>There was a business district in Tulsa, Oklahoma
>It was a black business district
>It was the wealthiest black community in the nation
>May 31st, groups of white men attacked black residents and businesses in the area
>They burned it down and destroyed it
>aLl nIgGeRs dO Is sHoOt eAcH OtHeR AnD RaPe wHiTe wOmEn
>wHy aRe bLaCk pEoPlE So pOoR UnLiKe aSiAnS
Other urls found in this thread:
plantations dont count as business districts
I thought I was the only one that thought about this. Not only people died, black people's wealth got destroyed as well. Blacks today could had been rich as the Asians if it weren't white people killing and terrorizing blacks and their properties back then.
this is where youre point fails.
>>May 31st, groups of white men attacked black residents and businesses in the area
Why, user?
Why did they do that?
What could have happened that drove them to
do such a thing?
Prolly retardation
>Generational wealth? What's that?!
Not only that, historically speaking the laws were extremely racist until a relatively recent period in American history. Blacks couldn't own land or property for a long time which is a big one because white people could enjoy that wealth transfer from generation to generation while blacks couldn't. Banking loans for housing were denied to blacks, higher paying jobs were denied to blacks, equal education was denied to blacks, etc and all those historical disadvantages of the past affect the present.
i dont give a fuck you dirty fucking nigger
>you aren't allowed to make money if your parents are poor
For proof of this, see
>suffering bad from sleep deprivation
>hop on fourchan dot org slash are nine kay slash
>there's apparently a thread making logical and sound points about the systematic oppression of black people
Either I really need to get to sleep or I've entered an entirely different fucking dimension because this is not the Jow Forums I'm familiar with
Social mobility is at an all-time low even for whites.
at least I'm not a virgin like you are lol
That's just like, your opinion man. And isn't stupid white people breeding themsleves into Idiocracy the goal of every good American?
hows it feel to have never touched a woman? fucking neckbeard kys
>actually earning your wealth? What's that?!
6 million Jewish people were killed and they're fine.
this guy is actually so stupid it's funny
>other people's gain is my loss
Kindergarten mentality.
It's a airy, breathless feeling. Since i was so honest with you, tell me, what's it like only seeing your mother when they let her out of her pen for feeding or calving?
Even today, alot of blacks are denied loans, get gentrified out of their homes, and get arrested for drugs way more than other races. Thinking about it now, Capitalism can never really save blacks if White supremacy will always prevent blacks from achieving in a large scale.
If you come and burn my shit, and then I complain about it, that's me seeing loss in your gain?
hahahaha he's actually a fuckin virgin lmfao
>Why can't poor people just buy more money? Pfft so obvious duh
What has this got to do with generational wealth?
>6 million Jewish people were killed and got reparations, their own national state, and status
Bingo. As long as we have a global hierarchy where the only thing that matters is who your parents are, useful individuals will aways be suppressed. Friendly reminder, racists, if your genes determine your IQ, and your IQ determines your success in life, then no one has ever earned anything. It was assigned to them at birth when they were born with that specific IQ.
>When I was your age, I moved out when I was 18, bought a house in my mid 20s, and had 0 college debt! I swear, millenials are just lazy
t. pic related
This. No one handed me anything on a silver platter.
>Let politicians, schoolteachers and administrators, community leaders, ministers and parents drill into children the message that in a free society, they enter adulthood with three major responsibilities: at least finish high school, get a full-time job and wait until age 21 to get married and have children.
>Our research shows that of American adults who followed these three simple rules, only about 2percent are in poverty and nearly 75percent have joined the middle class (defined as earning around $55,000 or more per year)
So hard.
are you actually unable to find example of successful black community that is not almost one hundred years old.
i mean even if you find one it's still worthless anecdotal evidence vs fbi crime stats.
You seem to assume poor people are somehow eager to see rich people fall. This is false. Poor people want food, shelter, and medical care, and are somewhat understandably upset when society gives the luxury lifestyles of an elite few overwhelming priority over their basic needs. If you consider the ability to make it through the month without starving, being evicted, or having your children taken away by the government an outrageous luxury - as many comfortably middle-class people do - then I think you're a monster.
if you come to conclusions like this with so little information, maybe you should rethink the way you form opinions.
How is it worthless? They've been oppressed by laws and physical violence and haven't been giving ample time to recover from your battery. On top of that, your tribe has made the cost of higher education unattainable to lower-classes and poisoned their youth with your record company rap culture dogs.
If your dad burned 's dad's money and gave you inheritance money, you're the idiot that'll say "Why the fuck are you so poor?"
Boomers have voted retards like Reagan and both Bushes and wonder why the economy is shit.
You know pure data really tells nothing.
The same data can be read soo many ways because of biases that are innate to people.
You can read those crime statistics like a typical angry white teenager trying to feel superior because of his race - "black people bad"
And I can read the same data and think how maybe they had a hard time, that time created a culture in which crime is idealized.
Can you first find me a black community that has never, at any time, been harassed or manipulated by law enforcement?
This comic REALLY makes you think. I'm a black guy who went to an all boys private school in middle/highschool (off of merit and financial aid)which was one of the top of the nation (probably still is but too lazy to check) and I personally know like 20 kids who are in Harvard/Yale/U Chicago RIGHT NOW because their parents are politicians or similar high power job holders who donated big bucks to the school and went there as legacy. About 1/2 of them are stupid as fuck, but it didn't matter for them.
Two black guys were accused of raping a white woman. The two black guys could've come from anywhere in the Tulsa area but the whites chose the richest neighborhood in Tulsa to search for them.
The black people in the neighborhood refused to give the two black guys up to the angry white mob because they wanted to kill the two guys. Black people knew there was a history of falsely accusing black men of hurting white girls (Emmett Till), so like civilized people, the blacks suggested the whites wait until the black guys have their day in court. The whites, being the savages they were, wanted to kill the two black guys NOW and didn't care about whether or not they were actually guilty.
When the blacks held their ground and insisted things be handled lawfully, mutanoid caucasoids chimped out and burned everything down.
>we wuz wealthy n sheet
While there has certainly been a lot of racism against black throughout USAmerica's history, and it is surely likely black people on average would be somewhat better off if this wasn't the case, we are still left with a number of pertinent questions.
Why have they not sorted their shit out since then?
Why are majority-black areas descending to complete shit rather than gradually improving as systematic oppression fades into the past?
Why did Asian communities recover quickly from similar such oppressions?
Why are black areas the poorest and most violent everywhere, even in states which have history treated them fairly well?
Why did literally every country in Africa fail post-colonialism?
I think it's because black people are less intelligent and much less capable of forward planning than other races. Also more prone to violence, crime and selfish behaviour. I feel for the intelligent and diligent ones, but they are the ones most affected by turning a blind eye to the horrific state of black """culture""" in America.
>Poor people want food, shelter, and medical care,
No shit.
>and are somewhat understandably upset when society gives the luxury lifestyles of an elite few overwhelming priority over their basic needs
Excuse me? Who gives what to who now? Taxation sucks money from the rich to the poor through the threat of force.
There's no law that says poor people aren't allowed the things you mentioned. Just don't think stealing from other people is the answer.
DeSoto, TX. Successful black people from all over the country move there.
It is truly sad that most of the white 'intellectuals' still do not see the full picture
The problem with blacks today is not solely black peoples fault. Neither is it solely white peoples fault
Like most things in life, it's a mix. If there is any one group that's solely to blame it is the government, or should I say government agencies
I've done enough research and everything leads back to meddling by gov' agencies that were backing the kkk and racists whites against black people
A nice time frame to research is 1945-1965. There were many factors at play. White America found it's unity as the Europeans have never unified for a "White" identity
There was never a white utopia where Europeans of different ethnicities believed themselves equal. Black people and to some degree, mestizos, brought white people together
Or should I say they notice their similarities when they agreed upon a common enemy. Not to say that black people aren't totally free from blame. There are always crabs in a bucket people
Only a fool would think one side is solely responsible
See: Housing boom of 50s, White flight, blockbusting, the new deal (before 45'), welfare reform, assassination of black leaders, disruption of black community, creation of crack cocaine (after 65')
The actual explanation for the FBI crime stats is that law enforcement is much more willing to let white criminals off the hook and the jury system unfairly favors white defendants ("he dosen't look like a rapist"). If you convict two blacks for every white for the same crime on the same evidence, they will tend to be over-reported in crime stats, yes. See, the racist use of these stats assume the the justice system is perfectly fair. It's not, but I'm sure I'm going to get irrefutable evidence that no such bias exists any second now.
>these extremely convulated examples
And to add to this
This is where Jow Forums falls off. I sometimes wonder if its apart of nature that people do not want to see the full facts
Is the truth so ugly? Too many omit, too much
for their own agendas
>Why have they not sorted their shit out since then?
>"H-h..Hello Um, Mister Whiteman, can we please not be segregated, have access to better jobs, and not be attacked by racist people?
>Well okay since you asked nicely!
>T-Thank you masta
You're retarded.
>this one community in what would today be derided by leftists as a "flyover state" proves black people could be successful across america
>Just don't think stealing from other people is the answer.
Imagine that you stole a sandwich from me, and then years later I leave you in the desert to starve to death. That dosen't sound fair to me. I agree stealing is bad, but it's less bad than people dying or suffering a lot.
There are a lot of companies with so much money that feeding everyone in America basic meals would hardly impact their bottom line. Their shareholders would still profit and their employees would still be paid. These companies do not have feelings, thoughts, or dreams like you or I or the poor people you are willing to allow to suffer and die. Think on that. You're saying a mark in a balance sheet is more important than a human life.
>98 years ago
>bad thing
>bad thing
Yup, I also did some data collection for economics magazine and not a single sane person would just look at some data and come to his own conclusions because of it. Data is actually very hard to read and gather in order to not be biased. You have to learn a lot of tools in order to gather data that is useful and later read it in a way that the person gathering the data intended to.
Then again, we live in an age where people see an article, read the title of it and nothing else and later act like they perfectly know the issue when discussing it with other people.
In capitalism, yes, it very much does. Where you choose to put your money and taxes into, will have an affect to other people, whether it's a negative or positive one.
lol that just shows how incredibely shitty the social system is. So i guess im actually wrong considering how bad poor people in the us generally have it.
Is this some sins of the father shit?
It's their choice. I value freedom and non-aggression
>where you choose to put your money
Not what I said you slimy cunt.
every anecdotal evidence is worthless especially if it's about exception instead of rule and one hundred years old.
if they still been oppressed they'd try to move out of US, not try get more blacks in.
also i am not white nor do i have much interaction with blacks, poor whites also hold no responsibility for what their "tribe" did and what not there is no law that forbids black people from studying nor getting education, poor white folk of equal intelligence actually has harder time getting out of poverty because of university race quotas
as for rap culture crime and poverty culture existed in black community way before rap, although you showed great insight to mention that black people did nothing for rap culture it's all marketing team, produssers, and sample/ beats makers who did all the work.
He said 1921 you retard
I doubt one town could have made all nigs rich.
This is pure lunacy. I love tolerance and diversity and all that shit, but I grew up in a hood area of another country where we get all those same reasons why one race is massively overrepresented in crime and prison statistics.
It's complete horseshit. They commit more crimes by an astronomical margin. Actually probably more than the statistics suggest, because in these sort of places a huge amount of crime is unsolved because there is too much to deal with, and even more again is just unreported because it's considered a normal part of life. For example if your car gets broken in to you ask the neighbors if they saw anything and leave it at that. All your theoretical mumbo jumbo goes straight out the window when you live in a place like that, every race knows the truth too it's only delusional middle class people who think otherwise.
>Why have they not sorted their shit out since then?
Slavery ended 150 years ago. Segregation ended less than sixty. Then there's the (proven) CIA run crack epidemic in the 80s that set black people back a bit. They were literally experiments for the US government. The government was telling them they were giving out free vaccinations and were injecting them with syphilis. Do you expect a whole ethnic group that has been systematically oppressed for over 400 years to get everything together in one lifetime? My mother remembers the tail end of segregation. New York JUST passed a law that made it illegal to fire a black woman because she wears her natural hair. Black people are still getting fired for jobs or expelled from schools for wearing their hair the way it grows from their heads or wearing hairstyles that are popular in their culture. You can't compare the trauma that African Americans as a whole went through to the oppression of any other race in America except maybe the native Americans, who are, unsurprisingly, doing even WORSE than black people. I love how racists who pull the "model minority" argument out of their asses forget about the original inhabitants of this continent, who live in rundown houses with no running water, have the highest suicide rate, are addicted to alcohol and have a rape rate higher than anyone else.
Black people are LIVING in the country that systematically, purposefully held them back for centuries, they're literally just now starting to accept that their lives are worth something. Black people went through 400 years of this shit, give them a second to recover from their fucked up jistory, jeez.
>Not what I said you slimy cunt.
Money is meant to spent, you tard. It doesn't matter if a individual earns their own money, generational wealth still exist
>even in states which have history treated them fairly well?
This doesn't exist. Jim Crow existed legally in the South but was just a social norm everywhere else. No state really treated African Americans well.
Every man is an island, huh? No matter how you earned that money, there will have been some point that you screwed someone else. Someone else could have been born to your parents, someone else could have gotten that job, another firm might have landed that big contract. What happens to all the people you beat out? To everyone who wasn't in your shoes at the right place and the right time?
And stop being childish. You'd be an idiot to just stuff that money under the mattress. How are you going to invest it? How do you know that your investments aren't causing pain and suffering across seven countries to grow your next egg? Even just putting it in savings means that now you're profiting from the bank, which is the active business of screwing people over if the Bank of America thing is any indication.
They could be starting businesses in their own neighbourhoods but they aren't, they're selling drugs and spending the money on rims. You are white and know nothing.
So the much-vaunted crime stats come down to anecdotal evidence in the end. Color me surprised.
>where we get all those same reasons why one race is massively overrepresented in crime and prison statistics
Maybe if similar ideas and prejudices against minority groups exist in different countries, there's some truth to it?
>poor white folk of equal intelligence actually has harder time getting out of poverty because of university race quotas
Poor whites have a hard time achieving because they're poor, not because 2 black dudes want to be in a good school.
So then why aren't you out there running those business? If enough market opportunities really exist to put blacks on parity with whites, then you should be able to make billions of dollars working these business only you know how to start and run.
Look at the OP. Black people tried this multiple times across the country and it always ended the same: white people came, chimped out and burned it down. What makes you think that eventually, the exceptional black people who start these businesses wouldn't just move into OTHER peoples communities rather than draw attention and bring the white terror to their own neighborhoods?
Again; obvious leftists like you operate on the assumption that nobody gets rich without committing a few atrocities along the way, you assume the pie can only be divided and not enlarged, you assume there must be a "fair distribution" or else those on the bottom will starve in the street by default. It's not good enough having your needs covered if somebody else has more. It's an injustice and must be corrected.
Hands off my taxes, thief.
My shit is my shit. I didn't steal. I didn't deceive.
Sorry I'm white. Sorry my dad didn't walk out. Sorry my mother breastfed me. I have not violates another person's property of physical well-being
They deserve gentrification t b h.
The neighborhood where i work has never improved because the stupid blacks ruin everything. They don't even have a decent restaurant.
Opposed to the neighborhood i live in. Mexicans moved in and in 15 yrs they put up a variety of thriving businesses.
Face it. Niggers are stupid animals who deserve to live in desolate shitholes where there are only baptist churches and liquor stores.
