I'll try to answer as honestly as possible, apart from doxing myself.
Well, now that the LARP is getting kind of old, I might as well answer some questions
Before the avatarfagging, did you used to regularly create threads about eastern philosophy?
Can you post more nudes, you fucking whore?
Do you *actually* have schizophrenia, or were you just trolling for attention? Also, was that your actual vag you posted, or just a random pic you saved?
No. I rarely posted here. I used to sometimes make a thread about some "deep" topic here and there, but I was never super engaged here.
I'm a guy, do you still want some?
No, I don't have schizophrenia. I just used it as a cover for my story since it can be used to explain a lot of the "crazy" posts without seeming too inconsistent. The vag is just from some whore on r/gonewild.
Will you show us your dick already? With timestamp please, no homo just want you to admit you're a man
How many personas have you created and which were them? I want all of them
What are your many discord tags? Fear not, I won't even think of adding you, just want to know who you were
Who is the irl female you're using pics of? How much did you pay her?
Full name and state please, I think it's safe to assume you actually are lithuanian since you spoke the language well
How many other different regular threads you keep up?
Most importantly
> I just used it as a cover for my story since it can be used to explain a lot of the "crazy" posts without seeming too inconsistent.
That was a poor cover, but luckily for you 99% of anons were too retarded to actually know anything about the condition to say otherwise.
>I'm a guy, do you still want some?
So what's that whole thing about you being a shit mother and you making threads about how bad of a mother you would be if you're really a guy? It's actually hard to believe.
give me you discord I wanna wreck that boipussy
What was the reason for all this series of posts? Since what? 2-3 months ago?
So if you rarely post here, what gave you the sudden urge to troll the entire board by pretending to be a schizo looking for sex? Just boredom?
>the entire board
more like a bunch of thirsty betas like yourself
OP are you american?
Do you have a dog?
Are you actually into black metal?
Have you posted regularly on other imageboards?
Are you a male virgin?
What did you get out of those threads? was it nothing but some love and affection?
Are you actually as self loathing as you say you are?
What do I win if I never fell for the girl larp?
You are an extremely elaborate troll if you actually are a guy, and you would have managed to outsmart me, therefore it's pretty much impossible that you are actually a guy. The vag pic might be false though, since the pubes are brown. And also that body shot is pretty weird. Why was the timestamp march 5? Other than that, you are not a guy.
>Will you show us your dick already? With timestamp please, no homo just want you to admit you're a man
Well I admit, I am a man. Do you really need to see my ugly dick?
>How many personas have you created and which were them? I want all of them
Just this one together with Eye-chan, but I made it pretty clear that it was the same person anyways. I also took over from the guy who used to make "posters you recognize" for a while. Apart from that, I think that's it.
>What are your many discord tags? Fear not, I won't even think of adding you, just want to know who you were
I barely used Discord. It just wasn't fun to bait a single user at a time. I think I used two on two separate occasions.
>Who is the irl female you're using pics of? How much did you pay her?
Just random whores from the internet. Reverse image search isn't as good as I thought apparently, do it worked well enough. I did regret how I handled it a bit.
>Full name and state please, I think it's safe to assume you actually are lithuanian since you spoke the language well
Yes, I'm Lithuanian. I'm not giving you my name though.
>How many other different regular threads you keep up?
Just the posters you recognize that I made a few times. Several of the picrew ones were mine too. Not much else.
You don't have to.
Rekt ouch
How many dudes did you actually end up speaking to on discord? Did they all legitimately buy your routine?
I got some real laughs from the whole planes following you thing and your nightwalk thread was good.
Still better watch out for those black helicopters though.
Are you still going to post in a less noticeable way?
>you would have managed to outsmart me
it doesnt sound like you have much going up there user, the whole thing was transparent as shit
I like this side of you much better lmao
Sure. It worked well enough. And it's "crazy" enough so that I could make many different types of bait.
Just an idea I got from an user who wanted kids with "me". I suppose guys really like the idea of impregnating a girl, so I used it as bait.
Just for fun. It kind of evolved on its own.
Nah, impossible. Impossible. I know a retarded idiot when I see one. IMPOSSIBLE.
Where are the cropped redhead pic and tit from, then?
lol, that tit is clearly a male nipple
>OP are you american?
No, I'm actually Lithuanian. I tried to base my whole larp on reality as much as possible.
>Do you have a dog?
Yes I do.
>Are you actually into black metal?
Yes. I prefer folk metal though.
>Have you posted regularly on other imageboards?
I've been here for around 8 years. I didn't really post anywhere else except hot wheels a few times
Are you a male virgin?
Yes. Haha.
>What did you get out of those threads? was it nothing but some love and affection?
Fun, I suppose. I almost started to buy into the persona by the end.
>Are you actually as self loathing as you say you are?
No more than the average robot.
>What do I win if I never fell for the girl larp?
Certificate that your IQ is average.
Are you going through a tough time in life, an existential crisis or something? Or it really was all part of the character you made up?