What kind of dreams do you have? Are they happy? Are they sad? Do you prefer dreams to reality? Or do your dreams haunt you?
What kind of dreams do you have? Are they happy? Are they sad? Do you prefer dreams to reality...
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My dreams are so close to reality they're fucking boring.
My dreams are just fucking weird but I love it that way
>in some sort of desert prison cell
>it starts to rain
>my captors have a tarp but they're not covering the cell up
>suddenly inside of a room decorated with kid's stuff and lined up with school desks
>think about how much I miss my old life (reality)
>guy next to me says it isn't so bad here, they let us watch anime sometimes
>wake up
sometimes i see my waifu which is very nice desu
Are there any foods or supplements that increase the probability of a dream? So far I've heard eating cheese before bed, valerian extract, fish oil and st johns wort could work. I've tried the first three over a period of time and they didn't do anything.
Drinking before bed can induce some vivid dreams as your body processes the alcohol
I started smoking weed just so I stopped dreaming. They were all happy dreams that were crushing to wake up to and realize none of it was real.
My dreams are fucking amazing, like crazy fantasy landscapes with vivid colors. I've never seen anything like it, it seems like my brain is just feeding me whatever scene I would interpret as the most beautiful possible thing in the moment. It sucks that I have no artist ability because if I could paint them I think I'd be like Leonardo Da Vinci or some shit. I've never seen art that I liked more than the things I see in my dreams.
This could be a neat short film.
Start writing down your dreams in a journal as soon as you wake up. You probably have dreams often you just forget them. The more you write them down the more you will naturally start to remember
Draw them in Mspaint if you have to. Or pencil sketch and anything you can't draw write adjectives to lable stuff
All day I dream about sex
A very hearty Bump for curiosity
Does this count as medication
i had a dream about a month ago where my former crush made a greentext thread about me on here
want to know how i know im spending too much time here?
I don't want to dream anymore.
I do not want to wake anymore.
>dont remember dreams
>struggle for months trying everything
>start to remember
>boring shit
>only makes me feel more soulless which is why I wanted dreams in the first place
How do I make my dreams into something interesting, and remember them
Dream journal plus lucid dreaming
I can't remember most of my dreams. They're never overly positive, mostly either neutral fictional scenarios or nightmare tier, but I always wake up feeling indifferent anyway, I think the "cold sweat" thing was invented by the media.
One of them was essentially me being given a free-flying first person camera view of an open plain containing various different farm houses. All of them were completely abandoned and only contained the carcasses of livestock surrounding them, covered in flies. All of them were like this, it ended after.
Lol why the fuck would the media invent cold sweats? If you never have them then consider yourself lucky because that happens to me at least once every few weeks
I have boring ass dreams about washing my clothes, doing the dishes, getting the mail, and then I wake up and realize I haven't done these things and I'm like "fuck"
Dream journos is what I have been doing. As well as mantras, reality checks, abd writing shit on my hand. Havent been able to lucid dream at all.
My dream is to get Jow Forums, become a high-priced lawyer and gleefully reject as many women as I can
Nothing in the dream seems out of place?
I have one of four types of dreams.
>Number one
>recurring dream I've had since I was 6
>In one of those Ecco the Dolphin good future tube things (pic related)
>can't breath
>it hurts, but I don't die or pass out
>giant satan head following me as I feebly try to swim away
>wake up in a cold sweat out of breath every time
>number two
>dream where I get some sort of power, and fly around fixing everything
>wake up disappointed that it wasn't real every time
>number three
>generic sex dream
>wake up feeling relaxed and happy every time
>number four
>dream where either a bunch of armed guys in ski masks break in, or a bunch of shadow people break in
>initially confident that I can fight them off with my pistol
>when I see them, the gun starts to be almost impossible to lift
>trigger almost impossible to pull
>most of my shots miss
>the ones that hit have no effect
>the whole time, I'm either being shot repeatedly, but not dying, or the shadow people are surrounding me, getting closer, and cackling
>wake up either crying, or in a cold sweat, out of breath
I don't necessarily dislike my dreams because on retrospection they are always really interesting and have a solid story.
The problem is that the only dreams I remember are the terrible nightmares.
I'm not talking about being in an uncomfortable social situation or the like.
It's always some lovecraftian or body horror shit and I always am 200 percent spooked when I wake up from them in the middle of the night.
The worst ones are when I get frightened enough to wake up, usually when I'm in the middle of my sleep schedule. Then i have to calm myself down a bit before trying to go back to sleep and they start right where they left off.
If I remember them the next day though I always think "damn, that would make a really good story if I wrote it"
5/10 could be worse.
I've been having a lot of nightmares lately. Not even haunted shit, but just realistically scary stuff. My latest one was my family was on vacation in a huge house and I didn't like where everyone wanted to go, so my dad started yelling at me. This is especially scary since I live with my dad and if I pissed him off I'd be on the street.
I did have a really nice dream last night though where I had sex with my hot cousin and some random blonde girl. This is the first dream where I've actually had sex and it didn't end right before it.
I've been having a lot of dreams lately by waking up a few hours before I actually want to get up, then falling back asleep. I don't know what does it, but I have a lot more dreams when this happens compared to regular nights.
>I rarely dream but the dreams I've had that I recall bc they were so peculiar are as follows
I was choking my brother. His face was turning blue and he was crying out please stop.
