What they call bpd is just normal behavior desu. Everybody who doesn't behave like that is emotionally cold
What they call bpd is just normal behavior desu. Everybody who doesn't behave like that is emotionally cold
It's true, neurotypicals just aren't capable of love. How can any shrink say I have an irrational fear of abandonment when everyone really leaves me?
"People" with bpd don't actually feel real emotions, what they experience is merely a facsimile. To compensate for this, they exaggerate the effect they have, convinced that declaring "I'll love you forever, you're my whole world." will make it true, when the reality is that genuine love doesn't dissappear because your boyfriend took longer to answer the 15th meaningless you've sent today.
>people in quotes
>asserting you know what anyone else is feeling
Typical non borderline showing off their strong sense of empathy.
I just read up on it and it's really just glorified moodiness lmao
just like social anxiety a non issue
This is only the case for girls. BPD boys are truly pathetic.
Not op
It depends from the person. One can be exaggerated that much or less, but I think people who have bpd are actually feel an "powerful", not always exaggerated, version of feelings. Today's society tend to only doing sex etc. and you know It is like that. From my point of view, people don't actually feel that kind of love, I mean, true love. People with bpd tend to approach to it, but obsessing too much. Otherwise idk
>BPD boys are truly pathetic
This is true, I literally took HRT just to make my boyfriend stay with me. He abandoned me like everyone else.
by that logic I have BPD too but I really don't , I guess. BPD is having extremely bad impulse control based on emotions, not having real emotions.
I cry about simple shit, am extremely sensitive and act on feelings ways people dont get, easily hurt, compulsive in my actions like eating, doing dumb shit or similar stuff when Im upset and also feel like people around me dont value emotions like I do but maybe they do behind closed doors, maybe that couple does love eachother like I'd do despite seeming like a sex only relation, but that doesn't make me BPD and if you look down on people for not having your level of compulsion or emotion you just have no empathy or a bloated ego
Borderline cunts need to be executed en masse.
>said cunts will get upset at me saying this despite threatening suicide 3 times in the last week
Unironically hang yourselves.
Pretty much
BPDs are dead inside and try to compensate by acting like parodies of normal humans
Borderlines need to be loved and protected unconditionally
Why did you stop taking HRT? A guy who identifies as male, but undergoes HRT and tries to emulate girls would be cute. Much cuter than a tranny.
Not at all true. They need to be loved and protected with very strict conditions.
Enjoy wasting your time on someone who's going to string you along and cuck you and then blame it on a "borderline episode" and then threaten suicide until you come back.
I stopped taking it because I'm not trans and it was really just something I was doing to please him.
Not everyone with BPD cheats.
I said It, it depends from the person, but yeah, you're right too. I was talking a little too much in general
>the "not everyone in group X does Y" non-argument
They're people and should be avoided. You're either a BPD cunt in disguise or have a saviour complex.
my sister has bpd and she actually is a well adjusted person when not in an "episode". She doesnt fully acknowledge her mental health level and knows its the root of things, yet she is pretty much okay. She doesnt play blame game either that often. She's also not a complete psycho, just a bit wavy and neurotic
I feel like that most here however are pseudo BPDs , who are actually coping sociopaths/psychopaths, would explain the lack of empathy
>She's also not a complete psycho, just a bit wavy and neurotic
Guarantee she's not diagnosed and uses the "Oh i have bullshit personality disorder" to excuse her being a cunt.
The amount of women that pull this shit is obscene.
BPDs are fucking parasites. They do nothing else but mimicking whatever reactions and feelings other people might've shown then while they were growing up developing their fucking mental illness. They get under your skin, know how to play you, pull your strings and then suddenly everything they feel is your fault, every fault they encounter is also your fault because they literally believe they're linked to you as some sort of parasite so whenever bad happens to them, it also has to happen to you, you'd think it's vice versa as well but actually if something bad happens to you, they'll just further make it worse by making indirect claims stating that they're more important than you and you're basically worthless compared to them, any of your living feelings, emotions, achievements, nothing matters unless it personally benefits them in some way; The only ones that apparently matter are them themselves and you can under no circumstance be allowed to take care of yourself or live your own life for even a fraction of second before they have to jump in and shove themselves into whatever you're doing.
I'm BPD, not in disguise since I'm replying to another post where I admitted to having BPD. I just hate that everyone with the disorder gets lumped in with a handful of cunts who probably aren't even diagnosed.
What they call BPD is just a fancy term for lack of basic impulse control.
People with BPD are no better than animals.
Oh I thought you were being ironic but you're an actual subhuman. So why did your BF leave you, did he come to the realisation that you're a human parasite?
>bpd cunts
Something like that, he cheated on me.
I wonder why something like that would happen.
nice, here have some image too
hello i require one bpd femanon gf immediately thank you have a nice day
she refuses being checked despite everyone telling her. She doesnt think of herself as completely sick, most of my family does. She once ran headfirst into a wall because of abandonment, and I'm sure she does worse to herself without admitting it
Because he's a man, he only saw me twice a year, and I wouldn't put out because it's traumatic for me. I was upset at the time but in retrospect I don't really blame him. Now I mostly try to avoid any kind of close relationship because I don't like my mental state being dependent on another person.
You should date women instead. We don't do that sort of thing.
Never been with a woman but after my last relationship I'm honestly considering it. I think that men just aren't capable of empathy and the only reason I am is that there's something wrong with me.
>he only saw me twice a year, and I wouldn't put out
You never really had a relationship to start with.
My mistake, I thought there was more to a relationship than sex.
There is for normal people, but you have BPD.
Exactly this. But isn't normal to want that?
I have never done any of that. And I hate the cunts who do suicide baiting. They take the credibility away from people with real suicidal urges. I have always been serious with it when I talked about suicide.
Yeah bpd is not what makes you a bad person, it just gives you alot of problems and you can learn to deal with them and control yourself to a degree. The people who all these sociopathic things and make others hate us just have a shit character or other issues besides that.
bpd guy here just fucking kill me already
Hit close to home desu
You really demonstrate that empathy when you tell your boyfriend you're gonna kill yourself if he leaves you.
Bpd emotional toddlers go cold and drop people all the time while they are dissociating and cutting themselves or something for weeks on end
Obviously some aren't even sentient and ruined this board with the other cluster b npcs
Well then maybe he shouldn't fucking leave me?
If you truly loved someone, you would understand that you have to let them go. BPDs really are incapable of love.
That is completely contradictory it doesn't make any sense at all. How can you love someone and not want to be around them?
Because you love them more than your own selfish desires.
Then why can't they love me enough to not bail? Am I really that insufferable?
Tfw no gf who threatens to kill herself if I leave her
There are degrees between being in love with someone and finding them insufferable.
Abandoning someone with BPD is probably the worst thing you could do to them, I could forgive almost anything else if they just stuck around. If someone knows this and still does it then it's clear they don't hold me in very high regard.
BPDs terrorize people and cry when they get sick of them & run
I don't terrorize anyone, the worst thing I do is self-harm. I don't fight, I don't argue, I don't cheat, I bend over backwards to make people like me, and I still get abandoned every time because people are just shit and I'm just trash.
I'd rather stay a kissless hugless virgin than have a bpd gf or heck even a bpd friend
not worth the abuse and damage to self esteem,
they are like crocs once they get a grip on you they deathroll
How else do they escape from you?
Thanks for proving my point. If you really cared you wouldn't be so manipulative.
Why would I care about a piece of shit who abandoned me? I hope they rot, I don't understand how anyone can do that to a person.
warn my bpd friend it's a busy day at work with overtime so I cant answer messages.
Look at phone at the end of overtime
76 messages oh boy
why you are you ignoring me user
dont leave meeee reeeeeee
I'll kill myself without you
several selfharm picks
this is your fault user.
next day acts like nothing happened and Im being an asshole for being upset
cant understand how their self harm mentally effected me.
I need to be paid to deal with this shit
>Why would I care about a piece of shit who abandoned me?
Once again, proving you don't have empathy. People only matter to you when they're emotionally supporting you, everyone who doesn't put you ahead of themselves is just a piece of shit. You'll preemptively treat people who care snout you like garbage because you don't actually care about them, you only care about how useful they are to you.
The reason why people is in quotes is because BPD's aren't people. They're subhuman monsters.
People only matter to me until they prove they're awful. I've never treated anyone who cares about me poorly, but if someone abandons me then it's obvious they never cared in the slightest. Even after that I don't treat them poorly, I've never tried to get revenge on anyone who abandoned me because I'm not the kind of person who does that sort of thing.
The feeling is mutual. I've given up on people, I think the only reason I feel love is mental illness and that other people are just incapable of it. No one really cares about anyone but themselves, they'll just tell you that they do to get whatever it is they want out of you and then they'll discard you like trash.
Well that is just how I feel and I would have done it if my mom wouldn't have put me in a mental hospital
This. I have never left anybody. Neither a friend nor a partner. I would never abandone people and I don't know why others do it. It's heartless and inhumane. Why do normies do it?
Maybe the one you had experiences with are. But is that enough reason to treat a whole group of people like that? Who is the real monster here?
Does anyone have "quiet" bpd where the behaviors are rarely expressed? Bit worried I have it tbqh
When 9/10 act in an almost universally subhuman and arguably evil and manipulative manner the whole lot can go fuck themselves.
Just take a look at the amount of mental gymnastics performed by to justify selfish manipulation and that everyone has the problem but them
>I've never treated anyone who cares about me poorly,
Weaponizing your bofriend's care for you to manipulate him into staying with someone who explodes at the slightest provocation definitely qualifies as treating him poorly.
Pro tip: those kind of threats can only ever hurt people who care about you, because someone who doesn't care wouldn't be hurt by it. But that doesn't matter to an emotional vampire like you, does it?
I don't explode at people, I don't think I've even raised my voice once since I was a young kid.
I've only ever threatened suicide after I'm being broken up with and it's not done in the form of an ultimatum, it's because I'm extremely distressed and actually want to kill myself in that moment. My ex wasn't phased by it at all because he didn't care for me in the slightest, I was disposable to him.
>My ex wasn't phased by it at all because he didn't care for me in the slightest, I was disposable to him.
And if he had cared, would it have been fair of you to threaten him like that?
It's a ploy that only serves to take advantage of and punish good people.
If he cared he wouldn't have left in the first place so it's irrelevant. It's not a ploy, I actually wanted to kill myself and still want to, I need to get the money for a gun because I don't want to inconvenience anyone or risk being a vegetable.
I'm not even going to try, you people (quote unquote) can't be reasoned with. Go ahead, make everyone who cares about you suffer. It's par for the course.
No one cares about me, I don't have friends, I don't have a boyfriend, and I plan on keeping it that way. I'm actually pretty stoic when I'm on my own.
>No one cares about me
I really hope so, if you plan on killing yourself.
I'll probably email my ex's and tell all of them that I did it because they left me. I know neurotypicals aren't really capable of guilt or remorse but hopefully they'll feel just a tiny bit bad about it.
So you're going to intentionally take an action that will only inflict pain upon the people who care about you? That sounds exactly like what a good morally upstanding person would do.
>neurotypicals aren't really capable of guilt or remorse
lmae has a BPD "person" like you ever felt guilt or remorse for all the pain you inflict on others. It doesn't sound like you even acknowledge it.
So abandoning someone is completely okay, but making someone feel a little guilty for doing something horrible they did is wrong. Makes perfect sense.
