Any robots in the military here? I leave for Army basic training in 4 days, I'm pretty nervous.
Any robots in the military here? I leave for Army basic training in 4 days, I'm pretty nervous
Yeah Marines. Just do exactly what the instructors tell you to do.
How is your life, is it miserable? What's your MOS? Do you feel like you fit in with all the other non-robot military personnel
I did my time for 10 years. You'll be fine, especially if there are any more sandbox wars. They are fun as fuck but you're only risk now is a war in Asia which would not be fun whatsoever.
Venezuela seems more likely than Asia if you ask me
What do you vets think of roasties crying ptsd over twitter comments?
I'm on the aviation side of things. Never been happier. Busy and stressed a lot of the time but I'm miserable when I have nothing to do. Great sense of purpose.
>Do you feel like you fit in with all the other non-robot military personnel
Yeah, I don't go party with them or anything but they're like any other kind of work friends. Probably better actually because they aren't usually just some directionless normies.
You ever play cod before?
I don't really use twitter so I don't know. I never developed PTSD which created a whole load of problems for me after my first two tours, I had to do so many psych tests to prove I wasn't a psychopath. Even though I did join up to kill muslims originally, so their tests are a load of shit and I did enjoy every minute of combat I experienced.
Where are you going? Basic is generally a cake walk you will just hate being sleepy and maybe hungry all the time other than that its fuckin cake. Just keep your mouth shut and follow directions. Basic is probably the most fun you're going to have in the Army and you will make life long friends.
going to basic in about three months, 11B here. Here I come fort benning.
Does the Army accept manlets and skellies? i'm 5.4 90 lbs.
I mean I used to, don't anymore. More of an ARMA / Counter Strike guy these days
Fort Sill
I'm a 68W
You might have to get a waiver which is generally easy for the army. One of the guys in my section was literally a manlet that weigh no more than a buck. We had fun times when we did combatives PT tossed him around like a doll.
Infantry is bottom of barrel c'mon you didn't take advantage of the teachings? See this nigga is gonna get out and can get a job as an EMT. That's a plan right there
no there is a minimum weight requirement
Dude I think in some cases but desu you're tiny as fuck. Just start putting on some weight amigo.
what is it? 50Kg?
i went 11B and I also got an 88 on my ASVAB
125lbs i believe
Ah you will be a Doc that's a pretty nice gig especially if you end up in an Infantry battalion they will absolutely love you. I heard Ft. Sill aint that bad even Benning isn't that awful anymore from what I heard from our infantry folk. Like I said earlier its pretty easy if anything you should be worrying about AIT because its long as fuck and alot of school work.
Been an officer in the British Army for 4 years. Paratrooper. Starting commando course next Monday and shitting myself because if I pass I don't have to ever come back to this shit regiment where I hate everyone but if I fail I have to come back and face all these cunts and the shame of failure.
Yeah thats what I've heard. Someone I know who did 68w told me that their AIT pretty much consisted of getting about 4 hours of sleep a night, going through sometimes 10-12 chapters of anatomy and shit in one day, and on the weekends instead of having fun they just rented out hotels in San Antonio to sleep all fucking day.
The only thing that's giving me hope for that is knowing that there are plenty of brain dead retards who have probably succeeded before me, so if they can do it I can. I got a 91 on my ASVAB so I know I'm not a complete bottom feeder.
Thats badass dude. Best of luck to you.
Lmao enjoy shit pay and having your girl fuck other dudes. Ill be enjoying lots of pay and fucking army men girls, dont get blown up lmao.
Oh yeah you bet there will be some retards. I was a signaleer and you would think repairing radios and working on government mobile networks requires someone that isnt completely brain dead however there were several idiots that made it. But yeah dude you will have alot of fun enjoy it.
Did 4 years a grunt Muhreen 0351 from 2008-12. I did two tours/16 months in Helmand province during the most deadly years of the war and saw more than my fair share of combat.
There's not a day that goes by that i don't miss it and wish to return to one of our remote patrol bases with my buddies. Those were the best days of my life and nothing else will ever come close. I even tried(failed) to join the French Foreign Legion in 2016 in an attempt to recapture those glory days. Now I just wallow away as a 29 y/o virgin shut-in who hates society. Will probably off myself at some point.
