Chad was already there first, even if you get a gf she will always remember her first guy how do you make up for that fact? You will never experience her getting all blushed, giggling nervously, you telling her how to put her legs... that shaking on her whole body when you is inserting slowly his penis, that eye to eye contact... that scream of pain mixed with pleasure and confusion
If you're over 20 you will never pop a girls cherry
I'm 30 and took a same-age girl's v-card, losing my own in the process.
She must have been really hideous
Frumpy social retard librarian girl. But better late for us than never.
did you feel her hymen tearing?
my bf took mine, we're both 18. my hymen broke and everything. he came in less than a minute
>watching a hentai
>the girls hymen gets broken
>blood on the dudes dick
>get grossed out and fast forward
I'd prefer if their hymen was already broken that blood stuff would weird me out
Why are you trying to remind me my life is irreparable at this point in my mid 20s? Every day that does by my chances at actually enjoying my life get slimmer
i wonder if anyone believes in shit like pic related. if her hymen is like bottom left corner how is she supposed to get her period? she pisses blood? what the fuck
>Frumpy social retard librarian girl
unironically sounds perfect
Well I'm never going to have sex so it ain't a thing but a chicken wing.
>implying I can't fuck teenagers
It is actually pretty gross. Im not easily bothered by things like that generally but you can smell it in the air and its blood so its naturally off-putting to the brain. Hard to maintain a boner desu. Virginity is overrated. its always going to be awkward as fuck. Maybe these beautiful romantic first time stories do happen. But it must be rare so i doubt it desu
Holy shit that's nice, did he go raw and did it hurt?
>pisses blood
Jesus christ. No, the blood will stay inside until she eventually goes to the doctor and gets it checked out. Can be dangerous if it builds up long enough
It's a medical condition and she has to get surgery it's a real problem actually
They obv don't bleed like they do in hentai you autist
he did go raw! it was the most painful feeling ive had there. his dick is about 5.5 inches, it hits my cervix and its still painful (but pleasurable) now as well. he still fucks me raw every single day
Yes they do you numbskull
hes an autist but i bled pretty heavily when I lost mine. Had to throw the sheets away and it continued very slightly for a day or two. Thats pretty normal
>Yes they do you numbskull
There might be a little blood at max if you're not careful but it's nothing like in anime
thanks for the laughs fellas
t. pussy bearer
what a fucking obvious larp.
I don't even remember bleeding but I remember a small "pop" when it happened
if the original post was you then I'm not seeing what these laughs are for. Its perfectly reasonable to think a dude on here would make that sort of comment. Or maybe you're implying we're wrong somehow.. idk
that was your tranny pussy trying to back to what it really was
It varies. It can happen even if you are careful.
I don't know how much would be pictured in hentai, but i know its definitely enough to get visibly on the dudes dick.
yeah, you're right. it's just that i thought these things would be taught in biology class in most countries. the hymen doesn't ever block the vagina completely, there's always gonna be a hole there where women discharge from and have their periods. it can be broken (if existent) not only by a dick/fingers/toys but also like, riding a bike, mundane shit like that. after typing all this i think i fell for some bait but whatever
yes I know this. im a woman. I see very little reason for them to teach such a rare condition in classes. I'm not sure what point you are trying to make here.
the dudes were talking about getting checked when having periods??? that's why i tried to say something i was kinda shocked
oh wait, just fucking got it lmao. they were trying to talk abt if bottom left corner was a thing. ok
what? literally nobody said that. I was one of those "dudes" it actually went like this
>how do girls with an imperforate hymen have periods
>two responses saying you would go to a doctor about it and you need surgery
Because thats usually how it is. Girls start to wonder why they haven't had a period
>be tryhard edgelord shithead in 8th grade
>girls liked that for some reason
>many girls said they liked me
>reject them all because "she's a virgin and probably wouldn't want to have sex, nothin personnel"
>was a virgin myself
>missed out on pure teenage love because i wanted to be 2cool4u
yeah! i realized i was wrong on . sorry about that my reading comprehension went to absolute shit for a second and i truly did not believe imperforate hymens existed
I did. I was 24 and she was 20 and virgin. Her two best friends lost their virginities at 19-20 as well. And those three weren't some weirdos or ugly or anything. Not all girls whore it up in high-school, although one of them became a huge slut in her 20s.
>implying that older men don't habitually prey on virgin girls
Naw, that requires some love, which you wont find if you think about Chads. Also, you wont find them in adult years, as everyone is experienced by their mid to late 20s, unless you find virgins with rage of course.
God I hate that guy. Did you watch the one about alpha and beta males were he pretended like chads didn't exist?
you know those pictures are of medical anomalies that need to be corrected, right?
if the hymen doesn't have a big enough opening, periods can't get through and the girl will need surgery
the last picture is post-surgery
I've taken the virginity of a dozen girls or so, that's not including the 2 or 3 dozen girls I've got to give me the first hand or blowjob.
