>be orbiter
>talk online with a girl for months
>we get along very well
>almost feel that i'm ready to VC with her and show her my pics
>my computer breaks
>don't talk we her for a week
>finally got computer repared
>no messages from her
>get offended don't message her either
>secretly hope that she will reach out
>after a month, remember about her while feeling lonely and depressed
>she doesn't even know who i am
Why was i wasting my time?
Be orbiter
Do you remember what you watched on youtube on a thursday 3 months ago? That's how important you are to them, you're literally no one, just something to do to pass the time.
Hope. It's a diehard.
You are chasing the wrong females if they are acting like this bro. Seriously she doesn't remember you, then you can tell her to fuck off. Value yourself more man, don't waste you time on those that don't value you.
>Why was i wasting my time?
We've all been there user, you just gotta learn from it. All you can do is either message and explain you're kinda offended she didn't message you or check you were okay, or just drop and move on and eventually, hopefully, meet someone who does care enough to message and check and whatnot
>You are chasing the wrong females if they are acting like this bro.
What's the "right" female then? Because they're all like this if you're not Chad.
Nah mate. Nah. Find one that actually wants to be around you. I know you don't believe me but you are worth more than you can imagine. You just need to find someone that can see that. I guarantee if you keep trying you'll find her.
But we shared so many personal things, about family, feels, addictions. And we used to talk for hours.
Yet, i was probably just one of the many for her and she was the only one for me.
>Nah mate. Nah. Find one that actually wants to be around you.
For a few months and then you get the same treatment as the OP.
Don't worry, that's normal for women on the internet, they all go through the same BPD cycles of getting close and burning bridges.
If she acts that way, flick her then. She clearly isn't the one. You need to get that self confidence back up. Understand that you are worth something, and you don't have to stand for people treating you like shit. You don't have to be a chad to get a gf, you just need to have the confidence to seek the girl that is truly right for you. Good luck anons.
>to seek the girl that is truly right for you.
And obviously you have enough time in life to go through 100 of these girls that you meet once every 10 years and it takes 6-12 months for her to show her true self. Cut the crap.
Why does it take 10 years to find a girl? This, is exactly what I am talking about. You are making excuses to try to hide the fact that you are afraid to go out there. You lack the confidence and mental fortitude to believe that you are truly someone worth loving. It's easy to hate yourself, its easy to believe that there is no reason to try. But go out there and find her.
Out where moron? How long do you think it takes to recover after someone destroys your life like women do to guys like us?
Well you did admit you were an orbiter.
She used you as a confidence boost. Or even worse, a gay friend to chat with.
Girls chitchat with thirsty men all the time to boost up their ego, then they go for chad
I fully understand. It takes a long time to recover from a broken heart. I feel you man.
But if you are willing to at least listen. Listen to this. You are painting with broad strokes. You've had bad experiences with girls and as a result you believe that you will only have bad experiences if you try again. You've closed yourself off, refused to open yourself up emotionally again. Its understandable, but please try again. There will be come else for you. Someone that does trust you and wants to cherish you. She does exist and she is looking for you. Just trust your fellow bro, user.
Time to go pansexual, fucking autists only looking for vaginas. There's more to life than women
>You've closed yourself off, refused to open yourself up emotionally again.
Do you even know what kind of women guys like this who are clearly losers who close themselves off and then rarely give someone a chance get? Insane sociopathic women who ruin their shit even more. They prey on guys who can't bear to have one more bad experience, and they take great care to convince them that this time it will be different, like the scorpion and the frog.
I think that the real lesson from OP is that you shouldn't waste time on online relationships.
You should find a girl irl that you can connect with, because the thing is that to establish a real emotional bond you need physical contact and doing things together.
Chatting or texting online isn't as much emotionally impactful for her.
I have been ghosted even by trannies
Trannies do the BPD cycle by default, even if some women maybe don't, which I don't believe anymore, trannies and faggots do it every time so stay away from them.
Like I said before, its all about self-confidence and self-respect. Even if you are closed off or are 'clearly a loser' you shouldn't let women use you as a doormat. Look for the girl that wants to be with, the clearly shows interest and likes you for who you are. She makes time to talk to you and every bit of effort you give her she reciprocates. If she or anyone starts treating you like scum, its up to you to stand up and flick them off. You deserve better regardless of what anyone says or what you think.
I understand what you're getting at, but I actually do remember what I watched. The same youtuber/streamer "friends" that don't even know I exist, but I talk to them like they can hear me.
It's funny how much I treasure people that don't even acknowledge my existence (not that it's their fault,) yet women can easily dispose of men who would give them the world liker it's the easiest thing in the world.
>Like I said before, its all about self-confidence and self-respect. Even if you are closed off or are 'clearly a loser' you shouldn't let women use you as a doormat.
In other words just stay alone forever.
> Look for the girl that wants to be with, the clearly shows interest and likes you for who you are. She makes time to talk to you and every bit of effort you give her she reciprocates.
And then she ghosts you anyway.
Time to go omnisexual, fucking autists only looking for human orifices. There's more to life than human beings
I remember it too, but most people live in a constant daze, especially women, who by nature live in the present, and especially mentally ill women that robots are likely to encounter.
That's true, but most men will never experience a woman actually being interested in them. Women might be interested in your beta bux or something, but they find most men completely repulsive.