>having your girl fuck other dudes
>implying I have a girl
I cannot imagine being such a weak person or enough of a cuck/sheep that being in the military would be a bad choice.
Ain't nothing wrong with going 11bang bang just make sure you try to get everything you can out of it. Be cool with your commo sgt and see if you can get some schooling in for tech jobs or reclass after your initial enlistment to something more techincal if you end mopping the company area for the entire time as an 11B
You ever tried joining a PMC? That's what my marine cousin says he's gonna do someday.
Originally meant to quote you
Bro are you stupid? Military is a terrible choice, ghettos and white incelsRagers. All the dudes in HS got married to fuggly chicks and have rage and power issues. Fuck the military, Ill enjoy making fat stacks while idiots die for me lmao
Its easy compared to when I was in. Are you going to the Virgin Jackson or the Chad Benning?
Part of me really hates progressives/liberals, etc. because of how bleeding heart they are... but then again I get these rare reminds that there are people out there with ZERO concept of other people with different lives and opportunities and they actually think like this.
Thank you. Enjoy your "fat stacks". I'm sure you super deserve them.
I'm 68W going to Fort Sill in Oklahoma, so neither lmao.
Dont your war stories get you laid?
It sounds great but mostly being in the military is just living with the same people you work with so if you don't particularly like them, too bad, they're there during your free time/time off anyway to piss you off.
It's fucking depressing sometimes. Hence why I want to get out of here. If I fail the course and have to come back with my tail between my legs it will be fucking unbearable.
Talking about bug juice in my dorm room, illegal hot pads, and how many fucking floors I vacuumed?
Airforce here, it basically got my life back on track with friends, an education and quitting most of my bad habits.
Still a Europoor military but its better than nothing.
yeah of course, talking about my experiences of killing child soldiers and watching my buddies get blown in half right in front of my eyes totally gets me laid. Being serious though, I haven't interacted socially with females since before I started High School at an all-male academy when I was 14. By the time I left the military I was nearly a 23 year old virgin who hadn't even talked to a girl beyond basic retail transactions in almost a decade. There's no coming back from that sort of delayed development.
The worthwhile PMCs all want SOF experience. I was just a dumb grunt.
I am a liberal, but I make a lot of money. I always vote democrat and Im from a southern state (yeeyaw). Military is a huge waste of money and time, we wont invade other countries well bomb them with nukes. Also we wont be invaded well be nuked
thats edgy those idiots who died for you as you stated died for their dreams and all of your national future treated like shit sometimes.
Cool. Did you use the free college thing after serving?
Your knowledge of how war is waged and how future conflicts will look is so narrow and ignorant.
Thanks for this, really kek'd.
Why didn't you make the sensible choice and join the airforce?
Only people who dream to join and white power house ragers. Im legit not trolling and thats their choice if you sign up to join then why should i feel bad if you die. Thats the job? I get the supposed sacrifice buts its all a fucked system that ruins kids lives. Its a circle, break it, dont join
I wanted a combat MOS and joining the chairforce seemed pretty fuckin gay
Tell me what country is going to send fucking boats to storm our shores? If someone sets foot we send nukes and then they send nukes and then world is fucked. Keep getting taken advantage of by white boomers
Wow. You sure are a retard.
>we won't invade other countries we'll nuke them
That sure has held true for the last 10 years. Member when we nuked Baghdad? And Kabul? And Tripoli? And member when Russia nuked Tbilisi and France nuked Damascus? Member when China said they were gonna nuke Taiwan?
Huh...seems like something is wrong with your retarded point here.
On a serious note, please don't talk like you are a font of knowledge on something you know nothing about. I've been an officer for years and I don't even need special knowledge to know that nuclear weapons haven't made war obsolete and uncommon.
Yep currently in the Army. Been an 11B for 2.5 years. Shit sucks man. Basic is easy, after you leave you will forget you were ever there after a few months. The only "Difficult" part is the massive culture shock but you get used to it. The number one thing I've learned in the military is that you are surprised by how fast you get used to shit. To the point that, when I was in basic I was scared to go to my unit because I had become so accustomed to BCT. Just do what you're told, don't stand out and accept the fact that retards are going to get you smoked all the time.
>Tell me what country is going to send fucking boats to storm our shores?
...except decentralized, proxy conflicts are the future. Again, you haven't really thought this through, which as a liberal, is probably a pretty common trend for you. You are in a big war mindset that likely will never happen again.
why did you go to an all boys school? Was it by choice or were you forced by your parents?
Bro republicans put us in war, its the whites. Yall are mornonic
What proxy conflict? This is exactly my point, dumb hicks think people will invade our country, if someone does that we send bombs not dumb troops how about we leave the middle east alone and say fuck the world and worry about ourselves?
If there was any justice in our society you would have been rewarded with a young virgin wife upon your return like warriors of the past. It truly sucks to have been born in this era. I hope you hang in there dude, though if you do an hero I understand.
I'm the same age as you roughly and was deployed from 2003 until about 2014. Are you telling me in all your time you never raped anyone?
Do people who get PTSD turn into psychopaths or something??
Stationed? I was in oki. Deployed to Korea. Smelled like shit there. Japan was pretty cool.
Well enjoy your screwed up knees and back in a few years.
>What proxy conflict?
Ukraine, Africa, the Middle East.
>if someone does that we send bombs
Wew lad, someone didn't learn from Vietnam.
lmao no, I served in the British military. No such perks out of that really, the best thing I got out of it were contacts for employment once I finished up.
Are you serious mate? Do you know nothing about current events or international politics?
>what proxy conflicts
Syria? Ukraine? Ring any bells?
>we'll just bomb them
Then why didn't we do that with Syria? Why aren't we doing it with Ukraine? Why not with Iraq or Afghanistan? Why didn't Russia do it with Georgia? It kind of worked for Libya, but what came after was all sorts of fucked up partly because we had no "boots on the ground" to control and influence what came next.
Exactly my point man. Military fucked this dudes life, OP dont join quit now so you dont end up like ptsd man over here lmao
Pensacola, FL right now. Thats going to be changing within a month or two though, not sure where.
I heard Korea is pretty hit or miss. How was Oki? I heard its fun for officers but kind of sucks if you're enlisted.
Exactly we stay the fuck out. Idc about these other shit countries. America first. Obama did that but racists like rager conflict. True people who want war to end will vote democrat republican caused all this
I guess you've never learned the isolationism allows your enemies to make gains while you hide away.
Thats why FDR and Roosevelt fucking ruled and America thrived. Then beta male republican take over and fuck our country for money
I was a very competitive hockey player with a chance of turning pro. I attended a development academy a thousand miles away from home. It didn't pan out unfortunately and I wanted to kill some muslims so I joined the Marines. I left for boot camp 9 days after graduating HS.
thanks for the kind words
There was no one to rape. We were deployed to remote rural areas and the only people we ever saw were military aged males tending the farmland. We often went weeks or months without encountering women. I literally went 5 months without even laying eyes on a female at one point.
The military didn't fuck my life. I did that to myself
He literally tried to ride the neutrality fence, failed, and then we were attacked. You're actually delusional.
Member when Hillary was demanding the USA take more military action in Syria and Ukraine? Member when the democrats decried Russian interference in the US election and said it was an act of war?
>stay the fuck out
>American first
>still wanting to vote democrat
I'm not American but even to me this seems like cognitive dissonance
Also, as immoral as many of these wars may be, they are often necessary to maintain your comfy standards of living. The US and other western economies depend on a particular global status quo and they use their militaries to achieve this, under various pretexts (such as "omg [dictator] is bombing children!".
Yes, these wars are happening and WILL continue to happen, you're an idiot to have denied this. No single political party is solely responsible.
Both of you need to go to rasp or youre gonna hate your life
Not always but the tests they do cover all kinds of mental "instabilities" and conditions, so if you get tested for PTSD you can be sure they are testing you for almost everything else.
U arent American therefore ur invalid and a cuck lmao. Stay broke and enjoy brexit. Military is shit and always will be
Exactly. Don't forget that regime change in Libya too. All those doves turned to hawks overnight it seems.
Nah dumbass Japan bombed our shit after we helped the Uk. Should have just sent nukes and this problem would have been solved. Stay mad and broke because someone fucked ur wife while in the military I leaving this thread. Thanks for getting blown up for me lmao
I was enlisted and I fucking loved it. Just got to get that yellow card so you can stay out on town after midnight. I also heard they went dry bc of an incident a little while back. If that's the case, it probably blows. Saki is dope. Soju is better. If you ever get to Korea, get you some soju.
