Post images that describe how you feel anons and if you're feeling chatty maybe describe why you feel this way too
Post images that describe how you feel anons and if you're feeling chatty maybe describe why you feel this way too
All the shit I have to do just keeps piling up, but all I do is spend 12+ hours a day on my pc, sleep and eat
and Im fucking sick of it
my routine has become so fucking repetitive, I just want to feel something other than boredom and regret
I get that feel alot user, the stress leads to self loathing and that leads to going back onto here. What specifically is building up?
i just want out of this monotonous digital meaningless cycle and just so something meaningful or worthwhile
OP has got to be the biggest fucking faggot I've ever seen. It's actually making me fucking sick. How can you be this gay? how are you so retarded? These questions plague my mind.
assignments, errands, bills, responsibilities, they wont stop
good job user, you are better than us all
every thing you feel is around you
try sitting still for a full hour with out falling alseep
let your self experience silence
Humans are bags of meat for my pleasure, a means to a goal or just for keks. I want to hit one just to feels its flesh and bone fucking CRACK under my fist, i want to throw a sexy bitch onto the ground and pin her neck into the dirt while I fuck her soft tight pussy, the delicious orgasm makes my eyes roll back as I fill her with cum
It's unfortunate but it's the cycle of things user, you just have to find some kind of mechanism to release stress healthily, I believe you can do it user
thanks user, I hope you find a way out of this shitstorm too
for those who dont speak retard
he want's to grab a chick on a train and get 1 dry hump in, nut and run away
Aww, the same problems as literally every adult. Life is sooo hard, right? Responsibilities?!! No fucken way, that's so hard and unique to only you!! Grow a pair of balls you fucking turbofaggot.
Niggers Niggers dancing all around
Niggers Niggers jumping up and down
Niggers Niggers we wuz kang
Niggers Niggers we dindu nuffang
Niggers Niggers i take ur bike
Niggers Niggers aint gonna stab u sike
Niggers Niggers new york hats
Niggers Niggers reparations gibmedats
Niggers Niggers wez fuck ur wife
Niggers Niggers wez take ur life
I've become so used and numb to everything I barely even care about anything at this point, My life is already over and theres no chance for me to ever live a happy life, Ill just idle my life away in my room until I can't, Pretty much just gave up at this point
how i feel rn because im tweaking hard, its 6 am and i have to go to work in 3 hours
I like peanut butter sandwhiches, peanut butter sandwhiches are good. Sometimes I have to take the city bus. I cum on myself when I jack off
This gif is comfy as fuck
well the fact that a lot of people have the same problems doesn't dilute the fact that they are still problems that will take time and effort to be resolved, the issue is that no one has the same amount of tolerance or willpower to overcome them, maybe because of lack of experience, lack of guidance or just lack of self discipline
Personally, I lack the latter, and I do acknowledge that I need to change that or as you put it, grow some balls
I can't stop thinking about the worst things I can imagine
just realized the love of my life don't even care about me
i'm not even sad or mad i'm just incredibly disappointed in myself
Ok so you're literally admitting to being a pussy. I bet your father is proud of you, mr Turbofaggot. I can smell your pussy from here. Take a shower. You're gross. Ew. Just nasty
I don't even smoke but the exhaustion and disdain for the absurd on this dude's face is something I feel deeply.
>This is what trips were used on
right on, I am a massive flappy loose fishy disgusting pussy
Since I got a promotion Ivee been enjoying spending saving and investing money and enjoying my companys benefits but damn it took a long time
i want a real man to fill me with cum
I can't commit to anything not even vidya.Extremely akward.Why i'm like this
Look at your thought patterns and current habits.
Come on and do it ya hoe hoe
>I aint get to roll no weed
>can't even roll no swishes
>can't see my niggas on Christmas
>can't give my mama a hug
>can't even give her no kisses
>can't even post on my instagram
I'm baked and happy with my life and my job
I don't want to go to work
Everything is great and I don't want this all to end
I am feeling so blue after meeting an old crush. Also fuck my mind.
>right on, I am a massive flappy loose fishy disgusting pussy
yeah you are
i appreciate your validation
For wahmens day yesterday I watched captain marvel
Forgot pic origonigger
Angry, angry about communism
I'm finding more about myself and starting to enjoy life in new ways I never imagined. Watching the world go to shit has brought some joy to me and I don't know why.
Post and Disscuss about your mbti types here anons.
I'll start: ENTJ, not much else to say but that.
My fucking wife took everything from me. I'm trying not to murder her.
just want to be left alone really
Same picture as always. I've posted this same pic atleast 5 times in a thread like this.
apathy at it's finest
I need to rewatch superjail.
My health is abysmal, I am in love with morbidity, I have learned to embrace how disgusting my inclinations are and my crippling depression has been replaced with certainty that everything will be alright.
sometimes it's okay to learn to be yourself
I'm just lost
when you go out and just see a tasty at looking girl and you just want a gf to do stuff with but also you just want to stare because they're so pretty and you just feel lost
Gay as fuck.
If you read this you are a faggot.
>Watching the world go to shit has brought some joy to me and I don't know why.
All of it is worthless trash anyways, so who even cares.
I have over $300 million dollars and I am still bored to death.
>Nice house (metal siding, roofing, energy efficient). I thought about brick, but I didn't like it after seeing a few top of the line brick houses in person.
>Nice car (more into highly fuel efficient compared to sports cars).
>Huge home gym in my house.
>600 acres of land.
>Laid out kitchen (I enjoy cooking).
>Professional grade art supplies (I enjoy drawing) and honestly you can use normal stuff, so this was kind of a waste.
>Unreal bathrooms too, which is probably the best thing I ever did, besides the kitchen.
>Giant garage, which is detached from the house and is used for storage of vehicles, a tractor and other stuff.
There is more, but this is probably the biggest waste:
Just this past week I built a custom PC (massive fully adjustable lab grade PC desk, triple monitors, 2x GeForce RTX 2080 Ti's, 128GB ram and much more). Sad thing is this thing is an absolute monster, but after trying out quite a few "high-end" games on maxed settings I realized I am not a "gamer" as people would say and they bore me, so here I am browsing Jow Forums with it instead. Blew about $40,000.00 on the entire setup (the room it is in is kept colder than the rest of my house as well so the system stays running at peak performance at all times, plus has an air filtration system so I never have to clean my PC with an air compressor).
The only thing money does at least for me is make me not worry as bad as I used to about not being able to afford something, but I worry about losing it all constantly even though I have it invested properly and I do not buy anything that I will not use (the PC I use, but I agree not what it is truly for). I didn't always have money and I cannot imagine going back to my life before all of this happened.
listening to post-bop jazz
I'm waiting for the day that things brighten up at last...
Pretty sure we all feel this way... It's why we are here after all
This is mii
Pretty fucking based. Why have I not taken the StopCaringPill yet?
>virgin post bop
>not chad hard bop
fucking zoomers
Joke's on you, I was listening to Sonny's Crib right before that
Keith Jarrett is just great man. The Standards Trio's work is amazing but when Jarrett goes on classical tangents in solo it's absolutely beautiful.