Are you a shut in?
Do you suffer from social anxiety that is debilitating or agoraphobia.
Discuss your feels here
/shut in/ + social anxiety general
you are anxious because you are not using your body physically and have too much energy built up leading to too much (useless/negative) inner dialogue (no npc)
no sleeping patterns+shit food+no physical activity=mental illness. prove me wrong. pro tip: u cant
if you cant adhere to basic human needs you gonna be fucked from the start
exposure theraphy and ramp up slowly. sadly most of u are too far gone and wont change unless something drastic hits your life
ama niggers
Agreed. I got really bad social anxiety from drinking too much and living like a slob. Wanking all the time, eating like shit, not sleeping, not socialising, not exercising, sitting in a dimly lit room alone
I was having panic attacks in the shop just trying to buy milk. Getting all hot and sweaty and nearly collapsing on the floor.
Now im exercising daily, eating better, no more porn, reading a chapter of a book a day, doing 'meditating' (just saying positive things and what I plan to do tomorrow), and gradually progressing my life and I can feel my anxiety releasing daily.
Start living like how your body was created to (lots of physical actiovity, socialising, nutrients) and stop being mentally ill.
Your mind was designed to always be active, always be moving, never to have the chance of developing a negative inner monologue. Keep yourself busy, do positive things.
damn dude, that sounds like a lot of work
hasn't big dick pharma come up with a good answer yet?
No because the brain is so complex that taking drugs to alter your brain chemistry doesnt work
Even anti-depressants cause an alteration so low that a better nights sleep would cause your depression to be better. The rest is placebo.
To clarify.. depression and anxiety is caused by very deep rooted things that drugs cant reverse.. or make you forget.. Deep rooted habits such as a negative inner voice that has developed over years
However, natural things like therapy, socialising, exercise, diet, nutrition and such can. I found that by exercising daily and keeping myself busy that my inner voice reduced so much to the point that I felt markedly happier
I agree with most of that but I just don't see how therapy in particular is more helpful than drugs
can you explain the kinds of things a therapist will tell you that isn't just common sense?
>talk to people more often
oh no shit dude? really? I hadn't thought of that
Essentially, people with anxiety and depression usually have a warped sense of reality. Their thought processes and such are unnatural and they cant see that themselves
A therapist can identify these warped beliefs by talking to them, and then informing them of it and how to correct it.
read the book 'lost connections' to get insight into why SSRI's dont work very well
I fixed my sleep, got exercise and fixed my diet and nothing changed
Fuck off
I don't have agoraphobia, exactly. Just totally debilitating PTSD that makes interacting with people exhausting, and some disability shit that means I get sick from sunlight and I'm tired all the time.
So I'm inside, in bed, most all of the time.
assuming that these people aren't already aware that their sense of reality is skewed and unrealistic
in that case, what help would they be?
Looks like you didn't fix your thoughts
that is bullshit unless you have meme issues.
I became agoraphobic and shit because of trauma and it exacerbated pre existing social anxiety.
I am getting fit, excising and shit after fasting down to slimmer like I used to be and it helps but I am still the worst I have been when it comes to suicidal urges and thoughts.
I knew a guy who became literal body builder tier fit and he was fucked as well still.
promoting fitness is great and I urge others to do it also but telling people they will be cured from it or their problems are just because of fitness issues is bullshit for serious mental health issues.
>I fixed my sleep, got exercise and fixed my diet and nothing changed
yeah, it wont for seriously fucked people.
>Looks like you didn't fix your thoughts
nice meme.
Bullshit normie perspective get the fuck out of here with this shit.
I have been a severely anxious person my entire life. Then years of bullying made it worse and it has never gotten better. It is nothing to do with my diet and lifestyle, although I'm sure poor diet and lifestyle probably doesn't help, it does not necessarily have to be the cause.
