I think you should try doing it. It's actually quite healthy. For body and mind.
Do you fast?
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I wouldn't think that it's healthy for either body or mind, actually. Spiritually it could probably be argued, but I don't think willingly depriving body or mind of nutrition can be argued for as a positive.
I'm anorexic
I fast every day
I eat one actual meal around once every other day.
I don't think it's healthy for me to fast lol
doing it now. it's lent.
I kind of hate it but I do it anyway.
I abuse amphetamines a few times a month so I occasionally intermittently fast but when I'm too far in an amphetamine bender I start feeling like shit from not eating
Your body will literally enter into ketosis and autophagy. Your brain so benefits immensely from it. I remember some days I would exercise and fast with it, it felt like I had no sadness whatsoever and like I had a natural high. It's fucking great.
You really really really should try it. Just check this out, it's really short and explanatory.
Ahh, yes. A YouTube quack extolling health fad X as "MIRACLE-GRO FOR YOUR BRAIN!!!!" while targeting a new age/religious audience looking for affirmation that their chosen lifestyle is a positive, eating it up like a fat kid at a chocolate fountain. Also, let's not forget to buy his latest book, while we're at it!
To each their own, but I'm not quite buying that one as the most convincing evidence. Just looking it up, it looks like there's a lot of "pro/con" debates on the matter of fasting, and most of it is concentrating on "weight loss." Just as a quick counterpoint: health.com
I don't think there's anything wrong with it, but I don't think calling it "MIRACLE-GRO FOR YOUR BRAIN!!!" is the most responsible way to argue for it.
In the Orthodox Church we give up meat and diary for our fast for Great Lent. I would suggest that you do this at least every Wednesday and Friday if you're looking to advance in your spiritual growth.
Hey, try it. See if you feel a difference. I get a natural high from it and feel really energising and believe me, I AM skeptical over all the health fad shit. But he's not shilling bullshit food, he's shilling you to do what numerous studies have shown about fasting and brain health. There's are tons of studies to support it, don't take it from me, see it in ncbi. Plus, these studies can't have any ulterior motives because literally no company is gonna make money over telling you not to eat their product lmao.
>pic unrelated
I'm good. I don't need to lose weight or SUPERCHARGE MY BRAIN(!!!!!). Like I said, though, to each their own.
Once again, however, it's not cut-and-dried. Numerous studies and anecdotes have provided mixed results on fasting (look it up), and I'm not so sure that encouraging people looking to lose weight to fast is an especially responsible thing to do, in terms of potentially encouraging anorexia in vulnerable individuals. On top of that, even if he's not looking to sell anything in that particular video, building up his brand by catering to people who are seeking affirmation on fasting is a pretty damn big incentive. For the love of God, the link in the description takes you to "Keto Health Summit." His entire channel is designed to push health shit and his books. He's a chiropractor, for fuck's sake, and goes around calling himself "Dr." He sells memberships to his website, for fuck's sake, and his entire brand is built on keto and fasting.
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory:
I'm not trying to lose weight. It really makes me feel better and more energized and mentally focused. Plus, WTF do you think he's gonna do? Not advertise his products? Not sell books? Not shill his diet? Everybody wants to make money, user. This is the real World. Even guys like h3h3 put ads on their YouTube vids (and I don't mean YouTube ads, I mean inside their vids).
So what he worked as a chiropractor before? Look at his site, he's advised and been a nutritionist for some of the most succe and well-known people around. Get off your high horse. His diet plan doesn't have any snakeoil or bullshit in it. This guy's the real deal I'm telling you. What kind of doctor is gonna make money by shilling not eating and not consuming anything?
>pic unrelated
Fasting is great, did 5 day fasting until thinner.
in the end you just dont know what hunger is and the thought of waking up and eating is so weird or even daily.
Fasting to me is going pescatarian.
I've tried it and I always sleep terribly. I have the hardest time falling asleep on an empty stomach.
only in the 20th century did fasting gain a negative connotation (rise in consumerism) people for milenia have been fasting to heal all sorts of ailments. you should really research it I first heard about fasting after reading what Mark Twain wrote about it.
He's not a medical doctor, he's a fucking chiropractor. Chiropractors aren't recognized by the AMA as doctors for very good reason. They can't prescribe anything. He calls himself "Doctor" obviously hoping that people are going to assume that he's a medical doctor. This fucking guy is a shyster out to make a buck. He's a fucking quack who wants to sell his program and books, and it works by convincing people of his program. Dr. Oz does the same shit.
