I took dmt and saw the simulation
I took dmt and saw the simulation
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Don't worry, you'll forget all about it in a couple days.
Im being force fed dmt daily
>I took dmt and saw the simulation
fucking this bros
I sometimes feel like mentally insane people are actually the only sane people, who saw the truth and just dont give a shit anymore since they realised everything we experience is fake
>saw the simulation
please describe what you saw
de moth
it seeks de lamp
are you a fucking jacobin??
Whsjjahakkdsjkse e
What are the machine elves?
>What are the machine elves?
If you actually understood then you wouldn't need the DMT
nope youre an idiot, next
does anyone have that video where that black dude had this happen and is describing it in this hilarious rambling manner
>he needs DMT to see the simulation
>he needs air to see the simulation
You didn't see the simulation, you saw a higher plane of existence.
You were closer to The All user.
>he needs eyes to see the simulation
I think this website has finally gotten too strange for me.
>I think this website has finally gotten too strange for me.
explain pls
>he didn't talk to Hermes personally through meditation and have him tell you what a good job you're doing
Spiritual alchemy is the only path, user. Thelema is a close second
You have no idea what he experienced. Stop talking out of your ass.
>He needs nerve endings to process seeing the simulation
>B-but I put an anime picture!! that means I know what I'm talking about!!
He doesn't understand what he saw. Neither do you it seems.
Based and enlightened anime poster
He the saw the architect of all, just like I did. Perhaps just a different way of articulating what you said?
>just like I did
sauce me batman
Which one? Hermes is called the Thrice born for a reason.
Echoes, user. Echoes
>Echoes, user. Echoes
w-what tf does it mean??
That's not what that means though, user.
>I took drugs saw things and know there's god
If it wasn't got Toe Rogan you faggots would still be seen as what you are, insane. You're the exact same as a religious person, uhhh I speak to gawwd.
>If it wasn't got Toe Rogan
He's baiting you, user. Just ignore the faggots
Joe the toe Rogan
>you are, insane. You're the exact same as a religious person, uhhh I speak to gawwd.
Why did you remind me, user.
He didn't deserve this.
I'll give you the quick lite version because it would take a long time to explain it all to you now. Basically every choice you make is like a split in the flowing river that is time. You have the choice to take the positive route or the negative route. Your choice ripples through the time continuum like an echo, it effects one person, and the next, and so on. If you put positive energies into universe, your universe will be positive, if you to the opposite, your universe will be negative
Think of how an echo carries on and eventually bounces back, everyone's ears receive it
holy fuck it aII makes sense now
>I need drugs to be smart and anyone who says otherwise is dumb!!!!1!
>Im an adiot!
>Makes a shithead, baity statement without context
>proceeds to strawman
>heh, what a bunch of dumb idiots B)
Perhaps. The architect of all is The All. The All is in all. All is in The All.
Look into the Kybalion if you want to understand what you experienced a bit better. You don't have to blindly accept it as truth, it still is a very unique and useful way of looking at things, especially the Principle of Polarity. Good luck.
Hmm, you seem smart user. Got any other good books to recommend? It's always interesting to run into intelligent people, I like learning
And while I already understand the duality, I'm sure I could understand more
This thread is startling me
Don't be afraid, friend
how can I not?? I'm basically finding out reality is a lie!
We lost a good one
The entire idea of demons, and frankly religion in general bothers me. You don't need a elf to tell you to commit atrocities. The only reason people think things like that is because of thousands of years of civilization, good luck, and brilliant minds.
Demons =/= daemons
Polarity isn't duality. The Principle of Polarity, roughly, is the idea that everything has its opposite. Opposites are identical in essence, only differing in degree. Extreme opposites are as close to one another as is possible.
If you are in darkness, you are blind. If you are in the brightest light, you are also blind.
If you love someone to an extreme degree, you must be obsessed with them. If you hate someone to an extreme degree, you also must be obsessed with them.
Having the most pleasurable experience you can will dull all future experiences. Having the most painful experience possible will also dull all future experience.
Duality, at least in the hermetic framework, is the idea that everything has its "male" and "female" essence. Other belief systems may call this "positive" and "negative", "yin" and "yang", "father" and "mother". Everything is dual in nature, one part creation, one part substance.
Both are axioms in the Hermetic Teachings. Again, you don't need to believe in them to find them as a useful tool for thinking about things. Give the Kybalion a try, it might be interesting.
At the very least you'll see what influenced the Ancient Greeks, most modern Religions, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment (including people like Newton), Freemasons, and tons of other aspects of modern society. For how influential the teachings are, they sure aren't well known.
Very interesting
>Very interesting
can I get a general synopsis?
