Bye. I hope I provided some entertainment.
Bye. I hope I provided some entertainment
You didn't. Post your cock
What did you expect when you came here looking for attention?
This is also all I'm interested in
Goddamn it, be my white schizo gf
Is that it? No scandalous suicide? No anons taking one for the team by wifeing you? Noooo this cannot be
>implying if you ever actually "leave" you won't just simply come up with a new persona
Then please kys, I'm dead serious I'm paranoid about you now.
What race are you?
You wish you looked even half as good as your avatar.
This is like the 3rd time I've seen her do the whole "IM LEAVIN GAIZ" routine.
Ya know what, may you have a good life girl... as someone who lives with fucked up parents, I know that it isn't 100% your fault when you have something like that
This would also apply if you are an attention whore or some shit like that
Now I'll go back to rimworld
We have all been fooled by a pretty avatar. Truth is, you're much uglier than this. You did provide us some entertainment. Tears and laughter.
Goodbye, my schizo queen
your posts were pretty boring desu, watching the orbiters was amusing though
bye tranny, I'm sure you'll still be posting here, so nothing was really lost.
Tfw you bullied tranny poster out of existence
Feels good man
You wish man, you wish. She's toying with people again.
I know but he's running out of tricks by now. I wanna see what's next.
Also your silence is very telling, OP.
Fucking kill yourself tranny. You better hope nobody tracks you down and beat the shit out of you.
pretty girls don't get schizophrenia.
I've seen pretty girls with schizophrenia
Op said he doesn't have schizo. Literally just brings it up to bait the newfags
yeah and they get medicated or wifed by poor bastards before turning to this shithole
Goddamn negroes forgot the captcha. origami fucker.
Fucking attention whore don't need a new thread
Whats it like contributing to the destruction of this board?
Fuck you OP, this board is all some of us have.
Hispanic, are you the schizo girl?
Well shit my dear larping schizo girl, your other thread got btfo by jannies. Still it's interesting to know the person behind the shitpost. Had some anons and I not called out your larp how long'd you have kept doing this? A lot of people seemed to believe it.
new one origalll
lmao someone really wants to shut down any further conversation on this topic. Must have really touched a nerve.
Yeah, probably because I was doxxing that discordfag.
Plot twist: the discord mutt is a janny
That or jannies are mad this goes against the wymym r good! agenda
That's what I figured too. He probably flipped his shit.
I'd laugh hard af if he were a janny is a he that larped as a she. Really doesn't go against that agenda.
I reported the post in question, I don't think its good to cross that line. That guy went through enough because of his insecurities, don't make them worse.