Ask a German anything
I am happy to answer all your questions.
Ask a German anything
I am happy to answer all your questions.
Other urls found in this thread:
is the immigrant stuff as bad as it looks?
what is the most degenerate shit you have ever fapped to
How is it having shitskins you let into the country terrorize you and rape your women? Is terrorism as bad as news says?
do you love Hitler?
Why won't you give repetitions to the Polish?
Is it true German girls are fat? Also is it true you guys aren't proud of any of your history, not even shit like Bach or Beethoven?
They're not as problematic as American niggers and our situation IS better than France, England or Sweden. Their numbers are high though and they cause problems. Not every immigrant is bad. The worse are the fucking Arab crime families. They control entire districts in Berlin for examples and think they are above the law. They use German girls for pump and dumb but they only settle for a muslim girls. If a German guy wants to fuck a muslim girl he gets beheaded.
A dog fucking a girl.
Compared to France and USA we have less terror. It is still pretty fucked.
why do germans hate themselves so much?
you guys are in a three way race with sweden and france to see who can destroy their heritage first
Heil Hitler, White Pride Worldwide.
Why aren't you oting AFD?
>If a German guy wants to fuck a muslim girl he gets beheaded.
How many German guys get beheaded per year, any stats?
No. He lost. But it is not all black and white. All I can say is I understand Hitler. I understand why he did what he did. He still made many mistakes though. He used too many resources to get rid of Jews. I would have used the Jews as soldiers and workers. Also he allied with the fucking nips and spaghetti-eaters which was retarded. Then he didn't prepare for the Russian winter etc...
lol no. It all depends on the social class and education level. Fat people are poor and uneducated. Girls with normal education are almost all fit, fitter than most other Western nations.
>Also is it true you guys aren't proud of any of your history, not even shit like Bach or Beethoven?
No. Our teachers talk all the fucking time how great Goethe or Schiller were. The only thing we can't do is say general X or commander Y was great etc... which Americans probably can get away with. Other than that we can be proud of whoever we went. Except natzees ofc.
Brainwashing. We were traditionally always obsessed with being "enlightened", "worldly" and of course educated. Being conservative/nationalist is as backwards and silly. Like something from the middle ages. So girls fuck niggers and shitskins to prove how progressive and enlightened they are. It's not just us, it's the entire fucking West. The entire fucking West hates itself.
>So girls fuck niggers and shitskins to prove how progressive and enlightened they are
it's mostly because germans are betas and they are instinctively turned off by their own men as a result
>being conservative/nationalist is as backwards and silly
Is being seen as backwards and silly
Because it won't change anything. It is meaningless to invest in corrupt countries. The money just ends up in the pockets of a few individuals. Also fuck reparations. It was war buddy. It happened. Get over it. You can't throw money at a stinking pile of shit and expect it to turn into a goldmine. It will always remain shit.
We aren't beta. We are autistic though. It is easy to confuse these 2 things. Beta means submissive. Germans aren't submissive at all though. Fuck we are probably the most un-submissive nation in the world. There is a reason why stuff like drinking in public is perfectly legal here.
How do Germans and Europeans in general feel when Americans claim to be one of them?
OP is a fag, I'll join too
I usually dont repeat myself
not really, a lot of the shortstacks are a bit curvy tho. As soon as they settle they become fat.
for the rest, it depends who you ask. Much like in other countries, zoomers just dont give a shit, but people generally start seeing through bullshit like history guilt. 90% of national pride goes into football and the 80s-90s boomer years anyway, much like with the brits
I admire him for who he was personally but he fucked up through his actions in the end
>They're not as problematic as American niggers
t. non American German
Why aren't uou impregnating Bavarian girls with your 100% Bavarian phenotype.
I only ever notice it as soon as foreigners point it out or the news go apeshit. Otherwise I live in a small town, not much immigrants here. MEs are generally more aggressive and criminal but they can be okay citizens and bros too just like with hispanics in the US. Big cities are really mixed. Their impulsive nature really doesnt mix well with a lot of people even if they legit dindu nuffin
wie kalt ist es jeztz in deutschland
Und wann hat der Unfug mal ein Ende?
Dont really care desu. If they have german roots and speak german they can be german.
But if they start wearing our uniform it goes into cringe
The entire fucking world knows how bad niggers are. It is not exactly a secret. You aren't fooling anyone.
Can you translate the lyrics?
not so cold
but windy
i personally like it. Most euros mildly care or will reject the idea out of butthurt because its an american
You got a good schnitzel recipe?
When will the Kaiserreich be restored?
Was geht Brudi?
Was machst du hier so?
Verpiss dich Missgeburt.
Never. Monarchy is for fags.
Google is your friend.
Why are austrians literally just better versions of germans? And why is your way of speaking german so fucking horrible?
If they speak the language, sure. If they don't they are just American with European roots/heritage. I don't go around telling people I'm Hungarian, just because my great grandmother was.
Was los bei dir heiliger Bimmbamm Brd
>Never. Monarchy is for fags.
This why your country is fucked
Ich lauer in der Regel hier nur.
Wieso so feindlich?
Why you vote Merkel?
Why so many turkish and arabs?
>Why you vote Merkel?
I didn't
>Why so many turkish and arabs?
because others did