Even the worst roasties don't deserve a fate like this
Even the worst roasties don't deserve a fate like this
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l didn't hear mommy wtf
well if they woke up a few lefty roasties to the horrors of shitskin countries then they died martyrs
you realize that like 99% of people who have to suffer through these brutal beheading deaths at the hands of savage terrorists or cartel members are men right? there are terabytes of footage of innocent dudes in the middle east or south america getting their fucking limbs slowly chopped off and their beating hearts torn out of their chest. and those guys didnt choose to end up that way, they were just unfortunate to be born in a shithole and piss off the wrong savage. these retarded roasties literally went out of their way to leave their scandinavian paradise and seek this fate. its about fucking time some women ended up in a rekt video. equality.
>you realize that like 99% of people who have to suffer through these brutal beheading deaths at the hands of savage terrorists or cartel members are men right? t
nope ur an idiot
Ask me how i know you're a basement dweller.
Well the only rekt videos I see with women are the ones involving stupid accidents
He's right, though I guess it's more accurate to say it's 95%.
this is true I suppose
go look up a list of the victims across all published ISIS beheading videos. thousands of victims, all male
Why kill women when you can keep them as sex-slaves?
Those Morocans were pretty stupid to kill prime women.
I know youre right, I thought you was a roastie
Moor is mommy in Danish
Well joke's on you, he's right. Maybe leave your first world country for more than a year to learn this.
their beheadings just got attention because they're pretty white women. If they were anything else nobody would give a shit
Exactly, you know why? She literally head dived into this situation.
Take a look at
their fault for going to the arab world
No, no... you see we were just talking about how that was a bad idea.
Do not go to the middle east. Don't listen to him.
Most of the time women get raped, enslaved, horribly maimed, or all of the above before being killed. Men are only brutally tortured and get beheaded. Still bad though.
when does they say mommy??
The girl yells "mor," which means mommy in Danish.
This shit was pretty hard to watch for me, and I'm basically dead inside and have been looking at gore and shit on the internet for many many years and seen it all.
There's something incredibly unsettling and disturbing about seeing a fully grown adult reduced to crying out for their mother in fear and terror like a small child would.
Putting themselves in that situation was incredibly stupid and ignorant of them but they didn't deserve that. Shit is fucked up as hell.
wheres the video
Shut the fuck up you simping faggot ass bitch. I seen grown men cry and beg countless times during beheading but where the fuck was the outrage pussy crying about that? Some white cunts get beheaded and people lose their minds, shit is retarded.
The dumb fucking whores asked for their death. They should serve as an example for any other idiot women who have no common sense
The video gives me a boner
no she was screaming more cause she wanted to get fucked again
why didn't she carry a gun and shoot them all?
and stop saying its the womans fault. she is just a happy little girl trying to have a good experience travelling the world.
not everyone wants to dwell basements like you
> Taking part in international traveling
> They sought this fate!
Do you listen to yourself?
I actually laughed at this, thanks
Deserved or not, a precedent has to be set. People think everyone in the world is friendly and just wants to hang out, but it is a brutal place, especially in these third world shitholes. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to have deterred anyone, so there has to be more.
That's because they rape them to death, which they can't show on camera because it's haram, not jihad
IoI no but seriousIy
ok im being serious, legit.
that wasn't bait or anything.
now this only makes it sound like im trying to "make my bait work"
You're letting your resent towards female negatively affect your sanity. I suggest you reconsider your life choices before it is too late
i know for a fact what you look like 100%. pathetic virgin. you should kill yourself, you are worthless.
they're in hell right now lol
Exactly. And it's actually incredible that these women expect to have a good experience in a country where the NATIVE women don't even have rights. Isn't it narcissistic for them to think that they should be more entitled than the people who actually live there?
I want reddit white knights to leave.
The problem is, most people don't even think about anyone else. It doesn't pass their mind that anything bad could happen to them, either. It just seems like nobody will ever learn, and anyone who says this anywhere where they will be heard, they are condemned as a racist bigot. I'm just waiting for the total societal meltdown that I'm sure will happen within my lifetime.
>they're in hell right now lol
why? ;_;
Lmao girl posted this vid on her facebook, which is why she deserved what she got
too bad we won't incel
All women by default belong in hell due to their inherent narcissism and hypergamy.
share the liveleak?
>OW OWWWWWW MOOOORMM *gurgling noises*
Its sad that you dont even deny you are from reddit. Just fuck off, you arent going to chane anything you green haired cunt.
>international travel
What is it with you redditors always trying to reduce everything to these meaningless neutral phrases? She went to a violent third world shithole full of Islamist fanatics to do drugs and get gangbanged, and surprise surprise the violent islamist third worlders fucked her up. But you try to make it sound like she just went to ski in the Alps or something. It's obviously different and there's enough information out there for you to know that, so why are you pretending it's the same? If I drink cyanide will you also comment on how I was just consuming a beverage? Only 110 IQ pseuds are impressed by this "le analytical" thinking.
>admitting to being a redditor bugman
Youre a cunt
Ask me how I know you have a smelly cunt
Case in point, you can watch some cartel guy get murdered but when its a sweet 'innocent' and (pure) female its sad. Youre a faggot, end of story. These girls were sluts on a race mixing holiday, they deserved what they got.
It is the womans fault.
>she is just a happy little girl trying to have a good experience travelling the world.
>Two blonde girls
>going to a third world shit hole
>Venturing out of the safety of a city on their own
>It isnt their fault
Fuck off you naive idiot. If you stare into the sun and go blind its your fault no the suns
Go back to lolcow cunt
>No caps
Yep same lolcow cross posting slut.
Anyone notice a smiliatiry in this cunts posting style? lolcow females refuse to use caps locks. Its like a secret hand shak thing they do, something about equality and toppling the patriarchy.
>nope ur an idiot
They asked for it basically lol.
i mean they kinda did tho
I mean, they did support mass illegal immigration that would bring to your country and maybe even to you in particular the same unfortunate end. Now don't you care about yourself, OP?
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server now to help secure this victory:
shut up and stop talking pls
>55 replies
>nobody has posted the video already
Come on you pussies, I wanna see the roast get toast
the video is literally further up in the thread, retard
Thanks, I just watched it. Kinda disappointed desu, you can barely even see what is gonig on.
Pretty weak what the shitskins did to them.
Cartel niggers will always be supreme.
The thing is why don't more of them take this route. If they embrace diversity so much, why don't they actually embrace it them self. Imagine if this happened to each and every one.
stop posing fag.
>traveling to a muslim country
this is where the roastie logic is flawed and inferior,
>nah fuck traveling to morroco that place is full of sandniggers i dont wanna lose my head"
>no user if only you could see the beauty of "insert shitsking country" you would understand
And then they link you a video of some shit mountains
but they did tho lol
Watching people die on the internet doesn't make you tough.
you'd have to do some horrific shit like behead somebody to deserve it.
those danish would have to be NUTS to spend time with such unsavory characters!
Well, honestly it's awful what happened to them, but what the fuck did they expect?
Yeah, you shouldn't have to worry about getting robbed when going to the store or traveling and all of that bullshit, but that's not how this world works, they were too stupid, their deaths were nothing but natural selection, their stupidity and naiveness got them killed.
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory:
i don't think i would've saved them even if it could. Their cuckold doctrine is too far imbeded in their minds and they would only live to spew it more all whilst getting wet at the memory of almost getting murdered by savage men.
>international travel
>be danish stacys
>Go to a country where women are literally worth less than cattle
>go out of your way to go into a very secluded mountain area where no one is because you studied outdoor science in (((college))) and just HAVE to experience nature
>get raped and beheaded on film by a group of subhuman Africanoids in the middle of nowhere because stronk women need no man, you go girl :3 weeeee
Reddit knights will still defend it when it is on the same level as jumping into a piranha pond with a wound and expect not to get bitten.
This. It's like if you decided to go for a nighttime stroll in West Baltimore and then got robbed. Yes you're the victim, but at the same time what the fuck were you expecting?
There have been numerous cases already. The only precedent is that this one was captured on film but every few months there are articles about some liberals or feminists who decide to wander or ride through ISIS territorry or Africa to "prove" that these aren't shitholes and get themselves killed. A quick google search will provide you with tons of comedy gold when you read how deluded these nurtured westerners are. Still none get deterred and willingly jump into the abyss
Haven't been on Jow Forums for a while, it's gotten worse.
Lolcows and trannies are ever bolder, they spew out their inane drivel without even hesitation.
This board is truly dead and decomposing at this point. Quite a rapid transformation too.
Women are the niggers of gender and they are irredeemable at this point, the die is cast.
