What's the best or worst drug experience you had user?
What's the best or worst drug experience you had user?
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Spent like 1k in weed in 2 months, that's my worst weed experience
How the fuck do you even smoke that much
>getting dick sucked for 2 hours by a goth girl who was high on ecstasy
>hallucinating on morphine patches in school I snatched after my grandfather passed away
Gram is 20 bucks here so easy if you smoke 3 times a day , europe btw
Took too much benadryl one time because I was suicidal. Turns out taking too much benadryl doesn't kill you, it just makes you delirious. I saw spiders everywhere.
smoking scopolamine
Just buy in bulk? Are you retarded?
1100 mg of dxm originally
I would originally like to hear this story pls
Smoking x50 salvia best and worst xp ever
Holy shit. Apparently it's the worst delirum ever. Spiders are very common to hallucinate, especially giant ones. How long did it last user?
A girl convinced me to try a legal high called black mamba. I took three pulls on a cigarette with a few sprinkles in and couldn't fucking move off the floor for like 30mins and everyone was crowding round worst thing ever
I have no idea how long it lasted because I kept falling asleep and waking up. I wasn't sure what was a dream and what was real. It felt like days.
Were you alright after?
anybody ever done Tina then get fucked in the ass ??? My daddy talked me into it last weekend and honestly I think in addicted already... its all ive been thinking about this week, I think its the closest you can get to heaven. im scared to ask him for it because I dont want to come off like an addict I told him I never did any drugs but I really hope we do it again this weekend.
Lol how'd you do the meth? Never done it but im a heroin addict
A glass pipe I was too scared of the needle. I'm seriously considering it now tho because my daddy said it feels better when you shoot it. I don't know how to do it properly also he would have to find the vein and such.
Dont, at all. If you've only tried it once then you have no reason to even consider IV. And yes it would be a totally different feeling but since you're a newb stick to smoking, eating or rails. Trust me. IV would be overwhelming and probably scary and it lasts forever. Stick with the pipe and take it easy. Enjoy that dick haha
It depends on how you smoke it too. If you smoke out of a pipe, or use a dry herb vaporizer you can make a gram last a while--On the other hand if you roll joints/blunts then it wastes a lot more weed because it's constantly burning even if you're not inhaling it.
>be me
>be 17, senior in high school
>smoked weed like 2 or 3 times before
>friends want me to hit their dab pen
>hit it 2 times, nothing happens
>after like 5 minutes friends ask to do again
>proceed to take 10 second hit, hold for 10 seconds, and let go
>most ive ever coughed, after cough fit my eyes turn into fisheye
>looked at my friends talking, legit looked like i was buffering
>my irl lag calms down after 5 minutes
>intense spins
>thought I was legitimately in a dream
>realized i was just tripping
>happens again 3 more times where i go back in and out of reality
>stick with spins for another hour, take bus home
>spins for the next 7 hours and slowly stops over time
>go to sleep and wake up next day to pass driving test
also i should mention it felt like i had multiple bodies, feeling of that carried on into when i woke up. also had disassociation disorder or whatever on and off for a couple months after that. never hit a pen again
ok thanks user. I kind of figured that, when he offered it I said no right away cause a needle seems really intense but he talked me into the pipe which didnt seem as bad. is the pipe the next best way ? I really enjoyed it the feeling was so intense when he was inside.
I'd say its next best. IV is almost like a completely different drug. I dont think anything produces more dopamine on the planet than a shot of meth. Its like 10x more dopamine than a shot of H I've read. Too much pleasure and you'll be awake for 3 days minimum. I used dope for years via smoking before touching a needle, and I wish I never had touched one to be honest. It's a game changer
I bet the sex is good considering I know people use meth and will jack off for 24 hours straight
worst drug experience I've ever had?
alright, but don't say that I never warned you
>be me
>friends are smoking
>offer me some, but I say no like a good boy^tm
>eventually go through high school without doing any drugs
>never drink alcohol because I'm too scared to get caught
>all the kids who did drugs slowly reject me because I don't do drugs with them
>all the kids who don't do drugs won't hang out with me because I hang out with the druggies
>too scared to do literally anything
>slowly isolate myself from society
>become severely depressed and forget how to interact with people
>too scared to kill myself
Why such a scaredy cat? Nah I get it, I'm too scared to pull the proverbial trigger qs well, and I think about it everyday. I lost 90% of my friends and can't be around people for long
damn I didnt know IV meth was that bad I always assumed H was the worst of all drugs. thanks for all your info user
Sounds like alot of work hahaha. the most amazing part was just letting him take control, laying there feeling such intense pleasure all over and prostate orgasming like crazy. wish I could recreate that right now.
They're both "bad", but in their own ways I suppose. When you seeing him next? You located in the U.S.? Just curious (:
best: cuddling with my gf smoking weed under the covers
worst: contemplating killing my self on acid right now
Yikes. How long ago did you take the acid? Blotter or what? 1 dose? Remember you'll be sober eventually. I have a cpl hits of LSD I've held onto for almost a decade cuz I'm in such a poor mental state that I'm avoiding psychedelics and any introspection. You'll be good man
we might be hanging out tomorrow night/early Sunday morning I usually go see him after 10pm on Saturdays and stay till Sunday night or if I'm lucky Monday morning.
