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Arby's releases Waifu
Look, the employee himself is fighting a comment war for calling her a loli...
why are normalfags like this desu
What do we do about this?
Someone needs to draw her as a morbidly obese middle aged woman. I don't care about the stupid debate over her apparent age or the way they describe, someone must carry out this sick burn on Arby's.
toppest of keques
Twitter is absolutely fucking PISSED about this
Waifu weeaboo culture is pathetic and gay, but normalfags crying about "muh child character" are even fucking worse.
Please do not fall for their advertisement, corporations are not anyones waifu.
>Uncle Arby released the meatwife
It was too soon! She wasn't finished curing!
Well the Arbys Waifu will certainly have the meats now
>literal roastie
original arby's
arbys sauce fucking sucks
this honestly
i think the waifu weebs who can't hide their powerlevel helped to draw out the "MUH CHILLINZ" crowd
both of these people are responsible for the "anime=pedo" mindset
The fuck? Is this real? Did they really use the word waifu?
Anyways fuck Arby's meat takes like shit.
i dont have a twitter.
Arby's has based marketing but shit food.
Reminder that this is simple a very well researched and executed marketing tactic.
Like the one with the boomers and monster?
Last time I smelled Arby's I mistook it for literal dog food
bahahaha so BASED and REDPILLED
they are truly one of us 4channers!
based and shadpilled
Arbys is going to apologize, if they haven't already, which is why I am not going to buy shit from them
Is Arby's sauce made from adrenochrome?