It hurts so much that he was right about everything.
It hurts so much that he was right about everything
It also hurts so much that he created the single greatest loss of life for white people.
This. Hitler was a Jewish agent trying to hurt and divide whites and give infinite power to Jews by staging the holocaust. He also supported capitalism which is the best mechanism for destroying white culture.
>jews instigating a war is the white man's fault
Spotted the Jew.
The Jews won in the end and therefore are the superior race.
How many millions of blue eyed white skinned Germans died fighting for this dude? How many German women got cucked after being left defenceless? haha
>parasites being superior to a host
I sympathize with Hitler. I really do.
I have no doubt there were Jews who behaved exactly like Hitler is explaining. It's far too perverse to be made up.
Aids virus is superior to homosexual man?
Hey dudes,
I made a discord geared towards self improvement through becoming informed, healthy, and discussion.
the jew's plan was published 40 years before ww2 and it's all come true today
>the end
how the fuck is it the end if nazis are still alive and kicking lmao
you can call it the end when we reach the end, which is not yet
It's irrelevant how many died, because they died for something that was absolutely worth fighting for. It is in all cases better to fight for good than to lie down in submission to evil.
Einstein was Jewish. I might also point out Hitler killed an awful lot of white people in his pursuit of killing the Jews.
einstein also refused to join a zionist cult.
Einstein plagiarized other scientists for most of his work, he also was pro exterminating other races just like Hitler.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with killing traitors.
>isis and german soldier are on same side
>1500 girls raped by muslim men new years eve
>two trucks of peace in a row
>migrants killing and raping germans is so commonplace it does not even reach headlines anymore
>the german soldier wants to save europe while that shitskin ninja wants to islamify it
>Citation needed^2
So Hitler & Co. were jews? Because they were the ones that started everything and invaded everyone, even neutral parties.
pretty sure you can just google both, about race thing read his personal letters, Einstein despised other races, and you know it makes two great thinkers (Einstein and Hitler) who are pro killing other races.
plagiarizing accusations have been around for ages but really cannot be proven or disproven,
i'd say pop culture geeky professor stereotype he played was far more important, than actual historic person who he was.
Why do you Jow Forumstards feel the need to shit up every board with your delusional bullshit? Can't you just kill yourselves and get it over with, rather than spreading your misery onto others?
same goes for gays though.
>be cattle
>rancher takes your hides, your milk, and your meat
>controls your freedom
>but he also has to take care of you so clearly the cattle are superior
one day we will make it right user, one day the jews will all be dead
Honestly, I would gladly be in favour of all gay people killing themselves if it meant all Jow Forumstards would do the same. However, gay people really don't do anything bad to anyone other than themselves.
>Because they were the ones that started everything and invaded everyone, even neutral parties.
why is benis in the butt bad
I really don't think Jewish people really "took care" for anyone but themselves, nor do they control "everything". So i am not sure if rancher comparison really work user.
>when you can't refute it so you just say lol
Not sure why Hitler would consider Schopenhauer a great thinker, considering he was anti nationalism. probably the same reason Nietzsche got co-opted by the Nazis as well, because they were fundamentally misinformed.
i dont remember poltards ever doing anything worse than gays either.
fuck you 1488 will rise again
they sure didnt drive society apart like fags did. kinda ironic
At least gays make their own thread here and stick to it. Jow Forumstards on the other hand make multiple threads and try to shove their beliefs down everyone's throats. They are literally doing what homophobes feared gay people would do.
The person making the claim is supposed to back up their claim with evidence when asked for it, not the other way around. I took chemistry in University and we learned all about Einstein and the history of quantum mechanics. Einstein made contributions to numerous aspects of the physical sciences and was a brilliant mathematician. He solved problems in chemistry, mathematics and of course revolutionized physics by building on the work of his colleagues and predecessors. It's really hard to claim someone who's ideas have been under a microscope for nearly a century now plagiarized his work. He worked with other scientists and built on the work of others, that isn't plagiarism.
They don't teach you in school about how Jewish communists staged a civil war in Germany between WWI and WWII that killed a lot of Germans.
there is a single political "poltard" thread currently active, several "sissy, gay, trap, r9gay", also yang gang is a spam from the same discord group, to make things worse those people waste their time to actually stage conversations too.
you kinda make gays look even worse.
Every bad thing that can be classified as truly evil and despicable that has happened in history is a result of Jewish machination. Every. Single. Time. This includes, obviously, WW1 and WW2.
>At least gays make their own thread here and stick to it
this must be bait, no other group spews their shit into EVERYTHING, and no other group has thousands of organized dudes that post gay shit everywhere they can. not only Jow Forums by far.
>Jewish communists staged a civil war in Germany
And everywhere else.
Why are incels so obsessed with jews? Pic related is really accurate
>jews have been ruining literally everything since literally the dawn of mankind
>but it's not a big deal lol just call em an incel
Hi kike
>oy vey the goyim are noticing a pattern!
its not a big deal, all i care about is pussy food and consumer goods. i literally live in paradise, and its all based on the jews. i love it. fuck outta here with your abrahamic morals (ironic aint it hahahah)
That image is nice and all, except for the fact that it leaves out that Hitler's also demanded "a free hand in Europe", which manifested itself in his invasion and planned anexation of Norway, Denmark, Belgium, and The Netherlands, as well as planned annexation of the Baltic.