Im from Ontario not the U.S sorry.
Oh cool, I'm in Toronto myself man! Gimme the tina hook up hehe. My only source for that moved a year ago
panic attacks after smoking weed were my worst drug experiences. one time i thought my dog was a robot sent to spy on me. another time my friend fell asleep after we smoked and he starting snoring loudly, i thought he was choking to death and slapped the shit out of him to wake him up
i dont smoke that shit anymote
>hallucinating on morphine
t. underage square
I never bought it just had it offered to me or I would hook you up sorry user :(
damn we are close :)
I wonder how close?? Crazy lol
Took 7 grams of shrooms and it felt like I had some kind of demon controlling my body. I couldn't move, all I could do was lay on the ground and pray to God while thinking I was gonna die and seeing crazy visuals regarding the nature of the universe pop in and out off my mind. That was my worst trip ever but it definitely gave me an appreciation for sobriety. I stopped doing shrooms after that and quit all drugs a few months later.
Oshawa rn, Oakville in September....
Smoked laced weed with a friend once, got so fucked I couldn't walk straight back to his place. Dude bridal carried me for about a mile and threw me on his bed. Watched the Cleveland show for about 6 hours before we both passed out. Good times.
Took LSD for the first time with a bunch of people I didn't know, about 200ug, who then also had me smoke a couple of bongs at the peak which sent everything into overdrive, got completely put down by the intensity and had to try and keep calm as time broke apart and everything changed it's shape like a dream. Had a couple of moments where I was really about to lose it, had to keep pacing around to keep myself steady and not freakout, which really was me freaking out, completely overwhelmed by perception distortions and visual and auditory hallucinations. At the climax the moment and my thoughts I was in repeated infinitely and I became trapped in a visual and temporal spiral that kept getting faster and faster, felt like I was on a cosmic fair ride but not in a fun way. I figured that I bought the ticket, I knew what I was getting into, I had to stick this thing out, and instead of feeling trapped in it I suddenly felt like I was progressing through it. It started to repeat so quickly and so intensely that it started to unravel itself, and I could see through what seemed like a gap in time, and could see like film frames every single possible moment that could come after this one, going infinitely in all directions like a physical space. This, as it was happening, made me realize that time was not a real thing, and that only the moment exists, and those thoughts led me deeper into this fractal plane that became some kind of blurry golden shifting void that I felt totally at peace in. While I was looking at time physically manifesting, I felt like I was sitting in the lotus position floating through it, but now I couldn't feel my body, and I suddenly realized I didn't even remember who I was, it was like I had been here forever, and then I realized i had been here forever, that this was me, I remembered being here before I was born, and I started to remember things like my mother and the rest of the world, and it was all so obvious, that I had wanted all of this.
And then I just started to slip out of it, and as strangely and suddenly it came on it dissolved away like waking up from a dream, and I just felt alright when I got back. I got a bit more paranoid as the acid wore off but I went to sleep and woke up feeling absolutely mind fucked, that next morning I went and sat on a park bench looking over the town just trying to put together what that was. It wasn't until over the next year or so that it really made sense to me what had happened and where I had went.
So I went from what started as a nightmare trip to remembering that I was one with God and that everything was exactly where it should be, so overall I think it went quite well, I don't think I'll be doing it again though.
I felt Nirvana and improved my life afterwards
diphenhydramine overdose
fucking spiders everywhere
Fucking acid man.. my fav drug seriously. But I have gone through some stuff, too. That's a cool story, though.
Snorted half a gram of DCK and was high for close to a week
It was certainly something, I really had no idea of just how powerful and intense that stuff is, and I think I nearly payed and somewhat did pay a price for that, but I can surely say now that it made a significant and I think for the better impact on my life. I'm too scared to do it again, but I cannot fear death now, because I know I'll be going back to that place to laugh about all this.
blacked out on xanax and got robbed/raped in a london alleyway
idk, don't do drugs
serotonin shock from an antiemetic
It's good you got over the fear of death. That's w big step for anyone. It's too bad you got scared by the drug. I worked up to it and I can take as much as anyone now. I've traveled time and stuff like that. It has been significant for me.
>a gram is $20
Don't fucking do it, i trashed the entire house.
Saw crazy fucking shit like snakes and spiders on the walls.
At one point i could see particles or a type of energy that would swirl and coalesce with my every movement as if i was among the stars.
Pretty cool what little i remember, though i'm not eager to recreate it.
While I do also fear the capabilities of the drugs and other psyches for that matter, as anyone should I think, I also feel like anything else I could experience on it would only point in the exact same direction to what I've already seen. From what I've heard from other people's experiences they all seem to match to the same conclusions with only different coats of paint, like it all comes back to the same center. I think the biggest thing it did for me was made me realize that this normal shared reality of ours is what's important, and rather than go further down one of those fractal hallways of possibilities I saw, I'm meant to be focusing on what's here, with everything else just being a juxtaposition to help further get into this waking life.
I understand what you mean about all things pointing in the same basic direction. It does seem like there is an ultimate truth.
I think of it this way, it seemed there was an ultimate answer, but for an ultimate answer that unifies all things fundamentally, then I think deductively there is an ultimate question, that separates all things fundamentally, and it's only when you see both of those not parallel or contradictory, but unified, that it all comes together.
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