>Go to a country with savages as the natives
>Go camping in the middle of nowhere. Alone.
>Get beheaded
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes I guess.
fucking BLESS YOU for this image im losing it
10+ million tourists go to Morocco each year. Thousands take that same hiking route. Everything about the trip was safer than your basement.
>another morocco hiker beheading thread
>incels laughing and cheering at attack
>women don't like us because we are too nice :(
Like clockwork.
>literally studying for a multiculturism degree
>go backpacking in morocco
>decide to venture up a terrorist occupied mountain range even after warned not to by locals
>not their fault
if only foids had the mental capacity for le agency
Yeah they do.
>roastie is scared
is not a valid reason for excusing their retardation.
>terrorist occupied mountain range
Nope. Why do you need to make shit up?
Only sluts wear black panties
>Going to sandniggerland for fun
>Get sandnigger'd
It's sad but if they had this much trouble understanding the concept of causality their life would have ended in a gruesome way sooner or later.
>thousands take that hiking route
Fake news confirned you cuck.
It was stated more than often that they heavily stirred of any designated path and went into the wild. Just like you are more prone to being mauled by a Grizzly if you do that in Alaska they got their fill once fate chose to be a bitch. Also I am more than certain that those alleged thousands aren't single, blond women wthout any protection or at least more than two fucking people. I could single handedly assault two sleeping women and do horrible stuff to them if I were such a monster and I would not even have to be in the middle of the desert. These women literally jumped into a piranha pond with steaks around their necks and risked it. Sorry
Thousands take that hiking route. There was absolutely nothing unsafe about it. Why do you keep making shit up?
All the people defending the roasties is just Amazing, are they really that fucking stupid or baiting? I Hope theyre baiting
All the people defending the terrorists is just Amazing, are they really that fucking stupid or baiting? I Hope theyre baiting
No ones defending the terrorists retard, these women died because of their poor choices and yet retards keep saying its not that
You are defending the terrorists when you go hurrr roastie whores dumb they deserved it.
>poor choices
Like? Going on a well traveled hiking trail that has never had any safety issues in decades?
>that filename
If you had any reason left (or iq)youd know traveling as women in places like these is more dangerous, plus these morons let complete strangers accompany them when they arrived(i dont have their fb screenshots sadly but yes they did that) and Guess what these strangers killed them later in the hike, so yes its their poor choices , they fucked up and got the consequences
>Like? Going on a well traveled hiking trail that has never had any safety issues in decades?
LMAO seething roastie. Just accept that they were in the wrong and its their fault they died. Just as it is any dumb thots fault for going hiking in a third world shit hole. Why must women flaunt with danger? Why must women constantly walk down dark alleyways alone or go trekking in dangerous countries? MEN ARE GOING TO RAPE YOU IF YOU PRESENT YOURSELF AS A TARGET. AVOID THIS AND YOU WONT GET RAPED AN MURDERED. Simple.
The guys who killed them werent terrorists either. Mossad agents most likely.
You've never even left your home state, you shouldn't be talking about traveling. They also didn't travel with those strangers, they only briefly met them before going off by themselves.
If you're a woman and decide to go to a third world country then I have no sympathy
What the fuck did you think was going to happen?
Havent seen it and I'm not going to watch, but every time I hear about something like this happening to white people who literally go out of their way to TRAVEL to these places, I can't help but roll my eyes a little.
How fucking retarded do you have to be to go to these places where this happens??? Why do they always think it'll be different for them? Why do they not understand that they're giant fucking targets and among the types these people are happiest to torture and kill?? Seriously. What the hell goes through their head? Do they think they're progressive heros or something for going? I actually want to know the reasoning behind this. They could actually see someone go through the worst death they've ever seen in their entire life and STILL buy the plane ticket-if anything it makes them buy the ticket faster
>Going on a well traveled hiking trail that has never had any safety issues in decades
You conveniently pretend this fact doesn't exist because it ruins your angry virgin narrative.
Yea, women who go to the US deserve to be killed
As has been mentioned countless times they were in a place that gets lots of tourists and has no safety issues.
It doesn't exist. Hiking trails literally dont have signs saying 'This has been a rape free zone for decades' you idiot roastie. Its their fault they died, they were race mixing whores, they shouldn't have gone there, the dangers are obvious, women need to take responsibility for themselves and avoid danger rather then demanding the danger avoid them. End of argument.
>angry virgin narrative
pic related, you