Hey Jow Forums time traveler from 2034 here, time travel is a normal thing where I'm from, usually before we enter corp.us we're put in a husk but black market deals :p ask me whatever you want but nothing personal unless you want to give up your anonymity
Risky, but it's anonymous
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Who wins the next four U.S. presidential elections then?
Next election: Bernie Sanders
after that: Donald J. Trump becomes the second president in history to be elected for two no consecutive terms
after that: Elon Musk {everybody was fucking surprised by that}
And then after that, he gets re-elected after developing multiple mars colonies (Cancer, Opportunity, and Poseiden)
Got any future memes? Are they good?
Not really into memes anymore, plus the meme culture has kind of died out, but the closest I can think of a meme to being is some of the stuff we send each other on our feeds that have previous moments of the person you're sending it to with a humorous feeling attached to it. I know its weird for you to try to comprehend, but with our interfaces, we can just send feelings to each other sometimes with moments attached and that releases the chemicals attached to that moment or feeling with slightly altered feelings with moments attached to them being sort of our form of "meme"
What's a notable technology advancement in either communications, transport, A.I. or anything
Well, in artificial intelligence, weirdly enough most developments have majorly slowed down or stopped completely. Most people don't know why some have theories a lot of people think they had a hyper-evolved ai that hated humans but its kind of a mystery. In communications, there's really nowhere to improve, you can engage in a wave with someone, which is like our version of calling and pretty much any brain wave you want them to hear or feel is instantly transmitted to their interface unless they don't have one. which almost everyone does, you can tell who doesn't by seeing them talking. In transport, as you'd expect we have flying cars, but nobody drives that much anymore we mostly just take the hyper-loops which were in fact developed by Elon Musk before his presidency, and then they were developed further by more people to be mounted in the air by A-grav bearings. So thats probably the most notable ones, besides fossil fuels being outlawed.
Bernie Sanders LMAO I like him but dude you killed your credibility way too early
also Elon Musk wasn't born in America
I know it sounds incredulous but yeah, it happens, he didn't do anything remarkable but he tried. The campaign worked out and he received a lot of funding for the campaign before hand.
Was the Trump wall ever completed?
The law was changed in 24' I think might've been 25 but I can't really check here.
No, sadly, the building was stopped after the first few pieces were placed and the emergency funding was stopped.
what crypto is #1? How much does it cost?
Crypto isn't really used anymore, and if so I'm not able to check but we mainly just use digital payments in our home countries currency. Most of us have chips in one of our fingers (usually right ring finger) but some people use feed transmission even though it can be unreliable
Prove it retard what happens tomorrow
Tell me how the fuck I'm supposed to know that, I only have my memory
What fucking idiot travels through time and dosent memorise something that will happen the next day to prove it. Go to tomorrow and tell me what happens
What is sage used for in terms of meals in the "future." Also, the best we can look forward to by 2034 is a cellphone that actually does 12mpx correctly. But yeah, no, time machines and Jow Forums posts. Anyone remember that space thot that appeared over australia by request in her ufo? I'm starting to think that shit was actually legit. lol. Jow Forums made first contact and the subject matter was eggs.
It doesn't work like that, time travel for us is like a flight to a vacation spot. So im planning on going to a few places that don't exist anymore I keep my memory of what major things have happened I'm just in an artificial body. If nothing remarkable happened that day than I don't remember it.
Why 2019?
What advice would give to anons to better their income/stocks?
What kind of porn are you into?
Why would you come to the past and tell people you are from the future without a way to prove it? Fuckin easy before you leave open wikipedia and type in "March 8th 2019" and then tell us. Larp better just come up with some random shit the thread will be gone by tomorrow anyways
Don't know, not a chef. I work in marketing at a hardware store, I've been saving up to go on vacation for a few months. Decided I didn't want to be typical and go to mars so I went to the past, mainstream companies too expensive so I used a "black market" Or aftermarket company. It's not really a black market, its just people who bought old machines off commercial companies
Thing of the past
>Why 2019?
