Sup faggots, does having a large adams apple mean I'm high T? I'm also pretty muscular despite not going to gym, and have a V shaped torso.
Sup faggots, does having a large adams apple mean I'm high T? I'm also pretty muscular despite not going to gym...
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my god this post reeks of desperation lol
Why? I'm just asking a question?
I got one.
Got bullied for it.
My voice isn't even deep. I sound like a girl most times.
No it just means it's harder to shave off your greasy neckbeard
No. A large adam's apple means you have bad taste in anime.
>guys I have a large adam's apple
>am I high test?
>I'm muscular and V shaped
>does this mean I get your approval?
>guys I really need attention because in real life nobody gives a shit
>please, I'm fishing for compliments from strangers online
Are you some kind of projecting faggot?
I'm asking a question, how the fuck is this attention seeking? How the fuck is this seeking approval? Go be a seething faggot somewhere else
How can you have a big adams apple and have a high voice? This is why I'm asking, because I always see really skinny guys who look and sound low T but they still have huge adams apples some how
Fortunately I don't have a neck beard
stop fishing for online compliments and maybe your life will improve a bit
>getting upset about a post
>post is totally wrong though
No, an adam's apple does not necessarily indicate high testosterone levels. Neither does body shape or muscle mass.
If you care so much about your hormone levels you will need to get them measured. One's physical traits MAY be an indicator for certain hormonal states but they are never conclusive on their own.
I'm just asking a question, what ever you're projecting onto me is your own issue, you weird faggots. I see guys who look low T but still have big adams apples, so I'm asking a question based on that.
le obama gif
I tried but the doctors told me I can't just get a test, there has to be a reason
Anyone else find large adams apples gross? They're so hard to look at. They look painful, like there's some huge object cartoonishly stuck in your throat.
le seething autist
le desparate manchild
le projecting faggot
le desperate fish for compliments on autism board
>does having a large adams apple mean i'm high T?
i bet you''d be proud you colossal faggot. I bet you have a big truck too. No it doesen't some of the geekiest malnourished people i've seen have big adams apples
>and have a V shaped torso
as do all healthy males who are at a healthy weight
Care to explain how? What about my post seems like it's attention seeking?
>I see low T looking guys with big adams apples
>I ask if big adams apples means high T, I also add additional information (my stature)
>get called attention seeking
Am I missing something?
>all males who are a healthy weight
Well that's just not true at all, at least where I live.
I also drive a sunfire because poorfag
we've already thoroughly explained it
High test leads to balding.
You haven't though? And you can't I guess?
the way you type is so fucking annoying
Damn, I've actually noticed the edges of my hairline starting to get thin and I'm only 21
shut the fuck up retard, stop posting pls
Why are you so mad, user? I can guess it's because your life is shit, hence the projection. Go take your anger out on a wall or something and not random people on the internet where you can hide behind a screen
lol im not hiding you small dicked faggot
>small dicked
Oh, I get it. Your dick is small. That sucks man
Post vocaroo of you going 'is she a great big fat person'
lol stop fishing for compliments online loser
>hur me hi hi test me have big wee wee me big stronk man
hahahaha kill yourself my man
Mic is shit so yeah
you sound like a wittle baby lol
>still insisting I'm fishing for compliments
It's getting kind of stale, faggot
Alright lets hear your voice then you seething loser
is the wittle baby gonna cwy?? lmao
Do you have some kind of mental illness? Jesus chirst user. It is kind of entertaining though
just be grateful someone is still replying to your thread my man
You tried to sound sexy not scary, you are under 25 hard fail sorry do it creepier next time
Yeah. My question was answered so I'm gonna find a new thread, take care you mentally ill freak. Also, refrain from saying "my man" from now on, it makes your reddit show
I am saying rn I am a girl and I can sound more like buffalo bill stop bluffing you junkie ass
>tried to sound sexy
lolwut. I already said I'm 21 but I can try to do it creepier if you want lol
Ok you first. You already knew you were trying to impersonate a creepy 90s character so it shouldn't be hard.
