If dubs you text the last non biological female you talked to last
Commit anons.
If dubs you text the last non biological female you talked to last
Commit anons.
Okay, but I fucked her last night. She was actually a good lay, let me slap and choke her and I didn't have to wear a condom
>non biological female
Post Her photo dude let's see what she looks like
fuck you know what I mean by that
>non biological woman
Implying I talked to a regular female was a far enough stretch but a tranny is somehow farther
She came off as a tad needy
do you mean android, cyborg or just AI op?
i meant non-biologically related female ok
Nice dude what a red flag but looks like she a freak
Certainly, won't be dating her. But she's fun
Push her onto me dude when youre done I'll play with her then dump her after lol are you in NorCal?
Time to send that text user
>share chloe's profile
I have sex with hard boiled eggs
Not even close
Oh well
Rolling. It will be weird to resuscitate a conversation that's been dead for 2 years. If you could ever call it alive, that is.
Roll because I literally can't lose
do it user. theres nothing holding you back
Is cloe a r9k goddess?
Ok fuck it, I need an excuse to do it
OP. Does she live in Kent, my man?
The devil has given you an offering
Nope. Also it looks like its time to text your monica
I don't know any trannies op
I'm going to do it regardless of dubs.
>I'm going to do it regardless of dubs.
post results
Ok, here is the delivery.
Pretty dope desu
I haven't talked to a girl in 3 years.
How does this even occur
how does the opposite occur?
how do you enter a situation in which you talk to girls as a robot
at work or school
I'm busy at University. I'm failing 2 classes and trying my best to study and learn what my senile professors aren't able to teach
Fucked mine two nights ago, also raw dogged her. I wanted to kick her ass out so I could get a good sleep, but it was midnight, freezing cold and she was nice enough to let me creampie her, so she stayed the night. If dubs I'll post a non-nude pic.
Based and cerealpilled.
>be in engineering
>talked to 5 females in the past 3 years
>bro's gf, mom, 3 sisters
>tfw you realize there are no women in engineering
Actually that's a lie, I have 2 girls in my classes but you can't just approach random people like that. I have a very unnatural urge to talk to her just because they're female; but so does every other guy in the room. I don't think it's fair to her to give her extra attention when all she did differently in life was to be born with a vagina.
I'm seriously considering making a Tinder account.