>yfw that pic is only the beginning
>thank God we stopped the Nazis from controlling Europe
>we would be speaking German today if we didn't beat the Nazis, how horrifying
>just imagine the fascist, totalitarian laws Nazi Europe would have if Hitler won WWII
There is a total of one real gay thread (r9gay) going on right now, and one arguable gay thread nearly dead. At most you can argue you are just as annoying. However, I have yet to see the same preaching that Jow Forumstards do come from gays.
>yang gang
Literally nothing wrong with this. Yang is based.
Good to know Jow Forumstards don't just have low IQ, but also have a low level of self-awareness.
yeah because poltards have people in every university, every council, every news organization and every company with a media department. they totally have that and spread their propaganda from there all the time, even being encouraged from people up above. oh wait that was the fags
>it's one or the other
A half a million Belgians, a quarter million Dutchmen, and millions more of other Europeans were outright enslaved by the Nazi dogs. Millions more were killed. And the Nazi plans always planned on keeping those lands. Too bad there wasn't a much more sensible option that didn't involve invading and enslaving innocent, neutral europeans. Oh wait, there fucking is.
Dude, you guys frequently raid, crosspost, and spread your shitty ass memes to other points of the internet. There are no organised gay groups trying to convert everyone to homosexuality anywhere whether on the internet or real life.
faggot ass nigger fuck. enjoy chinese a.i. supercapitalism because thats whats being implemented while you guys battle over adolf, cum in male asses and men dressing up
Surprisingly enough it is possible to be concerned with chinese ai supercapitalism, and also be annoyed at Jow Forums.
im white and im not a white nationalist but he made whites look bad desu
Trannies routinely try to talk the weak-minded on this very board into transitioning.
but you are not concerned by "fags" (and all that goes with it trans etc) and their divide and conquer tactics ? not being pol here, just if you see two enemies why ignore another one that is just as much out to fuck you in your ass (no pun intended)
every day on most boards in nearly every thread at least once. no not organized at all, just like the bbc posting. all just single unconnected individuals doing coincidences, in case you didnt know
i kind of visit board on regular basis don't really remember any large raids on Jow Forums from Jow Forums since 2016. Maybe npc forced meme spree but there were plenty of gays and centrists in this crap too.
about organized gay groups it's been known for about a year now, ton of discord screenshots was posted proving that.
You do know that gays and trannies are different groups, right? Besides, at most, your argument makes Jow Forums be just as bad as trannies, so I don't know if it helps you.
>divide and conquer tactics
Please explain.
They do raid /his/ quite often. Somehow, Jow Forums is one of the least Jow Forums-infected boards.
Also, the NPC meme started here as reference to people who think using abstract concepts rather than words. They just stole it and applied a different meaning to it.
Jow Forums isn't telling anyone to cut off their dick and start taking hormones and practice a lifestyle that will likely result in suicide.
>destroy old values
>fill them with consumerism
>(literally) profit
No, but you are spreading delusional notions and conspiracy theories, inspiring people to vote for right-wing candidates (which are just going to fuck them over even harder than the left), and spreading false information, like the idea that transitioning causes suicidal tendencies in transsexual people. I've got multiple studies that straight up invalidate that.
Did you know that Marx saw this shit coming nearly two centuries before it happened? He mentions in the Communist Manifesto about how capitalism would destroy all the old values of feudalistic society for the sake of profit, and that, to the bourgeoisie, nothing is sacred.
While I find the constant dick spam disgusting, and the spam in general annoying, I can't say their goal is immoral. You can't actually turn a genuinely straight man into a gay one, much less a into a tranny. I think they know that since that cap says "every sissy boy", so they're clearly going for males that are already mentally ill. The ones that fall for that shit were already inherently mentally unstable, it's sorta like demolishing a building that is already crumbling. And indeed it is better to prevent the fag genes from passing on by making them sterile.
>NPC meme started here as reference to people who think using abstract concepts rather than words.
originally NPC was minor meme not even from Jow Forums, it was from other chan's r9k, but it was more right wing and it was political since day 1, although, Jow Forums version just ugly bastardization
>you'll get fucked harder if you don't vote for leftists
Thank you for the history, user. It's always good to obtain new knowledge.
I never said that. If you consistently only vote for leftists, and they keep wining, they will slowly up the intensity with which they fuck you over. The thing is, when you vote for the right, they will immediately up the intensity with which they fuck you over.
It's a pointless game of picking the lesser evil, and the working man always loses.
>Nazie Germany
He nationalized almost everything.
He actually didn't. He and Mussolini actually privatized a lot of stuff.
You have just made a claim about making claims: please back it up.
That's not true. During the war the Weimar Republic naturally took control of nearly every industry. That is to say the creators where still the owners like Hugo Boss and Volkswagen but that is still nationalizing.
Schopenhauers argument against nationalism can be disregarded because his opinion wasn't actually about nationalism.
The left and the cuckservatives on the right are both our enemies.
I'm not sure that that counts. It was necessary for the war effort, and was done with the intention of eventually having control lessen after the war was over. A nationalization happens when a state takes ownership of a private company, most likely without the intention of giving it back. Besides, I think the UK did the same thing during the war, but the nationalisations only really started afterwards.
hitler was pure onions. only good thing he did was killing himself