Those sweet memories will be mine for the rest of my and their lives and help me get through each and every day of my deadend, minimum wage existence in rural bumfuck scandinavia. I would've kms long ago otherwise.
t. 35 yo boomer
>I've taken the virginity of a dozen girls or so, that's not including the 2 or 3 dozen girls I've got to give me the first hand or blowjob.
How old were you when you popped their cherries user and did you target virgin girls to fuck or did they just happen to be virgins?
Just be better than her first time duh
First one at 15 while she was 14. Thereafter I didn't really target them I just liked them younger. Eventually the girls, who were my age, in our social group tried to slander me as "teeny fucker" which I shrugged off, knowing I had had them too. Then early internet chats happend meaning it went down more low key. Last one I deflowered I believe I was 25 and she some 16 yo 5'11" tall track star. Went to college later and banged a few 18/19 year olds that threw themselfs at me those were somewhat experienced tho. Got sort of tired afterwards. Girls are anything but the fairer sex they're fucking freaky and scary, honestly told. Don't ever put them on a pedestal.
yeah but adult chad has the same problem, he may have popped one or a few girls' cherries but it's not like there's adult stacies out there who are still virgins.
Damn, did you fuck them a lot after popping their cherries too? One of the main benefits of virgin girls is no risk of STDs so no need for condoms hope you went raw user
>Last one I deflowered I believe I was 25 and she some 16 yo 5'11" tall track star.
Nice, post greentext user
There are college aged women who are virgins. I know because I sometimes pick up college women for a fun time (easy to fuck, no expectations of a serious relationship).
Just hang out where they do, and go right for their number. If you have your own place even as a wagecuck, it's not hard at all to fuck some hot college pussy.
I've also met a couple crazy foreveralones who needed their vag popped, usually social cripples who scare off boyfriends. They wanted it gone and I volunteered. One was actually very attractive. But a total psycho. She said some really disgusting stuff as I was popping her. I think she had a fucked up past or something.
>t. 35 yo boomer
You're a millennial faggot. You're like the first millennial. The proto-millenial.
last year i met a 28 year old female engineer who was a virgin
nerdy and chubby but very fuckable
only one of them. And all of that has been said in the thread already. retard
>last year i met a 28 year old female engineer who was a virgin
>nerdy and chubby but very fuckable
Fake news, I don't believe it. How awkward was she?
What is it with incels and their obsession with a girl's virginity?
I'll just get an advanced sexbot with a decent simulation of human personality.
I tore my first gfs hymen when I lost my viriginity, it was gross and not sexy at all
>What is it with incels and their obsession with a girl's virginity?
Female virginity has been obsessed about in basically every culture forever, the question is rather why do normies pretend not to care about it
They don't know what sex is like so they overvalue it.
They don't grant others pleasures they are too incapable to get themselves.
Their image of a woman is straight from medieval times and for some odd reason they romanticize these times.
I have no clue dude, I guess they're just too autistic for sex and relationships
>Fake news, I don't believe it. How awkward was she?
pretty awkward, she designed hydroelectric control valves or something
After her first time she will never bond as strongly with anyone else. Even if you are only her second it is the same as trying to form a relationship with a prostitute at that point.
God just fucking kill yourself already. I'm so fucking sick of seeing astrology tier examinations of vaginas on this board. Christ.
is not an incel thing men don't want to commit to non-virgins because relationships are transactional. why should men pay full price to have sex with a girl while she gave it for free on a one night stand.
lol the girl whos virginity I took hates my guts. Nice black and white worldview bro, thats gonna get you far
because relationships are about more than sex. If thats all you're looking for in a relationship its PROBABLY not gonna last long
what are relationships about if not sex? what is the difference between best friendship, friends with benefits, and an actual relationship? I seriously do not know.
>traditional views of virginity, marriage and relationships stop being enforced
>divorces skyrocket, everyone seems incredibly unhappy with each other, finding a meaningful relationship is basically impossible
I wonder if there's some sort of correlation?
Yeah she hates you because she'll never feel that way for someone else. In her view you stole it. I am very successful with women but I know and they know it's all just a transaction. An actual relationship built on trust and respect is impossible with non-virgin women.
but women make it transactional and sometimes give it for free to the alpha males. you are asking men to pay full price while others got it at a discount. that is bullshit
I wish I could answer that question. I don't think its possible to distinguish between every kind of human relationship because there are a lot of shapes and sizes. It occurred to me that a relationship is not about sex when me and my so went on a dry spell for several months out of stress but did not loose affection for one another
how many relationships have you been in. imagine placing this much importance on sex kek. Only someone who doesnt have it would put it on such a pedestal. This fucking board sometimes
i did crazy sound like a strong pop "guoop"
>you won't believe who was she
i will never say
which men are these? sure nobody wants a massive slut in the real world (not actually entirely true, there's always someone) but they sure as hell dont go around demanding virgins
So what exactly is the biological purpose of a hymen, other than a way for men to tell whether a woman is a virgin or not?