What country has the power to send boats to our shore without getting blasted out of the water, literally none. Also america won't fire a nuke just because it is getting invaded are you retarded
we bombed the shit outta 'nam and they still kept fighting odds are the Middle East won't be any different. Also America doesn't hold influence over the middle east to get oil, we do it to be able to hault other countries access to oil in case we go to war with a country like China for example
ITT: degenerates, all of military should hang
marines been in the army 2 years stationed at bragg as of right now
be prepared to wake up at fuck-this-o'clock in the morning, realize that all luxuries like having a comfortable bed and toilet paper to wipe your ass with are futile
semper fi cunt
*not the army, you know what i meant. jumping fucking jarheads i need some new crayons
What about manlet and overweight?
You are an absolute retard we didn't have nukes when the Japs bombed us also a bomber couldn't make the flight from Hawaii to japan without refuelling which would be impossible due to the absence of Allied controlled islands in the pacific. Also japan attacked to help assert their influence over the pacific and tried to keep us out of their way.
You gonna be gay for the stay?
give me a Army basic training in 4 days gf
Sorry I'm late OP.
Call whomsoever you have to call and cancel your mistake right now.
If you're already locked in, attempt suicide in such a way as to make it obvious, but don't actually kill yourself, that should do the trick to make them leave you alone.
I did a couple weeks of basic and it's totally miserable. Every second of what's about to become an increasingly worthless existence will be torture and you will probably not have a good time.
Just get a blue collar job like a normal person, I did that and now I'm halfway through university.
Yeah, I just graduated basic in October, don't give up, don't talk too much, and just smile and silently laugh at some of the stupid shit, you're going to remember it for the rest of your life, also the Drill Sergeants are just trying to scare you most of the time so just know it's sort of an act.
What MOS did you choose?
This bitch quit, don't listen to him.
Tru dat. OP, in general, not just in the context of the military, if someone is goading you on by saying "you're not a fucking quitter, are ya!?" or something like that, chances are that with a few moments of introspection you'll find you have little real investment in the task and they're trying to obfuscate that by challenging you to prove them wrong.
You have on average 80 years of life and at least 20 of them are already gone. Go out and find something to do that you actually like without signing up to be treated like shit for the next few years.
What's your MOS guy? We just got a bunch of new privates in October.
35N, still working through AIT, but I want to go tactical.
Waste of dubs, history has always been molded by soldiers and armies, you can either be a part of that, or sit on the sidelines and disappear as though you never even existed.
It won't help with your self confidence or help you get girls, but it will give you life experience. Coming from a marine
No one remembers the names of the infantry who stormed Berlin or fell at Waterloo you weirdo. Wearing a uniform and waving a gun around isn't going to immortalise you in the annals of history.
And the state of our world today is made by economics; financiers, bankers and civil policy makers, not the sharp end of foreign affairs. Compound that with the fact that there'll never again be a great powers' war and you as much as anyone are going to disappear and be forgotten.
Sad post by a bitter kid who stood during the moment of truth
don't do it, or at the very do one contract and get out
the army is full of incompetent retards, spics, niggers and general fuckwits
you will not accomplish anything, you are not fighting or working towards anything
you will waste time, you will waste tax-payers money, you will be trapped in a shitty environment, being led by officers who don't give a shit about you and braindead NCOs
>Any robots in the military here?
Going on 10 years this year. Navy, Army and now Army reserves and about to go full circle and reenlist into the Airforce.
Yeah I'de be pretty nervous too, basic is shit. I remember my first nights at Navy recruit school and Army recruit training. I was scared shitless. But you get used to it after a week or two.
Arrrkkktuualllly. It will. It did for me anyway. I joined up as a KHV and came out of RS as a top tier chad with loads of friends and no virginity. And it did increase my self confidence a hundred fold. People HAVE to respect you if you're military, its common courtesy
>Going on 10 years this year. Navy, Army and now Army reserves and about to go full circle and reenlist into the Airforce.
Wow, why so much branch hoping? What jobs did you hold? I was OS in Navy.