>girl 4 months pregnant
>she smokes a half a pack a day
I'm scared to tell her stop. It's her body, her child. But my ass wants her to stop. i dont want her child to suffer because of her selfishness. Why are women so evil?
>girl 4 months pregnant
>she smokes a half a pack a day
I'm scared to tell her stop. It's her body, her child. But my ass wants her to stop. i dont want her child to suffer because of her selfishness. Why are women so evil?
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It may be her body, but is it really right for her to fuck up her kids life before it's even born?
Every time she smokes a cigarette, cut off one of her fingers.
Just tell her to quit. What is the worst thing that could happen?
She's probably trying to have a miscarriage
Smoking during pregnancy is harmless, especially just half a pack a day (which is the equivalent of living in a polluted city vs countryside).
She could cut him out of her life because he's being (((toxic))) for trying to save a child from retardation
Call child protective services. They'll investigate, and if they deem necessary, separate the child from her at birth and supervise her pregnancy
i know two girls that both smoked while they were pregnant. their kids are fine. it is totally trashy and you shouldn't do it, but all the health stuff is just overblown propaganda.
Yep, all boomer women smoked during pregantcy, none of their kids came out retarded or autistic like zoomies rlly makes me think
I hear the child can miscarriage because its already addicted to nicotine. It's over before it even started. Fuck...
Then just tell her you fucking beta what sort of consequences are you afraid of? but considering you post the meme anime girl I can tell you don't even have a stub where your cock and balls should be.
Maybe she doesn't want that piece of shit child to live and she can't afford an abortion.
Fucker deserves to be killed for existing when his mother doesn't want him. He's not even born yet and he's already ruining someone else's life. He should get beaten to death.
I don't get how people smoke so much. I feel ashamed if I smoke more than 3 cigarettes in a single day. I don't think there's anything wrong with smoking and it's nice to get a nicotine buzz, but I feel like it's just a straight up addiction at a certain point. I'd hate to get to a point where I don't feel the buzz and just smoke to feel normal.
>inb4 everyone gets addicted eventually
I've been an on and off smoker for like 5 years now. I've got a handle on it most of the time.
Either stop being a faggot and tell her to quit smoking or quit complaining on this forum because you are fucking useless.
>I feel ashamed if I smoke more than 3 cigarettes in a single day
imagine being this much of a normalfag p*ssy
Who am I to her? I think its selfish of me to push my morals onto her. It's her body. If it illegal then yeah i would stop her but feminists made it hard for me
to say anything.
My mom smoked too packets a day when she was preggnent with me an I turned out just fine
Where do you people even live?
>I sound like I know what I'm talking about so ill say it with an anime pic to back up my claim
If I were her, I would abort the pregnancy then sue you to death and destitution. Feminists are way too lenient on men like you.
Your mom should have aborted you
The world would be a much better place if women aborted at least 80% of male feti
>support her way of life and her freedom to do what she want with her body
>sue me for no reason because im a man
I cant win with women. What do you want with me?
It's selfish of her to trade instant gratification for the health of her unborn child. I'm pretty sure even a feminist with a shred of brain function can recognize that doing that is fucking disgusting.
I'm pretty sure she's trying to induce a miscarriage because she wants an abortion but can't get it, at the risk of her own safety of course because walking turds like can't even recognize an unwanted pregnancy.
>support her way of life and her freedom to do what she want with her body
>why are you trying to induce miscarriage, you're hurting the baby!!
That's the point, retard. Hopefully it will get hurt enough it'll die.
you're half the reason the child is there, it's already a 2 vs one situation
You're a fucking retard, faggot. I hope this is bait
Why have sex and not want a child>?
Because people can have sex without wanting children.
what do expect from my impostor?
But sex is the act of procreation. If you have sex, expect consequences.
guuuuuuhhHhh r-retard the tv told me differently
Sex is the act of sex. You can prevent unwanted consequences via a number of methods, the less human intervention required the fewer the chances of unwanted consequences happening. IUDs for examples destroy the egg so pregnancies with a iud are extremely rare, usually because the doctor fucked up when inserting the device. There's no consequences to sex if one doesn't want them to be.
Sadly there are still shitty, stupid people that shill for faulty, inferior prevention methods preying on the the ignorance of the masses, hence why abortion is needed to remedy to the evil people like you cause.
Sorry but that wasn't apart of Gods plan user-kun~
Do you have a source for your claim?
> think it's selfish to push my morals
>feminists made it hard for me to say anything
Found the problem. It's you. Stand up and take control of yourself you worthless faggot. You're partaking in the damage of another being that we're assuming is to be carried out into the world. Feminists didn't do that, you cucked yourself, it's not their fault that you can't speak your mind. On top of that, it's selfish to to push your morals? You absolute fucking retard degenerate; yeah just don't express your opinion about anything ever again. Where does information communication end and expression of morals begin? Get off this board you massive cringy fuck and help yourself.
>her body
>her child
>not also yours
this is why you're a cuck.
in a world existing by duality, positive must have negative, thus man must have woman.
whoa whoa wait im not the father. wtf? its just someone who works with me
Grow some fucking balls and make her stop
I wonder why did everybody assume it was yours since you never said anything of the like.
Are you pretending to care about other people again? Why do you .. Oh you want to believe you're a good person. You're not.
Do you live in a chimney?
I don't care but I care about children. Babies. Kids. Innocent beings that are brought into this cruel world.
He's right though, air-pollution is pretty cancerous.
Not that adding a pake of smokes would help that but if you only had to experience one of them, a pack of smokes is actually cleaner.
Why? Why do you stop caring about people after they grow up?
'A child laughs when it feels joy and cries when it feels pain. Both things, laughing and crying it does with its whole heart. We all became so tall and so clever. We know so much and we have read so much. But one thing we forgot: to laugh and cry like the children do.'
- Joseph Goebbels, Reichsministerium fur Volksaufklarung und Propaganda
if you're ugly she'll probably ignore your advice anyways
What a sad cop out. Typical romantic.
I first read it as your child but if its not even your child then you are an absolute beta faggot. Don't even talk to her, she will see you as a beta and try to make you give her money.
Bro its not a child its just dumb cells bro stop policing their bodies haha.
nice roleplay nagi
Lol the women love babies meme. Classic
If that's the case maybe we should force pregnant women to go live in the countryside until they give birth
my mom smoked I turned out fine
Hello BurgerKing nigger.
Still no reply?
What are you fucking deaf?
!Caps Lock! nigger retard
>what is fellatio
>what is anal
If you're too dumb to have responsible sex you don't deserve vaginal sex. Take it in the ass or use your mouthpussy.
It's just disturbing adult women don't use birth control, enforce condoms and ensure they use early abortion pills in case they fear they were inseminated.
I have zero sympathy for people that are not rape victims. You chose to open your legs, you can't just kill off a life because of a poor decision. It's murder.
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I love the N-word, can I call you Nigger Heinrich?
yet your still here
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