>biological purpose of a hymen
may offer some sort of protection from bacteria but its pretty much unknown
>see part two
Like think about it, why does it exist only to be broken by having sex? It seems God wants us to be able to tell whether a woman is a virgin or not. There is no scientific reason for it. It's God helping men pick which women to marry.
>you won't believe who was she
Your little sister probably
>which men are these?
any guy that is rational and understands relationship dynamics between the genders. Women will make you pay for their time unless you have the genetics of a Greek God.
haha maybe if god was real. Nice one
>tfw I can only fap to hentai and VNs that have the girls drawing blood through their hymen tearing. Anything else isn't as satisfying and I can't self insert otherwise.
nop not that desperate
>a well known celebrity
Speaking as someone who lives in the real world hardly anyone gives a shit if someone isnt a virgin. its expected.. It is not logical to have such outdated views about something somebody did before they met you which likely has very little bearing on your relationship with them. Feel free to pull out your coping stats for why you cut off majority of the female population tho. Its definitely not because they wouldn't date you regardless.
and again im not talking about a girl who fucks someone new every night. Im talking someone who has had a couple of boyfriends, maybe even a one night stand. Nobody cares
I've been in 0 relationships. I don't see a point in a relationship if the difference between it and friendship is sex. so why don't you tell me what a relationship actually is?
Could greentext some more if requested. Just returned from playing tiger woods 13 with my heroinist boomer neighbour, mobile ringing constantly pissing him off to no end. Guys a genuine cuckold ontop of all other things too. Him being on benzos especially and me explaining women kicks him into fury you wouldnt believe then again I've just had to accept that other mens optics are entirely different than my own it's so tragicomical. Goodnight otherwise, always hated bloggers anyways.
a fucking chad having his fun is not going to care but he is not going to settle with the town bike. if that is what you are trying to say.
Kek. Women think otherwise young fella. The less sex the lower on the hierarchy you are
again why is everything in the extreme for you guys? Im not talking chad, I'm not talking the town bike. You have very warped perception of both. Im talking about the average normie guy, the average normie girl. Not some hyperslut hooker with extreme mental illness. And in all fairness in this case, the sleeping around isnt the reason to not settle with her. Its a by product of deeper issues which are the reason not to settle down. and they don't necessarily have both.
How can you comment on the views of normal people when you clearly arent one
This is funny because im actually an engaged woman. I've had two partners but I guess thats a slut to many here. Pretty warped
answer me I'm seriously curious I have actually no idea about something so basically human and I feel brokien, but nobody will tell me anything.
Yup the Bible is right on this one. After your first partner it becomes adultery (whoredom).
Its not an easy thing to define. Especially without getting corny. But its being with someone and being committed, Companionship and support. someone to build your life with. Nobody wants to be alone. if relationships were just about sex then people would just go to prostitutes and this board wouldn't be half as miserable.
I wouldnt want anything to do with someone who believed any part of the bible desu. Even worse to pick and choose to suit yourself though
I know. Whores know that morality is above them in any form and it's silly to suppose otherwise.
SO is it just exclusivity then? because I don't really see a point on relying on somebody else to build my life with them. I would rather be capable of building a life by myself and letting somebody into it I guess? Companionship and support come from friends, so I don't quite get the difference a relationship brings there.
My emotions don't want to be alone but my brain can't rationalize being with somebody so it kills my emotions.
Is there anything else you can tell me?
Well we have different definitions of whore clearly, but im not the one losing out at the end of the day.
imagine believing anything that is said in this thread
this. also the truly sad thing is when you arent the biggest dick or dont have the best sex, thats when it becomes difficult to form a truly deep connection since she will always remember the better sex from some other dude. The first time is actually a bad experience for most girls. It hurts and they feel shitty both physically and emotionally afterwards. The actual enemy of yours is the first guy she had good sex with.
Also all of you should stop thinking about sex this much, if a girl feels geniue love for you it will be better than anything she had before(if you arent really bad)
Nobody is saying rely on someone. its just nice to have someone by your side for it. Is it just your autism preventing you from understanding it or what? this is something people just inherently know
I've never been diagnosed with autism, I feel like I would have been when I went to therapy for depression if I was going to be.
I just never felt a whole lot of interest in any of the women around me and was never able to learn any of this stuff. While my friends were becoming interested in girls and talking to them and stuff I was playing video games. Whatever female friends I had I only saw as friends. I would describe myself as having had crushes on exactly two people.
it clearly isn't something people just know because I clearly don't know it. Idk maybe I just unlearned everything. I've thought to myself before that I feel like I know less about love now than I did when I was first born.
Ok. something normal people inherently know. Its the real driving desire of being human. Just look at this board to see what being lonely does. You must be really broken to not get it
I feel lonely on occasion and would still definitely call myself broken. thanks for telling me stuff I already know. Guess I'll continue being alone forever.
Im not meaning it as an attack. But you must have realised this before you asked. If you dont get something as normal as this its pretty hard to explain.