What are you talking about?
ouch, OP destroyed only two posts in
Abandoning a psycho with BPD is completely okay, but using your suicide as a tool to make people who likely still somewhat care about you feel terrible is wrong.
I actually had it typed out and pressed post when I would have been first, but it said the specified thread no longer exists. Feels bad man.
typical bpd shifting blame away from their shitty behaviour, which causes people to leave
your illness while apart of you doesnt justify abuse, telling your victim that your commit suicide or self harm (even showing them you did) isnt just some little guilt (nice lack of empathy) it can be a huge mental fuck
then again bpd arent aware that they are have abusive tendances so they think they are innocent prince/princesses that didnt do nuffin and everyone leaves for no reason aboooo hooooo
the eternal victim and everyday is all about them
>It's a ploy that only serves to take advantage of and punish good people.
or bad people. just because you have a partner with emotional issues does not mean you're a good person. Borderlines tend to attract abusive partners, overly controlling codependents, and other cluster-Bs.
my boyfriend beat the shit out of me and people who didn't even know him or why he did it bent over backwards to justify it because of my diagnosis. amusingly, when my psychiatrist changed my dx to Complex PTSD, people were a lot more scandalized by him battering me and stopped telling me to look at my own behavior (before having heard a single example of my alleged manipulation, "threats," whatever).
borderlines are feminine sociopaths who deliver just as much misery to those around them. they always struggle with impostor syndrome and feeling that their emotions and personality is a construction to appease those around them. to suggest borderlines can feel love is like saying a brick can swim, it doesent matter how much they want it, theyll destroy it at the first hint of doubt.
love is not a temporary emotion so fragile and fleeting that you can simply discard those who you felt it for as evil in an instant. The truth is borderlines dont have a personality, or a true identity beyond their desire for love, as they change like a chameleon to their environment so genuinely that they themselves believe they are what they pretend to be.
The fact borderlines continually make these threads suggests they need to continually manipulate the narrative and suppress the horror stories around them.
That said, in a temporary sense if you can ignore that they have constructed themselves to be your ideal partner, and you can keep up with their ever changing demands and criteria for what defines your love to them (which is designed so that you eventually fail), you can experience something that normal women cant offer. Thats the hook, to keep you trying to pass their tests.
Ive yet to see one that didnt, and didnt try to excuse it or not count it as cheating, or lie and try to cover it up. Try to walk away from the 'borderline identity' if you have any redeemable qualities that differ from the norm instead of defending it. Its a sunk ship.
I've only had sex with 2 people and those were people I had a long term relationship with. I've never done anything that could remotely be considered intimate with anyone else.
No, borderlines are borderlines and males can have BPD too. Sociopaths are a different thing entirely.
This is what I hate the most. Even if you have a partner who is actually an abusive piece of shit, people will write you off as just another BPD spinning lies about an ex.
>Try to walk away from the 'borderline identity' if you have any redeemable qualities that differ from the norm instead of defending it. Its a sunk ship.
It's simply ridiculous to fit the criteria for a syndrome and consciously refuse to have it because there's a social stigma attached that's not part of the definition. I'm not gonna be part of altering the BPD cohort because some people need to demonize a whole group.
"Uh, well, did you threaten him with suicide? Does this have something to do with you enjoying victimhood? Did you...break something of his? Cheat on him? Provoke this in some way? Well, you have to admit, it IS difficult having a borderline partner..."
He actually beat me all the time because I was mysteriously bedridden and cried a lot and he thought I was just humoring myself. I was too tired to get the groceries so he dragged me out of a closet by the hair and stomped me into the ground so hard it permanently damaged my spine. Turns out I have lupus and I was probably just ill.
And for self-injury? He'd see I had cut myself and either choke me or punch me in the face.
Where is my bpd gf? Thank you for your time.
You really know how to choose em, girl
don't forget that bpd people make shit up about their exes so they seem evil, they all somehow coincidentally have a string of unrealistically abusive exes
>ywn know if you're still his gf