My point is that I think that encouraging fasting (primarily to people looking to lose weight) is extremely irresponsible and harmful, as is using hyperbolic bullshit like "MIRACLE-GRO FOR YOUR BRAIN!!!!" It's fucking completely dishonest nonsense. If you think that I'm on a high horse, I think that your head is up your ass.
>fasting is unhealthy because big food told me so
>hur dur retards online putting their body in starvation mode
>people for milenia have been fasting to heal all sorts of ailments
People also used to put leeches on themselves and use mercury for treatment. Some people swear up and down that healing crystals work for them and wholeheartedly. That's not a good argument.
That's hyperbolic, obviously. At the same time, I question its supposed value and benefits in many regards, as has been discussed elsewhere in this thread. I especially think it's harmful to push it as a weight loss solution. Have at it if you think you get some benefit from it, though I would caution anybody who takes the supposed benefits at face value without looking into the potential negative effects.
Why are you namefagging with something unrelated to this shitty thread? you fucking retard.
>ignoring the writer's credentials
How about this article, written by an MD? webmd.com
There's tons of shit out that you can find out there, pro and con, which is the fucking point, you idiot.
How about this one, you cunt? nbcnews.com
Literally just Google it, for fuck's sake. On top of that, taking it too far, or people doing it for weight loss presents numerous problems that even somebody of your limited mental capabilities should be able to appreciate.
your conflating so hard my man. your body stores fat for a reason. its not so you can carry it around for the rest of your life and die at 50. your meant to lose it, you think your ancestors ate every single day? nah kill a mammoth gorge and then hope you packed on enough fat to fast off until the next kill.
>have at it if you think you get some benefit from it
I don't think I know, I lost 42 pounds on a 25 day fast last year and haven't gained it. didnt feel hungry or weak or malnourished as you adamantly claim. it sounds like you have an unhealthy addiction to food.
>healing crystals
lmao what a stupid fucking comparison.
I also have trouble sleeping without eating lmao.
>you cunt?
I'm conflating nothing. Your argument was "people for milenia have been fasting to heal all sorts of ailments."
Once again, it's not a stupid comparison based on what you brought up. If somebody gets a cold, buys healing crystals, and then says "I GOT BETTER BECAUSE OF HEALING CRYSTALS!!!" that doesn't make it the case, no matter how much they think it's true. Argue for it all you want using empirical evidence, but don't bring up that bullshit and then get mad when I bring up healing crystals, mercury, or leeches as a counterpoint.
Your citing "CENTURIES OF PEOPLE GETTING BETTER THROUGH FASTING!" and "MARK TWAIN'S WORDS ON FASTING!!!!" are both fucking nonsense that can be put in the same basket. Mark Twain was a writer, for fuck's sake, not a medical doctor. JD Salinger was into all kinds of nutty shit, yet if I brought up his bullshit beliefs about mysticism, that gives it any credence?
lmao what a stupid fucking person
literally just Google the health benefits of fasting for fuck sake.
I'm not arguing that they don't exist, you fucking moron. Maybe actually read what I'm fucking posting, you fucking jackass. " Just looking it up, it looks like there's a lot of "pro/con" debates on the matter of fasting, and most of it is concentrating on "weight loss.""
I've acknowledge that it's a mixed bag with an unclear picture multiple times. Note how I pointed out "pro/con" in my posts multiple times. All that I've done is caution against taking it as "MIRACLE-GRO FOR YOUR BRAIN!!!!" from a fucking chiropractor or pushing it as a weight loss strategy due to the potential consequences and people taking it too far.
It's called clickbait you fucking retard. Everybody does this on youtube.
>5 big pharma bux have been deposited in your bank account
how does someone compare fasting to crystals, mercury and leeches? we live in an idiocracy holy
Yeah, okay. One of those. Have fun with your ANCIENT CHINESE SECRET of sticking needles into your dick to cure your impotence, you little twat. I'm sure it will work out for you.
No fucking shit, you fucking moron. Your fucking entire argument was based around a chiropractor's clickbait, without acknowledging any of the downsides that I've raised numerous times. You're the one who linked it, for fuck's sake. All that I've done is point out its hyperbole, his reasons for presenting it unabashedly positively, and presented counterpoint sources to you.
