So, how come suicide is so controversial?
What about the people that have reached the peak of their life early and will know that every other moment starting from now will be less good/bad in general?
Why shouldn't I be allowed to kill myself just because I reached my peak early at 23/24 instead of some others at, I don't know, 40-60? If I've reached my peak already I don't want to spend another 30 years having some sub par, average memories to be honest. I've been the happiest I can just be months ago and there is no chance at all this will ever return, so just let me hit the fucking 'quit' button.
So, how come suicide is so controversial?
Then do it faggot nobody is stopping you
I'm talking about normies/society in general you nigger. It's like your family hating you in general for not having a job/being a social outcast but being oh so fucking offended and sad if you'd ever kill yourself
Nobody can possibly know what is the peak of their lives. It's just impossible. Anything can happen at any moment.
Why are you complaining like a fucking faggot? The dude is right. If you want to go, go. Nobody is stopping you.
Are you sure? I know that dumb fucking people think that every happy of their life is another peak. Meanwhile I can easily say that the last 6 months were better than the previous 20 years. Are you trying to tell me it get's any better?
Learn reading nigger, I'm planning on going and just want to talk to r9k for a few last times, don't worry, my faggot ass won't be alive much longer (le joke of course)
My life has been really great. It can get better, especially if you are lucky. And I'm not even dumb, I was lucky to have a smart dad who taught me a lot more than what most people know about business.
Something about impressionable people being coerced into committing suicide might be why society goes on the offense, but right to die laws are making progress everyday. People are realizing voluntary death is the best option for some people. You just got to stay optimistic about dying soon.
Don't know your situation, don't really care, but it's controversial because it upsets people. That should be fucking obvious, retard.
As for whether or not you should do it, it's your fucking decision. Just remember that half of the people that once loved you will never understand it, and half of them will hate you for it, whether you live or die.And the ones that hate you will never stop hating you. That fucking feeling never goes away. You're a selfish bitch for killing yourself, or even trying. But go ahead. Neck yourself. See how it turns out.
I want to kill myself too, user.
The others don't want you to kill yourself, they say things like "you matter" or whatever. They don't even care about your feelings. They just post the stupid fucking number and say that people will miss you, even though they won't. They just wanna feel good because they "helped a suicidal person" or something.
Normals only care about themselves and social contract.
At the very least death makes normals uncomfortable because they're fucki g soft amd cowardly.
Also, if people that nobody wants kill themselves, we lose a lot of working class people doing jobs nobody wants to do
Yeah that's what I mean what I don't fucking understand, just acknowledge that you don't fucking care and let people kill themselves if they want to jesus christ, it's like im held in prison by living
>You're a selfish bitch for killing yourself
do you think there's something wrong with taking care of yourself? or are you white and think everybody can be saved? Some people are too far gone and they need to be able to go.
What is more selfish ;
Leaving everyone because you're sick of the pain inflicted on you daily.
Forcing someone to stay in constant pain for literally a lifetime, just to satisfy your own emotions and so you do not feel sad for a couple of months.
God dammit, I just saw this thread when I posted a thread asking why suicide is taboo.
Living beings want to live. Only in a "civilized" society could the idea of suicide ever come into existence. In a "civilized" society you are a slave which is why you want to die. Life sucks so much you can't imagine how great it can be.
I've been unemployed for 8 months now and life has been great even as my savings have dwindled to down 3 digits.
> waking up naturally instead of being forced out by an alarm
> doing whatever I want carefree
> going wherever I want carefree
> not worrying about the retarded office hours of places
> spending hours and hours on the internet or my own little projects
When I was working I also wanted to kill myself. Waking up at 5 in the morning and having to beat traffic. Watching my useless boss come in at 12 and get out at 5 while I stayed until 6 or 7. I also worked in a filthy environment whereas that useless cunt was in a clean office. I got fed up and quit.
I'm about to have to repeat that shit now. My father did find me a job with a higher base pay so hopefully I make around the same with now just 40 hours. The drive is also much shorter. I will no longer wake up whenever I want to but I will finally have money again so that's great.
I have no real goal in mind. I just know suicide is retarded unless you have a medical condition because life can be enjoyable.
If you are going to kill yourself, do some shit before you follow through. Live a little before doing it. Don't listen to people about obligations to society or your family. The only reason it's retarded is because you don't know what happens after death so more than likely you only get this one chance at life. If you kill yourself you deny yourself that. If you really can't do anything about your situation I understand. If my parents made me move out I'd probably kill myself. Since I have no education I only make enough at the shitty jobs I can get to support myself paycheck to paycheck..
>Are you trying to tell me it get's any better?
Yes. But I think you'll have a problem believing me since you already made your mind.
>don't worry, my faggot ass won't be alive much longer
I'll worry. You're making the dumbest decision a live creature can make. Death doesn't end existence. If you think you'll get rid of all your problems, you're wrong. And plus you'll add some new ones to your existence if you do this shit. That's why people that stinks wants others to commit suicide. Because they have a ball watching people getting fucked. Also the word "suicide" should be substituted by "fuck yourself".
>I'll commit suicide tonight
>I'll fuck myself tonight
If you reached the peak, you may have not added enough to the country. I have no idea why don't governments euthanize old people that just leech social welfare though (other than that's impossible in a democracy)
Go to Switzerland. It's perfectly acceptable to commit suicide there.
Anything you could teach me?
I'm looking to improve in those areas.
my brother committed suicide yesterday. He had been thrown out by everyone in his life and only had me and one other friend. He had no job prospects besides a gas station job and never finished college. was thousands of dollars in debt and he was starting to develop paranoid schizophrenic tendencies.
I heard him humming in his room at 4 in the morning wednesday and I thought he was just having a nightmare and didn't want to bother him because it stopped a few minutes later. He'd been working for 2 weeks straight and barely getting any rest and drinking every night. I tried to slow him down on drinking and be there for him, but he still had a nervous breakdown one night and even when I tried to help him, he still continued to deteriorate.
I found him yesterday morning in his room, he'd loaded a single bullet into his gun and shot himself through the mouth. I realized then that the moans I'd heard were probably his final dying gasps of pain, and I wasn't there for him.
He lived a life where people all ignored him or berated him for just being too goddamn smart.
I tried to be there for him and give him a real home finally after so many years. but he still did it.
I'll never forget those hums that I heard from him. I'll never forget seeing him lying there with blood coming out of his nose and mouth. and I'll never forget that acrid smell of blood.
Don't fucking put people through that. I loved my brother even if he was a pain in the ass sometimes.
Never underestimate that people still love you, no matter how far away they are, or how much you've forgotten of them, they will still remember and love you.
Don't do it anons. Please.
Dunno what else to say
Pussy. Live and let die.
>If you are going to kill yourself, do some shit before you follow through. Live a little before doing it.
for some people that's too much of a challenge and it's not worth the effort.
It's not as much challenging as it is pointless. If i were to be killing myself, I would do it to end my suffering, not to entertain others.
Besides, I'm dead. Who gives a shit what others feel afterwards or do with my body.