server now to help secure this victory:
(semi ticked boxes depend on definitions)
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory:
how do i compare op
Lol just fuck my shit up, god.
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory: