I hate it so fucking much,why was i born like this im so fucking mad.
No girl wants a pussy that cries during disney movies.
No one likes to talk with me,cause im so weak.
I hate it,i really hate it.
I tried changing but its no use,im born to cry over stupid shit and romnaticize stuff so much that its guaranteed that ill be dissapointed,i hate this.
Who else here /Sensetive/ ?
You ever read The Sorrow of Young Werther? Its about you, and your destiny.
sensitive chad here
source: cried to christopher robin
listen bro, lift, be confident in yourself, and just go balls to the wall in your approach. Im talking flowers, chocolates, the whole 9 yards. Whats stopping you from just manning up and just talking to her brozeph. Smell ya later
yea I don't watch movies with anybody for that reason. the last movie I watched with somebody was blade runner 2049 and I lost it at that scene where ryan gosling has a mental breakdown and my buddy looked with disgust and pity like he was looking at a retarded kid.
I really wish you tranny roleplaying faggots would collectively hang yourselves already and save me the trouble of having to sift through your refuse you call threads to find quality content.
You can't even spell sensitive. You should have a good cry about it.
s-sure thing, chad
We're in two opposite boats user. I laughed out loud in a room full of tears during the tribute slideshow when my highschools favorite teacher died. I wish I was more sensitive, but I forgot how to feel a long time ago. I've ruined many opportunities with women because of this, but I don't know how to change. I always feel so numb, like I want to and know I should feel sad like I used to, but it's all just numb now
not everyone who's "sensitive" is a tranny
i believe trannyfags and their enablers should be exiled to an inhospitable remote island to be honest
and i have cried to more anime shows than i can count
I dunno, I think I just get upset easily
>tried going to confession on Wednesday
>waited for the priest to come to the confessional
>nobody came despite it being scheduled at that time
>drove back home
>turn off car
>cry that nobody cares about me and that god hates me and won't let me repent
>call myself a worthless mistake that god doesn't want
>apologize for existing when I'm clearly not wanted over and over again while crying alone in the fucking car
>on Jow Forums
>uses the word "sensitive" in a thread
>admits to crying
>posts anime image in OP
It's blatantly fucking obvious he's a tranny LARPer. They all have the exact same grammatical posting style and literal use of English.
fuck you nigger this is Jow Forums not everybody posting animus is a tranny
I never said as much, however doing that, in addition to other common tranny-posting tactics leads me to believe they are one.
Other than straight up admitting to licking cocks or linking to some shitty faggot infested discord server, this thread has all of the signs of being one.
OP here
I posted an anime pic cause i dont have anything else,everything else is shitty memes that would derail this thread
>complains about girls not wanting him
>says nothing that even alludes to wanting to be a girl
>actually resents his sensitive tendencies because he knows its not masculine
maybe take a break from Jow Forums and see what the real world is like sometime
>tfw highly sensitive
>tfw mastered all my urges and reactions by practicing what I learned in the book Mindfulness in Plain English
>tfw girls find me sexier now
>tfw distant and callous
>tfw stupid bitches love that shit
feels gud.
I got perfect score in Elaine Aron's HSP test.
>tfw still get upset over things that happened decades ago
>listen bro, lift, be confident in yourself,
just bee urself xd
It's better to embrace it, user. I'm sensitive, emotionally and physically (sensitive to smells, jump at the slightest stimulation, to really bright things, empathize hard with characters, etc). Just because you feel emotional doesn't mean you have to act emotional, however. Detachment from your feelings means that you aren't impacted by them, and yet still have an awareness of them. In this way, your sensitivity is more of a gift than it is a hinderance, because you're more in-tune to the world than a lot of others.
There is a reason hermeticists think that the union of masculinity and femininity is what constitutes divinity.
I tear up whenever I talk to people idk why. People think that I'm crying. Which I am. But it's involuntary.
I learned not to cry because my dad beat me. He'd threaten to "give you something to cry about" and hit me more and harder if I didn't stop. Turns out you actually do have the ability to just not cry, even as a kid. When your brain realizes that your life is in danger if you keep crying, you stop crying altogether. It doesn't even take effort. It's just how you become.
I don't cry now. Not when I'm sad. Not when something is beautiful or moving. Not when somebody I love dies in my hands. Nothing. It's dead.
Count yourself lucky.
You ever done the Myers Briggs test? I got INFP, now I just wanna fucking die and end it all man.
thats some pretty lame advice esp in todays dating climate. it can work if you do it once because it stands out but giving a girl chocolates and flowers and taking them out to the diner for some burgers and pop wont be very fun for long.
ive cried watching movies a ton of times, sometimes when watching with girls and its not an issue. your sensitivity isnt holding you back its your self hatred
I did it, im INTJ, but i dont really trust that stuff much