I'm not sure if I want to do DMT, considering I've never done psychedelics before. With what I follow and believe, I want to live my human life without experiencing something outside, but maybe I do, idk. I'm trying astral projection, thats pretty cool too.
Every opposite is one in nature, for example if you are freezing cold you die, if are exposed to extreme heat you die. Duality is basically everything has it's counterpart in order to make a whole. Night and day, life and death, earth and sky
What could this possibly prove? Yes you die if you get to cold, you also die if you don't have sufficient clothing for the temperature you are in. People can freeze to death in 50 F but a coat can have you snug as a bug in a rug. Put on the same coat in 90 degree weather and you won't die, put on a wool coat though, and now we are talking. Night is only the absence of direct sunlight on your part of the world. If we are saying the only duality that exists is the presence, or absence of a thing then even that does not hold true, because just because you are not directly witnessing something does not mean it is gone. Destroying something does not make it an opposite, nor does it change in any dual way. A painting if torn to shreds is scraps of the same painting. The Earth and Sky are not even a specific thing.
will someone pls prove to me these entities are real?
Not that user, but if you work on the assumption that polar opposites are the same in essence, it means you can work on rectifying things that seem mutually exclusive. It lets you see experiences and arguments for the spectrum they are, rather than the black and white we often make them out to be.
You can say this is obvious, but could you tell me why life is the same as death? Again, if you assume the axiom is true, then there should be a way to rectify it. It's beyond me at the moment, so I don't know the answer either.
joe "quote" rogan
It was just a very quick synopsis written in 30 seconds with literally the first examples that came to my mind, settle down Jow Forumsiamverysmart
thank you based user for providing helpful tl;dr's
I want to take shrooms or dmt or ayusca. Will it change my life? Will I be scared?
You won't know until you try. You can't know until then really.
They are not. If the claim is true you could test it in a number of ways to quickly verify it. You get a dozen people and you set them up so that they cannot see each other, and have had no prior contact with each other. However have them viewing a central point. Perform actions, and tests then collect information from them afterwards to attempt to even get a plausible correlation between the hallucinations. Its all bullshit, any inspiration people might receive from these sorts of drugs is from their brain being kicked onto 11 in the most unhealthy ways imaginable.
>these entities
what entities?
The Elves.
A way you can rectify the polarity of life and death is the fact that life requires death in order to be. When an animal kills another animal and eats it for substance, said animal can continue on to make more life. This new born baby might go on to become food for more life, and go on to create more life of its own. The dead animals body feeds the soil and plants and in turn make more life. The death of the tree acts as a home and brings life to many creatures. The soil is replenished and in turn leads to new trees being born
Everyone that took DMT said it felt more real than their own reality. Maybe this reality is the one that's fake.
I thought of that, but it doesn't seem necessarily true. For example honey bees do not need to kill to live, and they spread more life in the process.
The only way I can think to rectify these two is to use other principles, such as different planes per the Principle of Correspondence. Perhaps the idea that to ascend in the scale of life requires death in the current plane.
That however only explains the spiritual and perhaps mental aspects. I still hope there's a way to rectify life and death into one in the physical as well.
Thanks user, you're making me think.
So if this is a simulation why would they allow DMT?
It was an error in their calculations
You can argue that honey bees killing wasps might save an ant that would of been eaten by the wasp, and in turn this ant spreads more life and this ants children go on to feed more life. While the honey bee doesn't NEED to kill, he still does and in turn that creates more life. The wolf HAS to kill, but in killing the deer he controls over population which in turn destroys vegetation and ruins the on set of life for other creatures
Nothing you said makes any sense, and your whole nu-Buddhist gobbledy-gook is a shallow attempt at avoiding action, and responsibility for inaction.
1. Your posts were longer than mine.
2. Jow Forumsiamverysmart = Saying you have profound insight that the nature of the universe, and that your philosophy was secretly responsible for the renaissance/enlightenment/most modern religions
That is changing the definition of reality. If you shoot a schizophrenic, and if someone steals your wallet while you are tripping on DMT he has your wallet, and you no longer have it.
Define reality, user.
I once made this comparison after a shroom trip while playing Mario party
>every new day is new diceroll
>you never know what you're going to get
>you can never truly guess what is going to happen
>feel psychic God force energy or something inside of me telling me something
>"If you treat everyone better, the diceroll will be favorable in return."
Which led me to think and make another connection..
>play a pokemon rom
>save state on first turn in battle
>make a choice
>current state veers into direction 1
>rest of battle happens
>encounter wild pokemon a
This direction, like you said, is a fork in the river of time/fate.
>load state
>back to battle
>hit a different attack/use item this time
>notice enemy pokemon attacks differently
>notice wild pokemon b appears instead of a
>thus creating direction 2
Basically, compare this to your life. One morning to school, traffic light X stops you and Y doesn't. The next morning, traffic light X let's you go and so does Y. Because of this, you drive with completely different people in your commute because of one little change. So how do I tie your post and my two ideas together? Simple.