>literally just Google the health benefits of fasting for fuck sake.
hard to convince people that not eating for ages is healthy.
people just have no idea
Read the whole fucking post and actually try to comprehend it. Here, let me make it abundantly clear, because you're obviously too fucking stupid to follow my point:
Therefore, its "centuries of use" and "MARK TWAIN!!!!" are both completely fucking irrelevant, which was the crux of his post and argument. It's amusing to me how are people this fucking stupid and incapable of following basic logic are the first to throw out "IDIOCRACY XD!!!!" Mike Judge is a talentless fag, and so are you.
imagine being this mad when someone suggests you stop eating.
not that guy, but biochemist who regularly fasts and my longest is 43 days.
There's a ton of empiricial data for fasting, just use pubmed.
Anecdotal evidence can also be used in terms of progress picsutre on proana and Jow Forumsfasting
he's a food addict :^(
Dude, of course he's gonna up his story. Its what people do. Of course he exaggerates it a little bit. Why are you getting all crazy about this?
No shit, you fucking moron. How many fucking times do I need to say "IT'S THING WITH A LOT OF POSITIVES AND NEGATIVES FOR DIFFERENT PEOPLE" before you fucking retards comprehend it? Once again, look at or fucking . Did they not teach you how to fucking follow a conversation in college, you fucking Redditfag, or do you just pick and choose which aspects to pick out?
Not to mention:
What a revelation! Surely that means that it's entirely healthy with no possible side effects or negative possibilities! It's the best way to do it, surely!
Because I'm arguing with a bunch of fucking retards who are taking on strawman arguments that I've never made and using a fucking clickbait video and certain positive studies without acknowledging any of the potential negative aspects that have also been observed. It's fucking ridiculous.
No shit there are possible side effects. Everybdoy fucking knows thqt. Do you honestly think that other people believe that fasting for unhealthy long amounts of time to the point of bulimia will do you any good? EVERYBODY knows that fasting too much may be harmful. EVERYBDOY knows there are people that starve themselves to the point of sickness, but VERY FEW people know the benefits of fasting. He even makes a video about the potential danger of fasting for creeps like you who are oblivious.
you sound pretty reddit ya know.
>le pseudo intellectual
Here's the link, faggot:
First of all, bulimia=\=anorexia, you fucking imbecile. Second of all, the question is, at what point is somebody taking it too far? Obviously one extreme is starving yourself to death, and the other extreme is gorging yourself on food to the point of death.
Assuming that there's a benefit to fasting (there might be, and I acknowledge that), when is somebody taking it too far to the point of it being a net negative on them? People are fucking morons, and encouraging such a thing very well might end up doing more harm than good. Lots of bullshit diet fads are the exact same fucking way. On top of that, what works for you might not work for somebody else. That's been my point this entire fucking time, and all that I've been saying. It's a potentially dangerous fad diet that people push and people like Mr. Chiropractor use to cash in on.
For the millionth fucking time, if you see a benefit for it, go for it. But be sure to do it responsibly and within reason. And don't treat it like a fucking miraculous epiphany that has no potential side effects. That's all I've been saying and arguing this entire fucking time.
>literally links to Reddit
>deflects and accuses somebody else of "sounding reddit"
Gee, you sure got me, you jizz-guzzling faggot.
Terrific, I'm sure that will completely address all of the people that it too far and end up hurting themselves.
when exactly did I link to reddit? are you fucked in the head? plz leave this site.
My bad, I assumed that you were linking to this post in which I responded to a guy who literally linked Reddit. You know, a guy who you type exactly like. And who reeks of stale semen, much like yourself.
I do intermittent fasting. 18 hours of fasting, 6 hours allowed to eat. Mostly doing it to lose weight as it tends to make me eat less. Noticed my bowel movements are a lot better. No idea about these other claimed benefits though
ATTENTION ALL Jow Forums USERS - Heinrich needs your help to unify the fractured Jow Forums community on Discord and wipe out all of the dead servers, but to do this, he needs more active posters and a couple of shills, but you got to be quick, join his rapidly growing server today to help secure this victory:
It's not healthy.
Nofap is not good for you.
Cold showers do more harm than good.
Meditating gives you minor brain damage.
Stop doing this retarded shit, your body is not made for your retarded memes.
No chad or well adjusted person does this, no wonder they're sane and you're not.
Same here brudda. Yesterday was Chick-fil-A lunch and a small bowl of corn for dinner. Today I've had a half a donut. It's brutal but I want all my clothes to fit me properly by the end of the month so I'm combining it with exercise and hoping for the best.
Is that true about meditation
>b-but fasting may not be healthy for some people therefore fasting is bad