youre still a bitter virgin my man lol
I tried to sound like a rapist this time
Fucking kill yourself
You have a small dick AND you're a virgin? Life must be rough huh
You kill yourself faggot
you sound like a virgin tho
Well I didn't know you could sound like a virgin but alright I guess I sound like a virgin
>lol teehee n-no you!
lol kys virgin
>I'm also pretty muscular despite not going to gym
lol no u dont
I spent $30 on a microphone I can't bother to take 5 minutes to learn how to use. I am the asshole here but I promise my buffalo bill impression was the best. Reeeeeeeeeee
Samefag mentally ill user strikes again
hoestIy just shut the fuck up
I'm not OP and you can go sit and spin on a broken bottle you giant pile of nothing.
virgin posts again
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory:
The amount of seething is incredible. Why the fuck are you so mad, user? You can tell us, you're anonymous after all
>I'm not OP
youre a fucking loser tho
Well that's ironic isn't it
>t. Seething incel who likes to take his anger out where he can hide behind a screen
Which one of us can have an orgasm faster, me or you? Isn't the shit between your legs just for show at this point you stupid chimp? Do you even wash it anymore?
im not hiding I'm on the north end of boston faggot bitch, come see me
>Samefag mentally ill user strikes again
you sound extremely fucking gay and cringey, no wonder no one likes you lmao
Yeah I'm gonna take time off so I can fly out to Boston just to kill some faggot incel in 30 seconds. If you really think you're a tough guy you can come to me
Wait ... is posting bait the highlight of your day? I need to speak with your parents.
post city and postal address
>He doesn't know what a poster count it
Kill yourself you fucking retard
i don't think u know what a poster count is
And dox myself? I'm in Ontario and that's as much as I'll say on here, give me an email or facebook or something
cringey faggot fucking kill yourself
you kill yourself you compliment fishing virgin
Alright so you're a seething incel AND a retard, Nice.
The thing is you're stupid as fuck and you still won't kys. You'll live another 20 years in animal darkness.
idk what those words mean but I do know youre most certainly a virgin, are those your meme words you like on your little anime forum?
Alright you have to be fucking baiting, no one is this retarded. I'm just going to ignore you from now on, I know you feed off of those (you)s after all
you'll live another 20 years of virginity before offing yourself
cool story dumbfuck. tell us another one
you seem confused. go outside for a bit trust me you need it
Where do jumper cables play into this after being fucked 200+ times stops working ultimate hmmmm
my god you literally cant stop being an assmad retard can you
>he thinks me and are the same person
>he thinks his samefaggotry isn't completely obvious
>he thinks he can cover it up with a shopped screenshot
nice wojak retard, stop trying to fit in
I don't even know who you think I am or what point you yourself are trying to make. You are worth nothing but a cheap laugh. I actually really do hate you and feel no pity for you which you need.
t. literally virgin
oh god lmao
Do you really want to offer what little left you have psychologically to a pointless challenge?
How hard did you tip your fedora whiIe posting this?
just shut up you gigantic fucking loser
Your samefaggotry is still obvious, shithead
I made no attempt to appear as if it wasn't one person attacking your intelligence. Get a vpn you dickless nigger.
Na kill yourself, no one cares
>no one cares
Name 2 people who wouldn't be happy if you drowned in your own blood.
Your edginess just comes off as try hard and pathetic lol
Can you count to two?
Do you have one friend?
You started typing with grammar as an attempt to appear as another poster. I can tell you're quite capable of shit posting all night in order to take your anger out, but I got shit to do in the morning so I'm gonna leave now. Enjoy another lonely night of trolling, you fucking pathetic loser. I sincerely hope you hang yourself
Of course I do, why else would I talk this amount of shit?
I can't tell if this is self deprecating sarcasm or if you're just actually retard