>history can be repeated in RNG dominated games to continuously shape things your way until the end
>can't do that IRL so choose the good choices
Me and the user posting the long explanations aren't the same person you fucking half-wit retard, if you read the entire thread this would be very clear
The honey bee is one example. Mosquitos and leeches also don't necessarily have to kill to survive, even though they often do kill.
I was thinking today maybe it is more along the lines of "Life is the process of death; Death is the process of life". But that seems a bit vague.
>Nothing you said makes any sense
Of course it does, but only if you use the axiom I laid out in the previous post.
Buddhism is a corruption of what is being discussed.
>freeze to death
youre using that word
mosquitos and leeches don't kill, if they kill they would run out of food
poor fucking terry
Leeches don't kill because they scavenge and make life out of the death of another, but mosquito's kill more people every year than any other animal on the planet
That's the point though. He said life and death could be unified by the fact you need death for life to continue. I was giving examples where that isn't necessarily the case. I said leeches and mosquitos can kill, even though they survive just fine without doing so.
No, malaria and disease are what kills not the mosquito
These people would never get malaria if not for the mosquito that bites them
The world or state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to a notional or idealistic idea of them.
Your experiences are subjective, and don't get me wrong everyone feels very strongly about the things they experienced. When you want to make a claim that has any weight to it. Say that I want to have you remove a fence, or skip work today you'll have to supply some evidence. Something that someone else can verify is, at least as far as they can tell real. Maybe you offer me some money, or the promise of beer and a party. If I find that there is no beer at the party, or you never pay me I'd be rather upset about the fence, or missing the pay from work.
When you say that taking DMT allows you to witness elves that have influenced human achievement, and evil for thousands of years, a claim that would change a great deal for how we should perceive the world, progress, past accomplishments, ourselves, morality, religion, technology, and believe me I could make a long list. It is a big claim.
You are going to have to come up with more than "It felt real man." to convince anyone of sound mind of that.
Mosquito doesn't kill
>she becomes food for more life, or creates new life
>mosquito infects someone with malaria, and does kill a nigger, this niggers death allows fertilizes the soil, he's food more insects and scavengers, his death makes one less mouth to feed and someone else gets to eat and thrive
and they'd never get killed by malaria if their mother never would have given birth to them thus the mother killed the person as well if you go that line of logic
Apologies for broken English
DMT is the easy way, and you only contact evil entities with that method that will attempt to influence you to fall.
You can explain anything away, just as much as you can explain it true unless proven
A mosquito doesn't NEED to kill to survive. A wolf needs to kill to survive. It may be theoretically possible for humans to eat in such a way that we don't need to kill to survive either, but it's just easier to kill to survive (not to mention tastier).
That's the point being made.
So you're kind of arguing nothing then. It's all "what ifs"
No dude, it goes deeper than that. If you just think about what the basis for a space is to begin with you can look at the mathematical construct of planes from vectors; u & v. These vectors are going to be closed under addition (u+v is in the space), be communitive (u+v = v+u), be associative ((u+v) +w = u+(w+v)), have additive identities (u+ 0 = u, v + 0 = v), have inverse properties ((u+(-u) =0, v+(-v)=0), be closed under scalar multiplication (cv is in the space, for some constant c), be distributive under multiplication (c(u+v)=cu+cv), and have a multiplicative identity (1u=u, 1v=v).
It's not so much a polarity as literally how spaces work under mathematical principals. What would it be to have a space without interaction between the parts that sum to form the basis? Simply referring to everything as a duality is reductive because it replaces the nuance of most things for the simplification of everything. It works because for most cases it makes sense to think of things as being some sort of ebb and flow between two polar opposites, but eventually when you get down to talking about opposites I think you're just talking about eigenvectors and their differences being their magnitudes. Because these vectors only change by their magnitude when a linear transformation is applied to them, the real difference between them is little more than whatever scalar multiple their magnitude is (what you called differing by a degree).
Saying "Of course my argument makes sense if you believe my argument" does not make it true. You say are using language of certainty, and answering questions with it. You can't say
>..."At the very least you'll see what influenced the Ancient Greeks, most modern Religions, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment (including people like Newton), Freemasons, and tons of other aspects of modern society. For how influential the teachings are, they sure aren't well known."
then say it is hippie bullshit that means nothing.
I've never taken DMT but I've done some research on it and if you were to become trapped in that "world" you'd perceive it as no less real and you would call it reality. Reality is a very fragile thing and is absolutely perspective and as you said subjective experiences. Some more sound than others, sure, but it's experienced and felt all the same. Whose to say your reality is the correct one?