Any anons want to fight me? I'll kick your fucking asses
Any anons want to fight me? I'll kick your fucking asses
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why fight when you can just fill them up with lead
I've been in the mood to fight. Where you at?
>Where you at?
Too far. You're lucky
where u living at lil nigga
where u lil nigga bitch ass living at??
Alabama bitch
What makes you say that? Do you train in martial arts at all? Because I do.
>Do you train in martial arts at all?
black belt in bjj
Does that even work in needle riddled streets?
Maybe if I was like 18 or so still. A decade later, the idea of fighting people has really lost its luster. I kind of just want to sit around all day in pajamas, sleep, and watch TV now. Fighting for any reason sounds terrible to me at this point. I neither want to hurt somebody or get hurt.
>Amateur boxer, record so far is 5-0
Bring it on faggot, I'll chin check you properly
>Does that even work in needle riddled streets?
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server now to help secure this victory:
I'll decimate you motherfucker. Where you live?
I want to join a boxing gym but just learn from one of the trainers privately since too many people would make me anxious. How helpful are the trainers in your experience? Are they robot friendly?
see dumbfuck
Depends on the trainer. A real old school ex-boxer-tier trainer is the best you can get (think Micky from Rocky), but they'll probably say you're a fucking weirdo to your face. It happened to me a few times, but If they see potential in you'll they train you good and will always end up as a good mentor type character (while still judging you for being an awkward faggot). The other option is a numale faggot who went to college for kinesiology and decided to become a boxing coach. They'll cater to your awkwardness but aren't the best trainers and won't discipline you. You must be willing to go out of your comfort zone, especially if you're even thinking about getting in the ring. My butterflies were insane my first fight
I don't actually want to get into the ring with anyone. I just wanted to learn some self defense while getting in shape. Will they push me into the ring?
If you show potential and natural talent, yes they will try to get you into the ring, it happened to me. You can literally just tell them you're only there for self defense and exercise though, it's not a big deal
Oh cool. Where are you from? I'm not sure which gym to try in my area
meet me at elliot norton park and ill kick your ass in about 20
You're a fag
see you in 5 hours bitch nigga your ass is MINE.
I'm in Minnesota
Suck my dick, bitch
bjj kek, the gayest fight style there is
What are you gonna do, lay on the ground and wait for me to get on top of you?
What are some warning signs or good signs I should be on the lookout for when scoping out gyms? Thanks for all the previous insight btw
come to chicago sox ass nigga
Good signs
>white people
>proper equipment, clean
>professional establishment
>coachs pay attention and offer advice when they notice mistakes
Warning signs
>dirty and old equipment
>run down, sketchy area, under the table type of situation
>Aye Tyrone, look at this cracka, ima throw u in ther wit em, see how fast u can ko him
>Yo Carlos, check out this whiteboi, ima throw u in ther wit em, see how u can ko him
shut up you cringe faggit
is rap music a good or bad sign
U can't decimate one person you fuckim smoothbrain. Decimation is the practice of lining up all your soldiers and killing every tenth one.
>is rap music a good or bad sign
>>is rap music a good or bad sign
If it's accompanied by do-rag wearing niggers then yes, it's a bad sign
>pic related
hahaha you didn't even quote him hahaha
>everyone calling the boxer a fag
>but too scared to face him
Based. He's the Mike Tyson of r9k
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory:
shut the fuck up you god damn fucking retard