I don't understand it. I have no friends and no social life. And yet when I go out and walk around in my lonliness, it seems like no one else is in the same situation. I don't see anyone else walking around in a lonely way, wondering what to do, wishing they could be a part of what is going on in all the apartments. Why does it always feel like I am the only one who is walking alone, who is looking at all these buildings with wistful longing, wishing I could belong, be part of any of these social things, and yet I am not....
Why do I always end up walking outside, alone?
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Same here except I drive. Main reason is you go mad if you stay inside alone with your thoughts.
thats a cozy pic
i wish i could do this, it's very dangerous. No sidewalk and all ice on a busy poorly lit road. How the fuck am I suppose to nightwalk, bois
....do you not notice there is no snow in the pic OP used? That is how. Too damn cold to night walk especially in March when the highs are high but the lows suck dick.
user i am one of your kind. same situation, although i do very occasionally notice other loners walking around as well. always watching, never involved: the eternal observer
>always watching, never involved: the eternal observer
god damn
I'd hold your hand and stroll with you in silence op
i dont think you understood what I was saying
No it isn't. Living in a city is so shitty and the worst thing you can do. Just imagine the hell hole you'll be in when the power is cut, the dollar crashes, etc.
Now, walking in bumfuck nowhere where you'll run into the occasional wildlife like a fawn. Now that's comfy.
Guess its preference. I like living in the city.
Also like spending time out in nature as well.
im reaIIy ugly tho
sound like a bitter country bumpkin
Dude, Nightwalking is the fucking shit. I actually like it for the reasons you seem to hate it, that feeling of isolation in a big city, it comforts me and lets me feel like I'm the only one in the world. That way I can do autistic shit like dancing and getting into the music on the sidewalk without any cares. Fucking sucks when it's cold but it adds a nice texture to the experience.
Took this while nightwalking a couple nights ago.
Damn, is you a Htown nigga?
Night walking in downtown sounds nice, my own hood is too sketch for nightwalking
Nah man, Indianapolis.
Technically speaking down here's pretty dangerous too but it's cold as shit out and no one wants to bother me.
Aww, you're not the only one, user
Fuck, that snow is excellent.
>do autistic shit like dancing and getting into the music on the sidewalk
This is like 60% of the reason to do night walks.
I get the same kind of feels.
I used to do nightdrives, hoping to find something interesting. I usually ended up at stopping at a gas station with a coffee shop inside to rest a bit. One time I overheard one of the qt at the counter giggling at the other "hey it's your favorite customer". Wasn't sure if it was sarcastic or not, pretty sure it was.
One time I saw a cat half dead in the middle of the street making a desperate roar at me.
I would drive to the small pier
, but left when young folks where blasting music.
I liked to stop near a forest entrance to walk a bit. There was a train track under this overpass that I would chill alone, hoping someone else would come.
I would decide to drove back home, but simply continue driving pass it, feeling like I didn't got what I wanted.
I have no car now and I'm afraid to do night walk in this new city I live, so I do early morning walks.
Weird how much one American downtown center looks like another.
Fuckin' real shit.
Another shot
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory:
>I don't understand it. I have no friends and no social life. And yet when I go out and walk around in my lonliness, it seems like no one else is in the same situation. I don't see anyone else walking around in a lonely way, wondering what to do, wishing they could be a part of what is going on in all the apartments. Why does it always feel like I am the only one who is walking alone, who is looking at all these buildings with wistful longing, wishing I could belong, be part of any of these social things, and yet I am not....
Because this is an extremely creepy thing to do and no normal person who isn't autistic as fuck would do it.
as long as you arent fat who cares
Tell me 1) what you have done in the last year to improve your situation 2) Do you have a physical/mental disability?
Sorry man, I can't feel sympathy for you because I think you're a lazy s.o.b
I make it my purpose to talk to anyone at night. I talk to crackheads, sluts, fat neets, homeless, cashiers, truckers. Anyone. I give them the time because if they're out at night they're likely lonely, just like you OP. I live in middle Tennessee by the way.
Fucking hell I went on my usual weekend walk tonight and I ran into exactly the person I wanted to and since I was drunk I managed to summon up the balls to get that final closure I've been looking for
Now I have no good excuse left to continue to postpone my suicide but I'm fucking scared to do it even though I know it's my only remaining move
night drives are superior
>tfw play Real Human Being and Night Call and drive around for an hour
Well in the few moments I have to say before getting reported for being underage is, /night walk/ and /night drives/ is the only thing keeping me sane
Actually I've been wanting to go on nightwalks but if I do it here I would get raped/robbed/stabbed
Just Carry a pistol user
>going for a walk is an extremely creepy thing to do
Fucking fat idiot Amerimutt. Go eat some more McDonalds
I'm Czech actually, I would think it's more common in America.
Not exactly relevant, but you reminded me of myself sophmore year of hs at the height of my autism where I'd literally jog 4 miles everyday hoping to be around for some accident to help save the day. All I ended up doing was bringing a stray dog back to it's house.
Pic-related is a recent beachtown nightwalk
That's a really nice picture actually.
I don't know if you could get paid for it, probably not, but some of you guys should pick up some better camera and take some pics while having these night walks. I also used to go for night walks when I lived in a city but now that I moved back in with my parents in a place where I lived most of my life not a single place seems worth taking pics of.
>walking aimlessly alone at night with a camera
Yeah that'll end well.
The road is yours for the taking, user. Surge forward.
When I was in college I'd take very late night bike rides, then I got mugged. Watch out you don't get mugged, OP.
Pic-related was one of rare long drives to san diego, I should head down again soon, city is pretty chill from what I've seen.
Thanks, I only snap a few shots each trip I do, but I share the feel of feeling uninspired living in the same dull spot I've been in most of my life. Still can find a few hidden gems though.
I was lucky to get me camera 200 used. I'm sure tyrone would love to get his hands on it.
I've nightwalked in European cities and always met cool interesting people. There's always something happening. In America though, I'm always alone. American cities are not fun or for walking. They are strictly business places it seems.
They are expensive as fuck here and hard to buy
In the cities I lived it felt like it was much safer walking at night then in the middle of the day. I did a lot of stupid shit, even sleeping drunk in some park with wallet, cellphone and headphones on me and nothing happened. It all depends on the place you live and how you look.
>how you look.
Of course. Do you really think robots look like Chad instead of immediately raising suspicion?
You're not alone we're all just far apart. And user, you can't tell what's in people's heads. Anyone driving by or walking by could be one of us
I just drove around for 2 hours tonight randomly doing nothing but listening to music then parking somewhere and crying. Nobody could suspect me.
You're not alone and we all share these moments. They are spiritual and you should treasure them since it means you are human even if others aren't in their complacence
Much love user
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory: