Millwall, Millwall, you're all really dreadful and all your girlfriends are unfulfilled and alienated edition
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britfeel tripcode 4
I love how you start samefagging when everyone calls you an idiot for your shitty argument
I want to have dinner with Gershwin
I want to watch Rembrandt sketch
I want to talk theory with Curie
Impossible I guess
I like dogs and pigs and cats.
Is that the 2019 March OP image or last years?
it's last year's
What are you on about mong? I wouldnt argue with a spakka over something this trivial. This is your first and last (You) from me.
>Would you be willing to come to Bristol for a weekend?
I'd have to check if there are any direct coaches
London is more realistic
Contact centre
At the moment it's just emails but I think I may be going on the phones in a week or two
"dude" would be more acceptable
>>has a penis
most transwomen do
>>hasn't told his parents he's trans
they know enough and have made it clear they're not cool with it
>>doesn't look feminine
opinion not fact
getting ffs anyway, so moot point
>>doesn't use his girl name full time
since my parents don't accept me and my friends here don't accept me, you can see why this would be hard for me to do, right?
>>hasn't applied to get an acquired gender birth certificate
after ffs
>>hasn't took HRT for any prolonged period of time
over a year
You're actually going to start pictures of dead dogs now? Fuck me you must be seething
alright loddies
I would be prepared to travel to Bristol
I have checked coaches
>moved into my rented flat two weeks ago
>been living without internet or furniture
>just a mattress on the floor
>BT hub arrived this morning
>mummy's visiting to help me buy furniture
Happy days lads
Why do women not like introspection?
im hoping to move into a flat soon, any tips for me?
Tim looking legitimately fat now. Hardly a shock when he's having fish and chips for breakfast.
Fat and mental, what a way to live life.
You lads reckon we have the skills to leave society and start our own thing?
Great can you get down here for tonight? I need to take that mouth for a spin.
It's a good feel isn't it lad? Had my own flat for just over 2 years now. Having to cook your own food and clean sucks but it's worth it
Would you cry if it was a picture of an animal you didn't like, like a blt? doubt it
Pay him no mind, poor lads clearly mentally ill
That's what the manopause does to you.
Testosterone production plummets and leaves you fat.
autistic here why do people distinguish between pets and other animals? I mean I have a pet dog and love him to bits but what distinction is made between a dog and other animals? why is it not ok to eat dogs is there any logic behind it or just emotion?
If society were to collapse tomorrow the NEETs here would be the first to die
had this stuck in my last night
it's so fucking shit
Lads please help Im bleeding heavily from all the edge in this post
The /britfeel/ arms was the first stage towards the /britfeel/ commune.
No you went at him claiming a dog barking at a doorbell meant it was untrained and had a bad owner, like you can compare all dogs. It then turns out you got your dog as a puppy, it's an extremely emasculated dog that's not hard to train and has never been through any trauma in it's life. Not only is your argument so flawed that you have to resort to insults like assclown (cringe) but you're obviously a shitty person for supporting a breeder instead of a shelter. You also went at someone for experiencing misophonia all because you can't handle someone not liking something you do. You also tried to dispute facts after getting totally btfo and asking for proof
Because dogs evolved alongside humans as a companion animal, it's ingrained into our psyche to treat them as part of the family unit.
so it is just emotional? I thought it might have been something like we thought it brought bad luck or something since some cultures have dogs as pets but still eat them
if we pooled all are bennies we could probably start a cult like commune, the problem is most people here are lazy and out of shape, the wouldn't contribute and ultimately it'd fail
Dogs, like not wolves, have only really around 10k years. Not long on an evolutionary standpoint. Anyway ancient peoples would still eat their dogs of necessary.
The argument is totally emotional. It is literally no different from eating a pig except the culture isn't there.
the best kind of dog!!!
you say "just emotional" like emotions are a minor thing
not him btw
is english your second language or are you just so angry you're typing faster than you can handle?
It's not really edgy though is it, whenever someone preaches not eating cows or pigs to a dog lover or shows them the suffering they go through they tend to laugh and call them soft. Dogs are my least favourite animal and I really struggle to see why they shouldn't be eaten when they're massively overpopulated and dangerous when not trained. If you can present a reason other than morals I'll listen
You're getting too upset by this, calling people retarded and autistic while on r9k. You need to realise that not everybody likes the same things as you.
No it's wired into your brain.
Different cultures have different beliefs lad. Just look at Indians who don't eat cows or Jews that don't eat pigs. There's no global rule that says you can't eat X animal, except for the ones that are to protect certain species from extinction (which the Chinks ignore anyway)
oh no I think they're a huge thing and I don't think just because something is done for an emotional reason it's bad guess I just expected something different
It is just a minor thing, you can get attached to any animal. A pig, a fish. We still eat them and always have.
humans are overpopulated and dangerous when untrained, should we be able to eat humans?
>he's still going with the pigs vs dogs argument the absolute madman
Humans will eat each other if necessary that's a nonsense argument to make.
>they're massively overpopulated and dangerous
Ah, so you seethe because you are scared of dogs? Calm down petal a cat is probably best for you
I don't get how people get wrapped into arguments for any longer than a few minutes I mean at what point are you lads goingto wipe away the tears and realize it's going nowhere and even if you win your life won't change you'll have just wasted however long arguing over something that doesn't matter
Nice ad hominem lid.
>If you can present a reason other than morals
why dont you accept moral arguments?
I dunno lad posting dead animals is pretty edgy, have a cup of tea and simmer down eh?
Because they're a fun way to alleviate the boredom lad
I agree with the point you're making so why would I attack an argument I agree with
>dreamt where I had a gf
>we were happy in ASDA and that
>she was an extremely average girl I knew from school but never even thought about
it hurts lods
don't think two people crying behind keyboards calling each other names is fun
Love a good argunent me, ye silly prick
Not really comparable. Starving people will almost always eat their pets. Put cannibalism is very unlikely. You don't see it nowhere near as much as you'd expect.
does it hurt because you would have actually had a chance if you pursued her?
Absolutely, why can we eat all animals but humans, dogs and dolphins. Why do people draw the line? You think in nature we didn't eat each other. All though this argument has gotten way out of hand. It started with me not liking dogs and some idiot thinking pigs were unintelligent
It's all new to me too mate, other than furniture make sure you have all the essentials for cleaning (toilet brush, vacuum cleaner, mop, bleach. If you're used to mummy doing all your cleaning then the flat will turn into a pigsty quickly
It's so great, I can never go back to living with others now. Almost 5 years of housesharing..
even if you lose it? just seems kind of boring desu
Do you still think its just one person who thinks you are a retard lad?
Only one side of the argument is crying lad
Because if you're going to use a moral argument you should be vegan. If not why does the moral argument only apply to dogs. We're going in circles here. I don't like dogs, a lot of people here don't like dogs, people need to get over it
right so you're fine with eating untrained and dangerous people but what about useless ones? I mean humans are essentially trained to get a job and work right? so are you fine with unemployed people being executed and eaten?
you have to be upset to keep replying to the same autist for this long
>All though
Had a feeling you were thick
You see it when it's necessary, which was your point with dogs.
Dogs are part of the family, that's why people are predisposed to like them unlike other animals reared for food.
Whether you like dogs or not doesn't change this, it just makes you more upset.
Where do incels hang out in London? Asking for um a friend.
I already told you it's a form of entertainment though, fuckface
>tfw no asda gf
oic. I just assumed my lack of written coherence was just a way if you deflecting from the point. I am phone posting and lazily type of course. This is /britfeel/.
Oh it's definitely just you mate, the same guy with no arguments and who made himself look an absolute idiot with the pig claim. And you've already gone at several people thinking they were me.
no need to get so upset and start calling names
I hang out at Waterstones in tcr. It has a coffee shop downstairs
Pigs aren't intelligent. They lack sapience for a start.
hey pigeon lady. here's a picture of the fancy door in the hallway
Nah lad I also think you are a bit of a mong
he's actually right about the pig thing though
i dont think you have to be vegan if you refuse to eat dog, you could just say that some animals have certain purposes, dogs for companionship pigs for eating
She's not going to fuck you, sad act.
This is what I was talking about when I said dog owners are arrogant and unintelligent. You started crying because I don't like dogs, presented no arguments as to why I had to like dogs. Now you've going with
>y-you must be scared of them
While owning a dog that can't weigh more than a stone that you had to buy as a puppy because you know you don't the have the ability or the willpower to train a shelter dog
Just cringy
No lad the rates of cannibalism are much lower than those of eating animals like dogs in times of famine. Most would kill and eat your pet dog to survive but most people would not kill and eat their mum to do so. It's not comparable.
I like dogs and I'm not the same person you've been debating just joining it. You're clearly the one who is really bothered that you could be wrong.
Don't post my dog without my express permission, porky
that tranny chasing weather mong being mongy again?
But you're the same person lad.
>switched to a mobile phone
Oh dear
>y-you are a samefag!!
Lad is it so hard to believe more than one person thinks you are a dumb dumb
Never been to that one. Looks comfy though.
Do you have a job?
>someone else's dog is on the same level as their mum
I'm talking to a literal autist or nonwhite.
Your opinion doesn't matter. The fact is that a normal human is hard wired to live alongside a dog.
Oh dear, cope harder lad. This a dog friendly zone Im afraid
That's an extremely detached and narcissistic way of looking at it. In my mind dogs are for eating so everyone else should feel the same way
everyone stop arguing and look at my numbers
that is definitely one reason, I wasn't as far gone as I am now so it would've been easy
>>tfw no asda gf
>enters thread
>some argument about some likely retarded shit happening
haha ok then
>*leaves and plays video games instead*
>one minute apart from your last post
you can still be better user
how is it detached and narcissistic lad?
Looks like it lad. Todays target is apparently dogs, wish he would stop being such a silly boy.
There used to be this cute year 11 girl who would come into the shop I worked at in the morning, we'd always lock eyes for a few seconds each day but I never made a move. I wonder what she was thinking.