Before I went to University I took a year off to work on my anxiety and depression. I did therapy, went on medication and improved my diet and lifestyle. Yet I was still so anxious I barely spoke to anyone at all for the year I was at Uni before I dropped out. I just shut myself in my room because I couldn't handle it.
im a uni fag but im a complete shut in. I leave my place like once every 2 weeks for groceries.
even when i had a normie 'making it' phase i was still crippled by social anxiety user. I had friends, good eating/sleep habits and a routine. Eventually i just crumbled and here i am.
Ngl the isolation is comfy. Im in my own judgement-free zone. It would be nice to make friends online but the thought of things like voice chat horrifies me.
It's not a nice meme because that's exactly how I keep my mental issues at bay. I'm not exactly out of depression, but I've learned how to cope with it and your thoughts are a major reason why you feel this way.
any of you hoes wanna vc
im bored and high
this is what I mean, "exposure therapy" is complete nonsense
it never gets better, no matter how much time you force yourself to be around other people
I spent an entire year as guard duty in a main gate, greeting and talking to literally hundreds of people daily
All that "exposure" didn't help a bit
Post link and I will
is this just to torment us? why are you doing this?
i dont do server but you can add me if you want
oh im sorry buddy, im socially anxious too
i just medicate to stay functional
no dishreshpec
> (You)
>that is bullshit unless you have meme issues.
>but I am still the worst I have been when it comes to suicidal urges and thoughts.
just getting fit whilst doing nothing else wont do anything for you unless you have some kind of goals something to look forward to in life.
do you?
>I have been a severely anxious person my entire life.
like I said some ppl are too far gone
>It is nothing to do with my diet and lifestyle, although I'm sure poor diet and lifestyle probably doesn't help
cognitive dissonance
>I did therapy, went on medication
have u ever tried being in situations where you are forced to be social?
>I barely spoke to anyone at all for the year
whats the problem with this, unless you wanted to ofcourse
did u have any goals/clear focus for your future in this period or no
>just getting fit whilst doing nothing else wont do anything for you unless you have some kind of goals something to look forward to in life.
do you?
Well I tried to have goals and make something to look towards, but it never seems to work out. And I mean being realistic what kind of life does a depressed, anxious, ugly friendless loser have to look forward to? It's no life at all.
>have u ever tried being in situations where you are forced to be social?
Of course. When I got to Uni I forced myself to go out and try and be social despite being terribly anxious. First time I did I had a mental breakdown and spent the next 3 days lying in bed completely depressed and despondent. All that work I did to get better and I couldn't even do such a basic thing without having a mental collapse.
>whats the problem with this, unless you wanted to ofcourse
Well I mean it is kind of critical to human health and wellbeing to be social, as well as to succeed in life generally. So there's that. I mean how many completely socially isolated people do you know that are happy and succesful?
>did u have any goals/clear focus for your future in this period or no
No specific goals other than 'making it'. i just wanna be normal with a normal group of friends and a normal lifestyle, which would eventually lead to a girlfriend or at least losing my v card. Once i had this foundation i could then focus on my career/future goals
>tfw ywn get a shut in gf because she's too scared to leave her room or meet
>>tfw ywn get a shut in gf because she's too scared to leave her room or meet
this guy is legit, hes really nice and a good friend and I would suggest adding him. 10/10 bro and a good discord friend.
who are you join our group chat, its fun
also reveal
can a blackbot join? im playing league atm but i can later
tfw am shutin e-gf and its unironically the best thing in my sad little life, but am scared he'll get bored and sick of me being a failure NEET who cant function in this shitty world
quit for us
I managed to start using voice chat when playing vidya, Jow Forums. Despite rarely speaking beyond making callouts and thanking people for helping me in tough situations it feels like an accomplishment. Even had a conversation with one guy about E3. Biggest issue I've run into is going over what you said when you get in bed over and over again.
Yes. Literally the only time I leave the house is for work, appointments, shopping, takeout and walking the dog. Every time I think about doing something social, I remember just how spergtarded I am and that it will have only one of two outcomes
>I spend the whole time standing in a corner doing dick-all
>I'll spill the spaghetti in the most humiliating way
Or both. I'm just too pathetic. It's acceptable when your 13, not 32.