Not gonna disclose that, not because it would alter my line, that's not how this works, but because you might be too woke, not that people would believe you.
How lonely are you and how many times did you have to avert the suggestive thoughts of asphyxiating yourself before you decided to be an attention whore on 4retards?
Eh, none of that. Just deciding to pass time by going on something I posted on in the past, there's a little bit of time before day breaks and I can't really do much without id's but nobody remembers Arbs anyway, memories are deleted after I go back (only the sensory interactions) complicated
>too woke
Wot? That's vague as fuck
They might know too much for their own mental health, like if you know when you'll die. Or know when a certain major geological catastrophe will occur, like if you could predict krakatoa
I almost feel like doxxing you just so that in 2034 I can track you down and preform an endoscopy with my dick down your throat.
If you end up in the same line, do it, faggot
Is reality just simulation? What happens when you die?, do you just go back to the source
When do they come to try to take my guns away? I need to know how long I can wait to purchase this FN FAL I have been looking at.
>What happens when you die
Couldn't tell ya, man, haven't died
>Is reality just a simulation
Couldn't tell ya, man, haven't died
You got men lined up to fuck your throat?
Semi-automatic long guns are banned in I think, 22' by Bernie, as expected
Why? Do you wanna know the waiting time?
Oh good, I have a few years. Is there any resistance? Do a bunch if bozos go off and form a free state? Also, what does the automotive landscape look like? Are the Joses and Anthonys of the world still puttering around in B18s and 22Rs?
Nah there really wasn't much resistance because it wasn't full gun reform and it was only long guns that are semi-auto. People still use short barreled rifles in shootings but when Trump got re-elected he made buildings that have capacities for large amounts of people (I don't remember the exact number but it was in like, 100) have two mandatory armed guards. As for ground vehicles, they're also kind of obsolete as government funding for roads has gone to the hyper-loop systems that most people use now.
Any notable premium sci fi network shows come out within the last decade? possibly created by someone with the initials JMM?
Honestly, couldn't tell ya. Wasnt into sci-fi in 2019 and I'm not into it now, well, I'm not into it now and I won't be into it in the future.
damn that would have been a huge ego boost
I recognise the initials JMM from some book cover but if it's you then don't give up on your dreams
When was the last economic bubble burst. Did vr ever actually take off? Are they still shilling stem?
>Economic bubble burst
If you're talking about crashes then there was almost one when Bernie was elected but theres really been no major burst.
No need for it anymore, full body sensory stimulations. They need to be rented by the hour though, you can invite people but they need to pay too.
No idea mate
Why was the first thing you did after traveling back in time was post on a mongolian ice skating message board full of khvs?
lul first thing I did was stay in the complex that I was sent to in my Arb, they provide a full personal computer, tv a smartphone, the works. I logged onto the pc and hopped on Jow Forums while its still up to talk to some past plebs, for all I know one of you could be me in the past
>for all I know you could be me in the past
I like the way you play, me(?). If you're me, what's my favourite anime in the {{Current Year}} (2019)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure if you're me then fuck off you depressed cunt wagon
Automated record briefing?
never seen a fun larp thread go downhill so fast
I have a tremendous amount of respect for Jojo and to an extent the people who like it, but it never quite hooked me like pic related did. You are, however correct in assuming I'm a depressed cunt.
Anyway, what's the gaming industry looking like right now? Is everything stream only? Are Nintendo, Microsoft & Snoy still the big 3, or have newcomers arrived?
What happens with all the niggers and. Muslims in Europe also please tell me artificial wombs and sexbots made the toasties obsolete
Slang for artificial body
Sexbots are a major market
I wasn't gay
What a fucking cop-out
Go hang yourself you RP-ing tease
>larps as a time traveller
>not gay
Who was the first person to land on Mars?
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory:
Edmond Monero
I refuse to believe such shitty emoticons will still exist in 2034. End yourself.