I wish more women would be like her.
I wish more women would be like her
Other urls found in this thread:
Godess level tits
That girls genuinely a nice person too from what ive heard
stop shilling your fucking shit here
Where do they get the extra skin to put over the silicon implants? When it's like a cup higher i guess they can just stretch it but there's no way you can jump from board to titcow like that without having skin grafted from somewhere
She probably went up several cup sizes at a time hence the 5 years, it also helps to have loose skin, looks like shes got some of that going on honestly.
>there's no way you can jump from board to titcow like that
Correct. It's a gradual process requiring several different surgeries.
Ah so it's a process of several surgeries to stretch the tits skin progressively, makes sense
It says it took her 5 years an user said last night all those enhancement surgerys probably cost her like 10k
Well, kinda. You can't implant beachballs all at once.
can one of you faggots give sauce, I keep seeing this pic and no one gives a link to her ig or pornhub.
Why the fuck do you keep posting this same awful image?
And why the fuck can't people see that those tits are photoshopped as all hell?
She doesnt really have social media anymore bro, she pops up on here or other boards on Jow Forums every so often and she used to have a twitter but I guess she kinda dropped off from that probably because of trolls from Jow Forums. Shes an escort in Dallas.
don't implants kill breast nerve endings? baffles me why women would want to do that. baffles me why men would want it. i mean i sort of get it, i guess, but playing with hard nipples and reactions thereof are wayyyy better than just floppy bags of flesh that you can hold.
i guess what bothers me is that any woman that doesn't mind destroying her nerve endings in her nipples obviously doesn't really enjoy sex that much, so would definitely be a total bore in bed anyway. which would just cancel out any pleasure i would get from giant tiddies. which, if you've ever seen them, look really severe and uncomfortable and stiff anyway.
It can happen, but it's not a sure thing.
She devolved further and further
Keeps a far lower profile nowadays
Yep they're heart-shaped
No not true stuff like that only happens if they have a bad surgeon, its possible she could even still breast feed but thats iffy with how big those things are.
Her breasts are still sensative btw and shes got huge nips that are perma hard which might be some weird disorder or maybe because of her nipple piercings idk
t.someone who payed money to take her out
>imagine being this much of a cuckold
I need a name here
Honestly ashamed people here want to know who this is. Her flat picture looks 8/10 while she's become some kind of fake lipped monster now
That's really gross.
I feel bad for her, that she never had any friends to talk her out of it.
I'd legitimately hang you if I could get away with it
Kill yourself op. Fuck your dog because you wont get a hug
Why the hate? I dont get it
Can i get a fuckin' name here
Her names Hannah but that wont really help you she has no social media anymore
i wish more people would join this server /xxjsxt8
So did you put yr pp between those things?
Hannah what? I'm sure if you google it there's gotta be a compendium of nudes somewhere
Yes it was pretty awesome.
I'm trying to bust a nut there, it's a critical emergency. I request sauce!
That short hairstyle really complements her massive fat tits
is this the same girl? fuck the algorithm this comment is original
No kek but she looks cute
Unironically looked better before
my mistake. All white women look the same to me.
I really fuckin' need her full fuckin' name here
Her tits are so big I want to impregnate them
Do you need glasses? Are your contacts not in right now? Those are so badly photoshopped that I'm pretty sure I could do a better job
If you really think that looks photoshopped your a fucking retard
That doesnt look shopped at all...
They're not photoshopped. She totally ruined herself.
Those areola tattoos are absolutely epic
I don't understand these threads at all. I know nobody is stupid enough to see these photos and think they aren't photoshopped. Is this all part of some elaborate ruse? Some new kind of troll thread?
>whole photo is grainy
>somehow the line between her tits are razor-sharp
>nipples look airbrushed on, the rings stand out so much that they appear to be drawn on as well
>tits are pushed together without her even holding onto them, something not possible even with implants
>the bottom of her left tit is almost square, like they were resting on a shelf
>shadows are clearly artificial compared to the rest of her body
Some insane samefaggotry going on here its insane
>Boobs filled with 20lbs of silicone look and act weird
Yup your a retard
WHAT is her FUCKIN' full NAME
Her names hannah its been said like 50 times
I can't put "Hannah" on google
Hannah WHAT
>IP count goes up
>"hurr durr samefags"
What the fuck is that face?
Nigger are you blind?
I wonder how it would feel to bounce my penis on one of those sacks
I wish nipplefucking was possible she would be perfect for it
>I want to impregnate her tits and fill those silicon implants with my semen.
Men of culture here
Hannah Aman. Her twitter was texasplastic. She used to use the name punkrockbimbo. Good luck finding her shit now that her twitter is gone, I tried and couldn't do it.
Reminder that these threads are literally made by the girl in those pics and occasionally trolls. They are heavily and obviously photoshoped
Just remember to sage
Original thanks yo
completely based and cumpilled
If you find anything good come back and post ir.
>those lips
The sillicone if for the tits only you dumb whore
found some random pics but they look shopped, will post anyway
originali bimbo posting
That one's definitely shopped. Maybe some are good though, let's see the rest.
more original bimbos
yet more original bimbos
That's about it fucking original filter sucks my dick
Where'd you find all that anyway? It's not much but more than I came up with. I only used google though.
Only used google too, i guess i'm more proficient at it somehow
Just looked for links and pics in any and all reddit/imgur/random forum topics that had the words "hannah" and "bimbobombshell/punkrockbimbo/texasplastic" in them
Some more pics at
all of her pictures look photoshopped lmao
what a twisted person