Weren't asians(of japanese descent) put into camps after pearl harbor, not to menton whole slap a jap thing? Did any of them become career criminals for several generations forward?
they won't understand it here user, their heads are so far up trump's, darwin's, and blumenbach's asses that they can't even consider that they've been lied to about everything they think they know
but thanks for bringing this up, statist cucks need to realize that the government/system is never on their side
It's both you fucking dumbass. Both statistics and anecdotal evidence from those who have seen it first hand point to the same conclusion, and literally nothing points to the contrary.
if you don't want to be arrested for carrying drugs, maybe don't use/sell illegal drugs.
Are you just going to do the hippity-hoppity dance or are you going to actually tell me how you've invested your money and how you're keeping those investments above board? You could easily be deceiving and stealing right now and have no idea. Let me guess, you have a bank account? Let's start there.
You said " Why have they not sorted their shit out since then?", as if there weren't things that's been tried but failed back then to recover from such tragedies. Instead you used stereotypes from the current day as evidence.
You don't any current black business that are around in America right now and what they're doing to improve communities.
Oh wow Japanese people were put in camps for a year. This really will cause the generational trauma that 400 years of systemic oppression caused the blacks or the native Americans. A few years in a camp is really tough compared to that, no way the Japanese could recover for it.
See nigger? See Indian? The Japanese recovered, why can't you?
Okay. Let's do this. I grew up next to a black neighborhood. The kids in the neighborhood were no trouble, but the LAPD were constantly sniffing around making trouble for both neighborhoods because they were convinced the black neighborhood was up to no good. I know some folks in the LAPD, and they openly admitted to me that the whole system is rigged against blacks specifically.
Is that as good as your anecdote? I sure hope so - remember, mine is as true as yours is.
I find this argument weird. So you're saying whites are allowed to break the rules but blacks aren't, basically. Whites can run around doing as they please but black people have to submit to be pure and angelic just to have a chance at life.
Maybe the earth revolves around the moon. But it doesn't. The prejudices come about because of reality, people don't just choose races at random to oppress. Black's commit massively more crime on average than other races, and so there begins to be a (correct) perception that blacks are more likely to be criminals.
Each person should be judged as an individual and so I support exposing these prejudices when they manifest as unfair treatment of an individual, but it doesn't come about just because of mindless racism.
No is arguing it's mindless. I'm sure that, if you were white, the massive economic and cultural disparity (to say nothing of literal enslavement) would be enough to get anyone clutching their pearls. Actually trying to overcome these differences and change our perceptions is much more valuable than Jow Forums racism - which is truly mindless.
>They deserve gentrification t b h.
They deserve to have good schools that actually motivates them to improve, loans, and not a liquor store in every corner. Good resources shouldn't be far from their reach
Asians weren't 1/5 of a person 60 years ago and didn't suffer housing discrimination like blacks did. Just because another race was oppressed, the outcome won't be the exact same.
Moon revolving around the earth is a physical property of the universe we live in. It's measurable and stays the same all the time. Now comparing that to a social problem is one of the most retarded ideas I have heard of. If you don't think racism can come out of nothing you have never been to any eastern European country. People here literally hate black people while also never seeing one in person. It's a mindless cycle of bad ideas that stem from being uneducated and inexperienced being passed from parents to children.
nope if white person carries illegal drug he goes to jail too, you just should not use drugs, and expect to get away scott free because of skin tone, don't really see how drugs are race issue break law -> cops have proof -> go to jail -> sentences counted in the same way too
who said anything about life being fair, japs also had property seized and assets frozen not to mention forced labor on lower payment and no contact with family, japs recovered better because work ethic and not fucking around, there was no reparations.
Also before you say "those ideas came from something real" I will tell you that they pretty much didn't. It started with some stupid shit like "they look different" and became "they are evil"
>nope if white person carries illegal drug he goes to jail too, you just should not use drugs, and expect to get away scott free because of skin tone, don't really see how drugs are race issue break law -> cops have proof -> go to jail -> sentences counted in the same way too
So the jury system is perfectly fair? There is no room for human error in law enforcement?
I'm not in the US. As I understand it is mostly Indians and other immigrants who own small businesses in black areas. They also start with nothing and face discrimination, not just from the white majority but from the black local majority.
Somehow they still manage to better their situation.
Can you give me some more examples, and preferably some more recent than nearly 100 years ago? I already knew about the OP's post but I've never heard of any other cases, it surely is worth mentioning and part of the story of racial division in America, but as it stands I see it as a single incident with more symbolic application rather than a normal occurrence with a huge tangible effect on the state of black America today.
Mine is true and yours is not.
>nope if white person carries illegal drug he goes to jail too, you just should not use drugs, and expect to get away scott free because of skin tone, don't really see how drugs are race issue break law -> cops have proof -> go to jail -> sentences counted in the same way too
You're a naive idiot. Its a statistical fact that blacks get arrested for drugs way more than whites, despite the fact whites do drugs just as much as blacks. There's a massive opioid epidemic in the white community, yet not enough arrested for possession.
>Chad does weed in highschool
>Gets caught by a cop
>"Oh hi Chad! How's your dad doing! I didn't see him at the weekly golf meet up last Sunday!"
>"Weed? I don't smell any weed (throws joint in the bushes). Just make sure to tell your dad I said hi!"
>Tyrone does weed in highschool
>Gets caught by a cop
>"FREEZE NIGGER. I WANNA SEE YOUR HANDS! STOP *PUNCH* RESISTING *KICK* ARREST! *POW POW* He was resisting arrest and he was reaching for his (nonexistant) gun. I had no choice!
>It was Tyrone's fault, he was smoking weed in his car! That criminal nigger deserved it!
Liberia is awaiting you
there always room for error, just not exactly race based for most of the time. as far as legal precedents i can name a few non drug related incidents where i expected biased jury but it worked perfectly fair and balanced towards a black person from 1910s south, needles to say it not biased in modern world either.
> One successful black neighborhood ever
> Existed before automobile and electricity common
> Black people could never recover from that moment
Europe was ravaged multiple times by invaders
But Africa couldn't recover from colonization?
Top kek, I agree 1000%
Go back to africa, darkie
>Can you give me some more examples, and preferably some more recent than nearly 100 years ago? I already knew about the OP's post but I've never heard of any other cases, it surely is worth mentioning and part of the story of racial division in America, but as it stands I see it as a single incident with more symbolic application rather than a normal occurrence with a huge tangible effect on the state of black America today.
You say this as if something that happened 100 years ago his no effect on what happens now.
>Greenwood OK
>Rosewood FL
>Hayti NC
>Jackson Ward VA
>4th Ave. District AL
>Boley OK
Then you have the others that took place inside of bigger cities like Chicago or Atlanta. White people burning down black communities for the actions of one or two black people used to be a common practice. White people were kings of the chimpout.
Holy shit the niggerloving itt is absurd. Someone link this thread on Jow Forums. Literally everything written itt is either lies, exaggeration or anecdotes
Kys nigger loving OP
Lmfao Unbongo thats such BS
>Coalburner fucks black man
>Accuses him of rape to hide her tracks
>Sheriff arrests him and takes him to jail to stop him from being lynched
>Literally a week earlier a white man was accused of raping someone and was also lynched
>Lynching was standard practice of the time
>Blacks decided to raid the police station to get their guy back
>Get him out but kill 3 white police officers in the process
>Situation escalates and turns into full on race war
>Blacks chimp out but a white man got into an airplane and fire bombed the entire ghetto
>Buried them out in the valley afterwards
T. Someone whos great grandpa was actually there in Tulsa when it happened.
>who said anything about life being fair, japs also had property seized and assets frozen not to mention forced labor on lower payment and no contact with family, japs recovered better because work ethic and not fucking around, there was no reparations
I didn't say it was fair, I said it was a false equivalence. You can't compare oppression of Japanese to oppression of blacks in this country. It was two completely different things. The Japanese oppression was for a few years. Black oppression was for 4 centuries.
Oh and btw, Japanese DID get reparations. Every surviving victim got $20k each. Slaves got literally nothing. They had no skills outside of agriculture. They weren't given the land they were promised so the only option was to die or sharecrop, which was just wageslavery.