Why haven't you escaped the city yet?
Why are you still part of the normie-run mass culture?
Why haven't you escaped the city yet?
Why are you still part of the normie-run mass culture?
Found the special snowflake
>he thinks the isolated woods are better
any dick proenneke fans here ??
I don't want to be killed by tribal ooga boogas, I like vidya and I would probably die of food poisoning within a week.
You can buy a cabin with almost all the comforts of any home in the city.
I've got my own farm and live out in the country, no cities for me.
High speed internet?
Electricity that works at night?
Tap water?
Gas heating?
Food that you don't have to hunt?
High speed internet is probably the only thing you'll have to live without.
>Food that you don't have to hunt?
Why are you creating the most ridiculous scenarios? You do know there's an invention called cars that you can take to the nearest small town?
I live in the country side.
People here are uneducated, uncultured cancer. All they care about is getting drunk and talking behind other people's backs. Nothing relevant to my interest. It's more calm, more things to do, more places to visit and be solitary without any interference. I guess people are cancer everywhere. Countryside beats the city any day for a true robot. Way less suffering.
>Found the special snowflake
>dude cities lmao
Isn't it easy to avoid the hicks? In the city you're forced to be a part of everything unless you plan on spending the rest of your life in a small apartment
>Isn't it easy to avoid the hicks?
If you lived in the woods, you would have to deal with hicks on a constant basis.
People are falsely friendly to you. Overly friendly. I prefer solitude. People think I'm gay and crazy.
>People think I'm gay and crazy.
i mean, they aren't wrong
I think most of us are like this. Robot village when?
Also, this is now a comfy thread.
I might go to a comfy village when I move out
damn i need that
lottery winning when?
It's the best way to keep peeps away
Probably never. Why not work for it?
Ackchyually I wish I lived in a city instead of the sticks, though I'd probably feel differently if that was the case, like the grass is always greener
or at least that my house wasn't strategically placed in a maze of winding hilly mpg-killing backroads full of aggressive tailgating micropenis rednecks
Thanks for the advice shekelstien
Its all fun and games until you get attacked by a bear / wolf / boar
I'm also a depressed Neet without any prospects for the future! Such a rebel!
>Why are you creating the most ridiculous scenarios? You do know there's an invention called cars that you can take to the nearest small town
Because he lives in the cities and thinks rural mean "caveman" life.
>Isn't it easy to avoid the hicks?
Yes, he's being a cunt.
You know you can buy a gun and do things to prevent bears and other scavenger animals?
I grew up in rural scotland. its pretty overrated. Rural communities are small minded and shitty.
Moving to really isolated countryside where you dont deal with the people is difficult for if they you dont have money to drop on buying a house.
And that is why more people don't do it. Also its more normie/average to want to be in civilisation. The people who might want to isolate themselves, generally wont have the means (like much of this board)
Its different sorts of contact. Rural people are all about your business, if they don't know it they otten make it up. They fill their time with gossip and nothing is private. Wheras in a city you can be completely anonymous. I was lonely as shit in both settings to be fair, but at least I know one group of people weren't talking me.
If I had the means and confidence to do this, I would do it in a heartbeat. I wish there were still nature in this part of the country. Even if you see something that looks like woods, it's someone's property and they'll have your ass arrested for trespassing if you try going on a walk in it.