I've read online that diet soda causes weight gain. So ive come to r9k for answers
Does Diet Soda cause weight gain?
not sure but aspartame will literally give you cancer, so I'd stay away from it if I were you. real soda is actually less harmful than that diet shit.
Explain how consuming something with zero calories can cause you to gain weight you fucking retard. Use your fucking brain
Look it up retard. People say it actually causes weight gain. I'm not kidding
Because it turns out your body responds the same way when you drink sweet stuff and starts a insulin response. Google it
Your body still registers the sweetner as sugar, so the same metabolic reaction occurs as if you drank a bunch of normal soda.
Calories isn't everything when it comes to weight gain. You can eat 2000 calories of salads a day and lose weight, but if you eat 2000 calories of junk food a day you will gain.
just drink club soda or sparkling mineral water. fuck soda.
>which is that you pack on calories despite not ingesting any
>just drink club soda or sparkling mineral water
holy shit I'm not a fucking faggot
then stay fat, fatty
It doesn't
but you shouldn't really drink them
you're literally fucking retarded
the body is governed by the laws of basic thermodynamics, just like everything else
tell me how eating 9 pounds of kale (a leaf that actually has caloric value) works out for you. And yes, I did the math
>Calories isn't everything when it comes to weight gain.
Your weight gain or loss is literally calories in minus calories out
It's not rocket science, the body doesn't differentiate between artificial sweetner and real sugar. Less calories does mean you gain LESS weight than if you drank regular soda, but your body still will begin to store fat as if you ate a whole cake. Ffs just google how insulin and sugar work.
But what are you gaining or losing? Fat, muscle, or bone? These things change depending on what you eat.
Yes it does, aspartame is also terrible, fucks your eyesight up and gives you cancer. Both diet, and regular is shit, stick to drinking water and sometimes orange juice
whether you lose any muscle mass is largely determined by whether those muscles see any use.
How do you gain bone?
Don't drink soda in general, diet shit usually either will taste a lot different or have a sugar substitute
>people stay the same size and shape they were as a baby
The C a l c i u m shall make the bones G r o w
As people already mentioned most diet soda has aspartame that makes it taste weird, plus studies show aspartame isn't healthy for you in the long run. You'd be better off drinking water if you want to lose weight. It's the ultimate thing to drink.
Sucralose is an artificial sweetener. Some sodas use "real sugar" but I imagine they're even more fattening than regular soda.