My grandma was walking down a hallway in her home and as I was looking at the back of her head while she walked away an eye appeared. Like, on her head, hair, scalp, looking at me.
A woman was hiding from a guy. The guy was approaching and so she made a run for it and ran past him. Went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife, guy came around with a shotgun, shot and missed. She proceeded to jump on him and kill him by stabbing him "70 times". I know this bc in the dream it went black and she said, I stabbed him 70 times.
Idk what happened but my brother was trapped in a sinking car. He couldn't get out and presumably drowned.
A dream I woke up sweaty from and I can't remember if I screamed was one where I was being chased by a man. I couldn't see his face or I did but I can't remember.
Something else I woke up from that wasn't a dream but super weird was me choking myself. I woke up and literally struggled to unwrap my hand from around my neck. I did ofc, and honestly probably took some seconds, but idk bc it felt like an eternity. I held down my arm with my arm, and it didn't feel like mine. I was so scared I didn't fall asleep again that night. I was up searching wtf that was with some questionable results so idk lol.
There was also this dream I used to have every night. Always the same. But I forgot what it was exactly. But at the same time I do. I can't explain it. It was like. Squares? It was subtle? What I would give to have that dream again. It was nothing but it was something. And a few days ago while on my phone like always am I saw and felt that very familiar sensation. Almost deja vu of that dream.
You have some repressed anger?
Nopee, don't think so
You SHOULD write them
It really seems ominous
This is actually very true. The longer you're asleep, the more REM takes up of each cycle you go through. So at that point in the night, you're largely into REM but you've been asleep so long you're used to dreaming. Waking up gives you kind of a refresher on reality, and when you go back to sleep it makes it easier to process REM dreams as just sleep.
This, I have PTSD pretty bad and have gore filled dreams, and sometimes something really loud will happen and I'll wake up abruptly and so hard that it's like I heard it in real life. A lot of times I can't tell if someone actually pounded on my door or not.
>Be me, going through half destroyed buildings trying to get something fucking the city up
>Go through shitloads of half buried rooms
>Wearing armour that resembles N7 armour in shape and color scheme
>Have to destroy more rooms in order to move on
>Hear something about a hostage situation, why would they pick me for a hostage situation as I am collateral damage central
>Reach a narrow point in ruined apartment building, have to leave power armour to fit through
>Go through 3 rooms into a kitchen, discover an intact coffee machine with a touch panel on the side
>Try to move debris in my way but it says I need power armour to move it
>Everything here has 50's retro futuristic "bubbly" design
>Touch panel displays 4 cigarettes in a tetrapod, decide to press them all because why not?
>Three of them just activate lights and appliances in the kitchen
>Fourth one triggers a view of a proton-esqe failing to fly to activate the 2nd stage and crash through the roof
>The satellite's structure punches through and pushes the debris out of my way
>Say "I can work with that" and move through, wake up
Mine tend not to be very structured, this one was the most coherent
I have nightmares on an almost nightly basis, I can't remember most of them after a few hours but they're bad enough that it keeps me up at night out of paranoia.
Do you take any medicine? I used to take migrane meds and they really fucked with my brain in strange ways, so it could be that.
For the past 11 years I've never had anything but nightmares and it all comes to the same thing. Running away. No matter the scenario I always end up running away at some point.
I've been on pills for a disease I have for years now. I'm almost certain that it stems from some really shitty past events that haunt me to this day. While I can't remember the specifics I know that a few of my dreams revolve around the aforementioned events or heavily reference them in some way or another.
>walking through forest of tree stumps
>some stumps have open laptops on them
>know there is a giant owl somewhere in the treeline perimeter outside watching me
never felt more threatened in my life, what does it mean
I had a dream where I beat my form psychiatrist to death with a baseball bat. Was pretty good cuz I hate that fucker.
I cycle through stages of no dreams at all, very realistic dreams (eg getting kicked out or bad exam results), and very fantastical dreams (eg finding a neon casino tower in the desert at night). Each stage seems to last months, right now I am at no dreams at all
Would smoking weed help?
Now That's what I call ominous 4
Lol'd out loud hard
My dreams are similar to the picture. Not in the I do fucked up horrible shit part, but how they're extremely creative, but still manage to follow an overarching storyline. I've had a couple dreams where I didn't fully understand what was happening until after I woke up in the morning and thought about the dream in the afternoon. Extremely subtle shit that makes it seem like I'm not creating the dreams myself at all, and they're some kind of alt reality or someone is taking care to flesh them out and add small details.
I can lucid dream easily on command right before I fall asleep, but I choose to not be lucid and watch most of the time because of how entertaining they can be.
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory:
Get out of my thread now! You have been disrespectful since you came in. Get out of my thread NOW. NOW GODDAMN YOU!!!
They're absolutely nonsensical.
I dreamed I was being blamed for stealing a car, then when the police came to my house I turned into a fat mexican kid, the dream switched to a third person view and a woman started jerking off the fat mexican who was reclining in a kiddie pool and had an enormous penis.
Then my childhood dog that has been dead for almost 10 years appeared and got dirt all over my pants and I woke up.
I have retarded bullshit dreams like this every fucking night.
Doggo did you a solid
Why are you people like this? Get help
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory: