are you all as pathetic as you claim or is it just memes?
Are you all as pathetic as you claim or is it just memes?
Other urls found in this thread:
post template fag
and of course im pathetic
>literally only two from the list
No, I only pretend to be a 28 year old virgin NEET who still lives with his mother and shares a bed with his 25 year old gay brother.
Does it count that I moved out for 2 years, but moved back in with my dad at his request? Also I have had a girl tell me she loves me, but it was in a completely platonic way.
Some of these are so fucking arbitrary and silly. I wasn't sure how to mark the funeral one, as I'm not sure if family members/extended family members/coworkers count. Burnout losers would get to mark the "tried recreational drugs" space, but that's taken as a point towards "normal?" Not to mention, if somebody has five spaces and get a BINGO, they're out. If somebody has ~20 spaces but no BINGO, they get to stay?
how does it work if I live with my grandma and my mother but im buying the house from my grandma
I have 2 jobs but only have a room in the basement. I had 2 girlfriends, one lasted 2 years, one was married and divorcing her husband. Lost my virginity
im like some weird fucking hybrid
Also, I wasn't sure to mark the "not fat; in good space" space as a skelly. I didn't know which part to concentrate on. It seems like that should have been specified.
I have an un-bingo. Surely that counts for something. Also OP is a retard.
not even going to bother with editing the image
>not fat;in good shape
>have had a job.
fuck my life
I'm 28 and couldn't fill out a single box.
Prom would of been checked off if my bitch of an ex wasn't sleeping with my best friend and lied about it. I refused to go because of it
>no template
kill yourself immediately
is it really hard to google "normalfag bingo" it's the first fucking result just copy it into paint
this is why you're failures
Well done, you've outscored me.
i got a solid 0 squares, I'm not fat but I wouldn't say I'm in good shape either.
are you just here to suck your own dick or what
I got 11/25
Results say im 44% normie
nah i've actually got someone to do that for me ahaha
here it is fags
yeah yeah conga
fantastic post my friend, please stay here for more of our greentexts and epic memes.
shut the fuck up weird friendless virgin i am better than you
yes, I am as pathetic as I claim to be.
Almost, but not quite there.
I'm stuck in between being a robot and a normie
I'm going to kill myself. Orregggg
no bingo for me but fuck im close
no bingo
time to die
Mfw 17yo and already wasted my life.
You people disgust me
If the real loners died soon, we'd never experience many "normal" things
Especially at the ripe age range of late teens-early 20s
the only true robot niggas
its not meme OP but you are
>post template fag
I mean since I was trivially able to produce this image from the source, it was technically a template already.
Do I lose? It looks like a loser guys!
I added "?" marks as I'm honestly uncertain as to what the answer would be.
The "parents are proud of you" is really a tricky one. I don't think so, but I mean, do you guys think my parents are proud of this:
I wrote the software that synthesized and processed it, but not the sequence/composition itself. If anything I think this is worth negative proudness points isn't it?
>tfw get rejected on Jow Forums for too many normalfag bingo crosses and questionmarks
am I a failed normie?
question marks:
idk if parents are proud of me - I still live with t hem
I think no girl unironically told me she loves me, but may have been so
I registered to a (basically freelancer) job, so I wouldn't have to go work with dad
I never claimed to be that pathetic
>the ultimate /cyborg/, part of both groups, never really belong to any of them
Why am I here? originsadlkfajdfa ;lakadfadl;kfj ad
I had a question mark on "festival" because I mean technically my home town had japan-style festivals complete with weird local traditions and all that... like the great pumpkin tree. Yeah it's as fucking weird as it sounds. It had a dedicated festival in November.
So the question is does that shit count? Since it seems unfair if you lived in some shabby shithole town without multiple weird freaky festivals occurring at several parts of the year, every year, some of which everyone in town felt were a MUST ATTEND event.
i barely fullfilled these
>been on a vacation or a road trip with friends
when i was a kid, it was a school trip and everyone went
>held at least one birthday party
last one was when i was 10
>not fat; in good shape
i have a belly because my spine is curved but otherwise it's ok
>when i was a kid, it was a school trip and everyone went
Same here, but I consider that sort of thing not to count. I've been on "road trips" with friends but not over-night, although we wanted a camping spot and brought a tent there weren't any available and we decided not to bother because we weren't really set up to camp in the middle of nowhere spots (no water, no access, no toilets/showers, etc) that were available.
So I guess that counts... sort of... maybe.
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Well.. Looks like there's no Bingo for me. At least I lost my virginity to a hooker and tried weed once.
