I'm a Muslim girl, ask me anything.
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Why even try with bait this shite?
>I'm a Muslim girl, ask me anything.
show proof
Alahu Akbar?
Do you want to be my muslim girlfriend?
why would I expose myself online?
I am already married sorry. But he is a westerner if that gives you hope. I moved to Switzerland from Syria.
How can I become a muslim girl?
Just send a pic of some Muslim thing with a time stamp. A hijab or something.
read the Quran and the messages of prophet Muhammad pbuh
Will you be my girlfriend?
Do you have a IED in your purse?
no I'm peaceful person. I just wanted to get away from. turkey. my family now don't talk to me since I moved
How powerful is MB in Turkey? What about the OIC?
Ok, I at least believe you are a Muslim.
You made a smart decision moving
do you suck on husbands balls
Never gets old. Are you enjoying the kraut's country?
>Krauts country
It hardly belongs to the Krauts these days.
I came here to study for my masters. I'm a medical student training to become a surgeon. meet my boyfriend here. since then my family disowned me
you are minority, you the kraut now. Answer the question
This is a dead serious question, what's the sex like? Do you experiment at all, or is it super vanilla due to your upbringing?
>It hardly belongs to the Krauts these days.
Reminder that going by US census standards Germany is near 100% white
Why are you on r9k?
Original comment
why be a sand nigger god lover?
worse than pagans
Wish I could get one gf like that too.
will you ever stop larping as a female on r9k? it's not even funny anymore.
why pretend to be of a different sex and religion than you actually are on a board dedicated to the ramblings of self-loathing incels?
what do you stand to gain?
>tfw no qt Americanized Middle Eastern gf
I wonder where I could find a nasim gf. I'd become a vegan and convert to zoroastrianism just for her.
the only Persians I've ever met have been at university
maybe that's the place to look?
Do you fantasize about being fucked by white men?
I talked to a girl in Iran on a therapy website 7cups and she was incredibly nice plus her written English was better than half of the US. Was this that taqiyya thing I've heard about? Or was she a genuinely nice, helpful person who felt trapped there?
>why is this me
Oh my lawd
what the fuck? you are no different from western whores then. why are you on Jow Forums talking to other men and not taking care of your man.
I would be seriously doubtful that it was some sort of religiously motivated manipulation attempt
'good' people exist, more or less
I understand the urge to be distrustful, but thinking about people in this way really isn't rational
I know, I just don't trust anyone in my own neighborhood or country. I was reading about some european guy who backpacked through the fertile crescent to egypt in the 90s or something and almost everyone was friendly or at worst, indifferent. That was long before current problems but the average citizen probably hasn't changed much.
I met one Iranian and she was atrocious.
I like hairy women. Iranians and Armenians are the best looking to me.
>almost everyone was friendly or at worst, indifferent.
Yeah I would expect as much, but I'd imagine had he been in a state of mind more conducive to seeing threats, real or imaginary, his report might have been different
that's just the nature of experience really, it should not serve as anything conclusive.
The people regardless of their outward ideology/religion/whatever will mostly have similar thoughts and motivations to anyone in your own country, they're still people.
that being said taking a trip through the middle east nowadays probably wouldn't be a fantastic idea, also it's important to consider the small variations in how people might react in such a country, especially if you're an 'infidel' 'westerner' looking to find a bride
might not go over well
Syrian user here, you're not Syrian. Get your head out of your ass.
Also if you are, please don't come back here we don't need you
do you like white guys? and follow up, do you want to date?
Why would you want to venture into a board filled with nihilism?
She looked alright. She was insufferable though. So I didn't suffer her.
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory:
We can't help. Make other plans.
Middle Easterns girls are my weakness
Not a question more so a demand
Fake faggit
you know the drill: timestamp or gtfo
palestinian robot here
i agree shes a whore deserves to be stoned subhuman trash
astaghfirullah ukhti what are you doing here
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory:
Do you consider non-Muslims infidels ?
what kind? shia or sunni?