Drunk texted a girl in my class yesterday that i like her. Left on seen. What should i do ill have to see her in class in 2 days. Pls post real recomendations.
Drunk texted a girl in my class yesterday that i like her. Left on seen...
What exactly did you write?
This, we need some screencaps to see what we're dealing with. Crop them if you need to.
I think your really cute and i like you. Note she's the silent nerdy girl in class, but i talk to her regularly and we sit together at the cafeteria so thats also a problem. Seen me 1 hour ago hasnt replied
Im not Anglo so you wouldnt understand the language
You fucked up desu
go on Jow Forums with this robot i want the best for you] i drunk followed my ex on rateyourmusic tonight so im right there with u
It's not a big deal. It's actually a good thing. Don't make a fool of yourself by panicking and spilling your spaghetti in front of her. If she rejects you just move on. After all she is just another roast in the wild.
Just tell her you were drunk. Shit happens.
There's no problem then. Don't text her anymore for now. Wait till you see her and go up to her, ask her if she ever want's to have a coffee or something. If you don't engage the talk in real life she's most likely gonna think you're a pussy. It's your chance now. And if she rejects you, forget about her. You'll be fine mate!
Thats true but i hate the silent rejection. So now i have to pretend like nothing happened and its gonna be akward as fuck considering i have to sit in the same room as her 6 hours a day every in class
It'll all be cool. If she doesn't bring it up, you can always take that as your pic related.
Lol you think that's a problem. I'm a bipolar lunatic who puts himself in my manic phases in such uncomfortable positions like 5 times a day. It's nothing severe just stay cool branon and you'll be fine. It won't kill you
Don't let that happen. You have to get that rejection. Don't let her stay silent about it. Get that rejection as soon as possible. Remember this, loving her doesn't make mean you are beneath her.
You take a fucking knife and cut yourself. Cut your fucking dick hole, faggot. Take that same knife, cum on it. Yeah, fucking cum on it you fat retard. Take that cum knife and rub it on her shirt in class. Fucking do it you coward.
Just treat it casually, text sth like "lol sry i was blackout drunk last night haha fml, just ignore that"
Yeah i think this is a good idea. I'll proly approach her after class and just apologize and tell her that i was out
You are a pathetic drunk loser, please throw yourself off a bridge
It is just fine. If she can't deal with your feelings that's her problem.
Don't apologise or give a lame excuse to show you are ashamed for your feelings.
If she doesn't reply you have your answer right there: She doesn't have the same feelings. It happens and you will get over it. At least you made an effort.
Don't write any more until you have an answer. Don't avoid her in class. What you did was right and there is no reason to behave any different now.
Fucking retard. Never apologize for confessing. It would be the worst thing you could do. Just tell her to give you an answer.
Its Brandon but yeah I'm but bipolar as well
We all fucked up
honestly just act like it didnt happen
user is right, what you ve said to her is what you feel, not in a very brave way, but you did it. Anyways you should move on if she doesnt reply to you.
this man knows. be friendly right away and show her without saying it that you've forgotten all about it.
Maybe she doesn't know what to say, confront her. Tell her how you feel, smile and move on.
Screencap and then edit the image in MSpaint or something, add in the translation under the original text or next to it.
You fucked up.
You never tell a girl you like her and especially not by fucking text. You show her you like her by hanging out and doing things together. And then see where things go after a couple dates or some shit. And if she says she is not interested you leave it alone for good, even if a while later she changes her mind and wants you -- have some self respect at this point and say no as she turned you down once before.
NOTHING kills romantic interest dead like an obliquely stated intent. Part of the whirlwind of new / early romance is the mystery of it.
You did good user and 1hour isnt a long time
Maximum autism, ANYONE who tries ""confessing"" over text has lost their chance the minute they hit send. Women fucking hate it, even if they thought you were okay before it will immediately ruin things. Why is it so fucking difficult to just ask girls out and let things progress naturally through dating/hanging out/etc, instead of coming in guns blazing from a distance with your retarded "AAAAAAA I THINK YOU'RE ATTRACTIVE I LIKE YOU AAAAAAA" messages.
>NOTHING kills romantic interest dead like an obliquely stated intent
The women you are referring to are exactly the ones you want to avoid
In 10 years when you are even more jaded depressed and alone I want you to remember what I just said
Well yes that's what the traditional fairy tale romance bullshit would have you believe, but that's not reality, it is an idealism.
I said obliquely. That was the wrong word to use. I meant a literal statement of "I like you." It turns all interaction dead where it would otherwise be frivolous and romantic, because the partner knows what your endgame is. It takes the air out of it.
>be 3 years ago
>be 19
>be far less self-aware than now
>be just as retarded
>hang out with a girl multiple times
>she says over text that she feels comfortable with me as if she'd known me for years and she likes that feeling
>immediately confess my love in direct and robust terms
>never talked again
Still mad at myself for that.
pure bullshit, i got my girlfriend by exactly doing what you just said
Lucked out then. Exception not the rule. Some people are just desperate and will take whatever scrap is thrown their way -- even women. Or maybe you genuinely did just luck out and find your soulmate and correctly confessed to her / him at the right time in the right place. Congratulations.
Then you're both autistic and/or desperate.
Or (s)he's a trap who has masculine mind and favors direct phrasing over vague ones.
yeah i basically lucked out because she also liked me for some time but she was too scared to say anything.
does this look like a trap to you
Yes it does.
It does, yes.
This is an original comment fucking let me post already you fucking dumb website fuck.
damn, it really do be like that sometimes. but in all seriousness, i know for a fact she's not a trap.
Autistic then.