>lost my virginity to a hooker
you mean you didn't lose your v-card?
got an ok amount i guess
Lots of normalfags and failed normies in this thread
if it weren't for family I would probably be an hero by now
Fuck these hoes man.
Not even close to a bingo
Suck my huge nuts OP
Have never kissed anyone though.
not sure if being at uni counts as moving out. had a vaguely-normal phase about 5 years ago, well, I had some fans who thought me being weird was funny. not had any social life since then really.
That's all I got
close but no cigar
we need a bingo for degeneracy
>had a girl say she loves you
This is the only one for me, but it was a text messages from a Jow Forums girl who lives across the ocean and I don't even have a picture of her. You tell me if it counts.
Also, that normalfag bingo thing lacks an age box. That's really important.
Damn I always thought I was a full blood Normie. I usually pass the other tests.
I've checked off the least amount of boxes on this thread jfl
We're all gonna make it faggets. I had pretty good luck but nothing too crazy or too hard for the average person to replicate.
world needs more people like you user
How old are you? I'd guess you are around 20.
I guess I'm more of a piece of shit that I thought
Turning 23 later this year. I get that it becomes harder and harder to make it but it's never really as hard as Jow Forums would have you believe. I bought into the Jow Forums mentality for too long but the truth is that the average man can make it with a reasonable amount of effort.
I thought I was a normalfag already
Can you be a normie and beat your dick to hentai?
Can you have 8000 hours in 1 game and be a normie?
What can instantly disqualify you from being a normie?
Quit spamming this normie shit, were here to be anonymous go try 9gag or some other gay shit
>played in many team sports, sucked at all of them
>get compliments because i can still pull a facade
>held one birthday party when i was 5
>parents used to be proud of me
>at least i'm not a fat fuck
>went to only two house parties in my life because mom would never let me go when i was in high/middle school
>use facebook, don't post anything, don't talk to anyone
>played on a sports team
Is it over for me bros?
not quite bingo. have a relationship atm
gtfo black man
>but the truth is that the average man can make it with a reasonable amount of effort
Most people here aren't average. I know saying that makes me sound like some 16 y/o edgelord that gets bullied at school for wearing some weeb shirt. If people would be average they wouldn't have the need to post here in the first place.
Eh, maybe 2-3 years ago I would have agreed but at this point it's mostly average uni students who played too much vidya as kids or their parents divorced or something similarly mild shit happened to them. That got paired with an already weak and insecure personality and being raised by either a single mom or an absent dad, and you have a group of insecure young men who keep circlejerking over how bad they have it and keep feeding each others' delusions about being 2/10s and 3/10s when in reality they're just ordinary slightly dorky kids
Also considering two others but I am uncertain if I'm actually good at smalltalk regulary and if my bread and water tier wagecucking counts as an actual job
Girl who said she loved me was in a platonic way too as far as I know
I won't even bother coloring because only 2 apply to me
>have had a job
>moved out of parents house
that's it
sorta normalfag but very few friends i do things with
It ain t over yet huh?
Not quite a bingo, but I know robots would still consider me a normie. If it's worth anything, the relationship is an LDR (though we do visit IRL every few months) and I've mostly stood in the corner and not talked to anyone during house parties.
red are ones I've done, do you guys not realize tons of normies come on r9k?
Why are there SO MANY FUCKING normies in THIS THREAD
Of course I and some others do
it's why this board is shit, circlejerking and ironic shitposts 24/7
the only one i can check is the job one
I'm not fat. That's the only one from the list that fits me
we're fucked. there are barely any real robots left
these maniacs just come here to laugh at us
How do you go to house parties if you have no friends?
Co-workers and roommates have invited me to go out to parties with them. But people typically only ask me the one time.
does the good shape really count if I'm thin as fuck and completely out of sporty shape?
you go because you were invited despite not having a really good relationship to the host, usually big parties where the host invites literal whos. Also some parties get announced on sites.
Nice I'm not gonna bother since I fill in all but one square (I'm a total fatass) but other than that I'm as normie as can be
Wow, it must really suck to be a robot and not a well adjusted normies like me.
Do I really belong on this board?
Only had a job and played on a sport. I was 8 last time I did that, though.
Well, I got half of a space so at least you can tell that I'm not just re-posting the template.
I got an anti-bingo
you cant be fat and in good shape. thats an oxymoron
The star is on the words "Not fat" mate. I may be fucking retarded, but good to know that there are still enough population on the earth for there to be people dumber than I am.
Never seen a vagina though.
i'd say if you got over half of them you're a normalfag
here is an original piece of text to accompany this picture
i've let you down, boys