Do any fembots use piss jugs?
Do any fembots use piss jugs?
No such thing as a female robot. Stop using the term because the more you use the term the more its cemented as an identity.
>No such thing as a female robot
Got any proof to back up that outrageous statement? It's 2019, there are more women online than ever before
Shut the fuck up normie. Get the fuck off my board for one.
For two, vaginas dont work with piss jugs user. They dont have a willy and cant aim it, it just sorays everywhere.
T. Piss drinking robot with basic social skills.
>vaginas dont work with piss jugs user. They dont have a willy and cant aim it, it just sorays everywhere.
Found the virgin!
Women have a urethra and they can aim fine with practice.
>Found the virgin!
>on arninekay
Found the retard
Did this nu-bot just attempt to shame someone by calling them a virgin on r9k?
What the fuck happened to this place
women cannot be robots because they are inherently more valuable due to their vaginas.
I do, yes. Well more like a bottle than a jug. Not as easy to fit a gallon jug between your legs and up to your ladyparts.
When was the last time you saw a fembot posting with proof of not being a roleplaying dude or a tranny? With all the trannies posting I don't think anything short of pussy with timestamp is definitive proof, but when was the last time you saw at least tits with timestamp?
I haven't disposed of my pissbottles for 2 months and at this point I'm too afraid to
Post a photo of the bottle so I can imagine it nestled up to your hoohaw, and then imagine my mouth in place of it.
I have used a piss jug when I still lived with my parents, they only had one bathroom and my brother would take fucking forever in the bath. i would tip it out the window immediately though, then wash the jug soon as I could.
Did the same thing in student accommodation as they placed me on a boys corridor and the girls bathrooms were really far away.
larp. its really easy to spread your legs a little and its wide enough it makes up for not being able to aim. you can even cup it to your skin. A bottle would be trickier. way more likely to get piss on yourself
wait my bad you mean a gallon "Jug" I meant jug as in this sort.
is this a regional thing.This is my understanding of the word jug
Get off this board faggot, when you look at pissing videos youll see it. The only way theyd be able to use a piss jug is if they squat and piss slowly. Even then itd take too long, and defeat the point of using a jug instead of a toilet anyway.
What region do you live in where people supposedly call a measuring cup a "jug"?
Caliwali (California)
They just pop a squat on the back lawn.
Naw. I just sit on the edge of the tub and piss. Then waddle back to my bed and wipe myself with an old tshirt if I remember. Private bathroom is best bathroom.
35yo khv jobless zero friends and posting this off a Nokia Lumia goml
Of course they do
Who wants to get up every few hours?
UK. Its way more correct.
Jug = a cylindrical container with a handle and a lip, used for holding and pouring liquids.
synonyms: pitcher, ewer, crock, jar, urn; More
strictly speaking that one would be a measuring jug. it is a jug for measuring. not a cup
I was born and raised in California and have never heard this in my entire fucking life.
0/10 poor LARP.
how would i even aim the piss stream into the small opening without getting it on myself? :/
exactly like that. getting it on yourself. can't you like push the opening around your urethra?
Rule #30 of the internet. Guess u fellas never paid attention...
I don't even know where my urethra is exactly... i mean i have an idea where it is ..but that just wouldn't work out....
This dumb bitch doesn't know where her urethra is. What have you got down there? A car accident? Arby's?
One indicator that might help you is urine comes out of it. You should be able to actually feel this happen and it might happen several times a day. So yeah.. just make sure your brain is activated at some point and try to notice where the piss comes out..
Yeah, I use a funnel and have it drain into a dr pepper bottle.
>A bottle would be trickier. way more likely to get piss on yourself
Disagree. The most important issue is the diameter of the opening. About 2 inches diameter is best. A bottle is somewhat easier to use than a jug, assuming the diameters are the same.
>you can even cup it to your skin
That's always the best. Cup it and press it to get a tight seal.
How is this any better then a toilet?
It's unfortunate that I don't think there's an external catheter for roasties, you could catheter yourself for the most convenience but it's uncomfortable. I guess there are diapers...
I mean in vocaroo threads there is lots of females I guess it doesn't necessarily mean they are a robot tho
Like is stated b4, internet rule #30. Just homo larpers around these parts. Real xy's crave attention and will prove themselves to g3t it. Or they are smart and just lurk moar(following the rules). Proof is extremely far and few between or faked. But sometimes u see a flower in the pile of crap.